README.rdoc in blacklight-3.0pre1 vs README.rdoc in blacklight-3.0pre2
- old
+ new
@@ -23,11 +23,22 @@
$ rails generate blacklight --devise
Run your database migrations
$ rake db:migrate
+You will need a Solr setup, referred to in your config/solr.yml. You can install
+an example jetty container with Solr, that has Solr configured to work with
+Blacklight's defaults, like:
+ $ rails generate blacklight:jetty
+You can also install your own Solr or use an existing install. But Blacklight
+configuration needs to match your Solr setup, and there are certain things
+in a Solr setup that Blacklight requires. To generate some Solr config files
+that match what default Blacklight expects:
+ $ rails generate blacklight:solr_conf path/to/output/directory/
Start up your application
$ rails server
Visit the catalog at: http://localhost/catalog
@@ -46,12 +57,20 @@
If you have a user model already, the Blacklight generator will connect to it automatically during installation. However, you will need to make sure the following named routes are included in your /config/routes.rb file:
match 'new_user_session', :to => 'Your User Session Controller # Log in action'
match 'destroy_user_session', :to => 'Your User Session Controller # Log Out action'
-And you will need to make sure the following helper methods are available:
+One blacklight view uses #to_s on your user model to get a user-displayable
+account name/identifier for the currently logged in account, you probably
+want to have such a method.
+(TODO: Instructions on how to tell BL the name of your user model if it's
+not User?)
+And you will need to make sure the following methods are available both
+on controllers and as helpers:
current_user - Which should return a user object that include Blacklight::User
user_session - Which should return a user session
Once these are in place, you can run the Blacklight Installation Generator:
@@ -65,102 +84,90 @@
$ rails server
Visit the catalog at: http://localhost/catalog
-== Setting up a development environment
+== Using Blacklight source checkout as gem for development
-Checkout the code:
+The ordinary install instructions install the BL gem (which is not
+full source code) in wherever your system installs gems.
- $ git clone blacklight
- $ cd blacklight
+Sometimes, especially for development, it's useful to check out
+a complete copy of the blacklight source code, and link your app
+to that as a 'gem' instead.
-(While the rails3 branch is still a seperate branch called 'rails3':)
- $ git checkout -t origin/rails3
+Checkout the code:
-Now create a test bed application inside of Blacklight that will allow you
-to include Blacklight as a gem.
-The test_app directory already exists, and contains a .gitignore file that
-will mean all of the generated code is ingored. - There are a few directories
-already in palce in test_app that WILL be included in the git repository. These
-* test_app/features - which contains cucumber tests for blacklight
-* test_app/spec - rspec tests
-* test_app/jetty - The blacklight Jetty module (discussed later)
-* test_app/data - Another remote module.
+ $ git clone
-To create the rails application:
- $ rails new test_app --skip-test-unit --skip-git
-Or if you are using Jruby:
- $ jruby -S rails new test_app -m --skip-test-unit --skip-git
-Add gem 'blacklight' to the test applications Gemfile:
- gem 'blacklight', :path => '../'
-Run bundle install in the test app
- $ bundle install
-Install and configure blacklight (with devise setting)
- $ rails generate blacklight --devise
-Remove index.html - which will allow the routes to take you directly to the catalog page.
- $ rm public/index.html (allow us to redirect to catalog)
-Migrate your database
- $ rake db:migrate
-Get Solr running somewhere. If you don't have Solr installed, blacklight comes with a default setup.
+(While the rails3 branch is still a seperate branch called 'rails3',
+if you'd like to checkout the rails3 branch, or any other particular
+branch/tag using ordinary git commands:
$ cd blacklight
- $ git submodule init
- $ git submodule update
- $ cd test_app
- $ rake solr:marc:index_test_data RAILS_ENV=test
- $ cd jetty
- $ java -jar start.jar
-Start up your Server, and take a test run. (from blacklight/test_app)
- $ rails server
+ $ git checkout -t origin/rails3
-Now go check it out, should be running.
+Now, in your local app's Gemfile, simply specify that it should find
+the Blacklight gem at this source checkout location:
-== Running the tests
+ gem 'blacklight', :path=>"./relative/path/to/blacklight_checkout"
+You can have the blacklight source checkout anywhere you want, referred
+to by absolute or relative path. You can have it inside your local app's
+directory if you want, or you can have it outside using a relative path
+beginning with "../". If you have it inside your app's root, you can
+even use 'git submodule' techniques to link your app to a particular
+git commit, like some of us did in Rails2 Blacklight. (But you probably
+don't want it in your local apps ./vendor/plugins, that'll likely
+confuse Rails, since it's already being referred to in your Gemfile).
-You will need to add some gems to your test_app's Gemfile
+== Running Blacklight's own tests
- group :development, :test do
- gem "rspec"
- gem "rspec-rails", "~>2.5.0"
- gem "cucumber-rails"
- gem "database_cleaner"
- gem "capybara"
- gem "webrat"
- gem "aruba"
- end
+Any application that refers to a Blacklight gem using a source checkout
+(see above) can run the automated tests (cucumber and rspec) that
+come with Blacklight source.
-Run bundle install
- $ bundle install
+Of course, if you've customized the app quite a bit, the tests may not
+pass, as they test expected default behavior in some cases. So ordinarily
+tests are run against a pretty basic stub app. The tests also
+test authentication features, so expect the app to have auth features
+installed, for instance with a Devise install.
-Install cucumber
+To run the tests:
- $ rails generate cucumber:install
+* Create a stub app with BL with devise, following the ordinary instructions for
+ installing blacklight, but linking to a source checkout of Blacklight
+ following the instructions above in "Using Blacklight source checkout
+ as gem for development"
+* You also need to include some gems in your test app's Gemfile needed for
+ running our tests:
+ group :development, :test do
+ gem "rspec"
+ gem "rspec-rails", "~>2.5.0"
+ gem "cucumber-rails"
+ gem "database_cleaner"
+ gem "capybara"
+ gem "webrat"
+ gem "aruba"
+ end
+* run `bundle install` in the test app, and don't forget `rake db:migrate`
+* complete the install of cucumber: 'rails g cucumber:install'
+* remove /public/index.html (blacklight tests expect / to map to catalog)
+* You need to install a jetty/solr with test data for testing. You can do that
+ like this (from your stub app home directory):
+ rails generate blacklight:jetty test_jetty -e test
+ rake solr:marc:index_test_data RAILS_ENV=test
+* Now use some rake tasks that come with Blacklight to actually run the tests.
+ Run these from your stub app:
+ * rake blacklight:cucumber:with_solr -- run tests in BL, start and stop the test jetty/solr around tests
+ * rake blacklight:cucumber -- run tests in BL, no jetty/solr. (Tests will fail unless you start it yourself)
+ * rake blacklight:spec:with_solr
+ * rake blacklight:spec
+ * the standard rails tasks for cucumber/rspec are all included with
+ blacklight: prefix, and should work as expected, but using
+ specs/features defined in BL plugin instead of in your local
+ app. (Not every variant has a :with_solr yet).
-If you haven't yet done this to load the bundled jetty/solr environment and test data in your blacklight checkout, from the blacklight checkout dir:
- git submodule init
- git submodule update
-Load in the test data
- $ rake solr:marc:index_test_data RAILS_ENV=test
-Run the tests
- $ rake solr:spec
- $ rake solr:features
Whichever method you choose for installation, be sure you have all the pre-requisites in place. You can find these detailed in {PRE-REQUISITES}[]
==Running solr