app/helpers/blacklight/url_helper_behavior.rb in blacklight-5.4.0.rc1 vs app/helpers/blacklight/url_helper_behavior.rb in blacklight-5.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -264,10 +264,10 @@
# A URL to refworks export, with an embedded callback URL to this app.
# the callback URL is to bookmarks#export, which delivers a list of
# user's bookmarks in 'refworks marc txt' format -- we tell refworks
# to expect that format.
def bookmarks_export_url(format, params = {})
- bookmarks_url(params.merge(format: :format, encrypted_user_id: encrypt_user_id( ))
+ bookmarks_url(params.merge(format: format, encrypted_user_id: encrypt_user_id( ))
# This method should move to BlacklightMarc in Blacklight 6.x
def refworks_export_url params = {}
if params.is_a? ::SolrDocument or (params.nil? and instance_variable_defined? :@document)