app/controllers/spotlight/searches_controller.rb in blacklight-spotlight-0.4.1 vs app/controllers/spotlight/searches_controller.rb in blacklight-spotlight-0.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,105 +1,114 @@
-class Spotlight::SearchesController < Spotlight::ApplicationController
- load_resource :exhibit, class: "Spotlight::Exhibit"
- before_filter :authenticate_user!
- before_filter :only_curators!
- load_and_authorize_resource through: :exhibit
- before_filter :attach_breadcrumbs, only: [:index, :edit], unless: -> { request.format.json? }
+module Spotlight
+ ##
+ # CRUD actions for curating browse categories (see
+ # {Spotlight::BrowseController} for the end-user read and index actions)
+ class SearchesController < Spotlight::ApplicationController
+ load_resource :exhibit, class: 'Spotlight::Exhibit'
+ before_action :authenticate_user!
+ before_action :only_curators!
+ load_and_authorize_resource through: :exhibit
+ before_action :attach_breadcrumbs, only: [:index, :edit], unless: -> { request.format.json? }
- include Spotlight::Base
+ include Spotlight::Base
- def create
- params_copy = params.dup
- params_copy.delete(:exhibit_id)
- @search.title = params_copy.delete(:search)[:title]
- @search.query_params = params_copy.reject { |k,v| blacklisted_search_session_params.include?(k.to_sym) or v.blank? }
+ # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
+ def create
+ @search.attributes = search_params
+ @search.query_params = params.except(:exhibit_id, :search, *blacklisted_search_session_params).reject { |_k, v| v.blank? }
- redirect_to :back, notice: t(:'', model: @search.class.model_name.human.downcase)
- end
+ if
+ redirect_to :back, notice: t(:'', model: @search.class.model_name.human.downcase)
+ else
+ redirect_to :back, alert: @search.errors.full_messages.join('<br>'.html_safe)
+ end
+ end
+ # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize
- def index
- respond_to do |format|
- format.html
- format.json { render json: @searches.published.as_json(methods: [:count, :thumbnail_image_url]), root: false }
+ def index
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html
+ format.json { render json: @searches.published.as_json(methods: [:count, :thumbnail_image_url]), root: false }
+ end
- end
- def autocomplete
- (_, document_list) = get_search_results(autocomplete_params, blacklight_config.default_autocomplete_solr_params)
+ def autocomplete
+ search_params = autocomplete_params.merge(search_field: Spotlight::Engine.config.autocomplete_search_field)
+ (_, document_list) = search_results(search_params, search_params_logic)
- respond_to do |format|
- format.json do
- render json: { docs: autocomplete_json_response(document_list) }
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.json do
+ render json: { docs: autocomplete_json_response(document_list) }
+ end
- end
- def edit
- add_breadcrumb @search.title, edit_exhibit_search_path(@search.exhibit, @search)
- @exhibit = @search.exhibit
- end
+ def edit
+ add_breadcrumb @search.title, edit_exhibit_search_path(@search.exhibit, @search)
+ @exhibit = @search.exhibit
+ end
- def update
- if @search.update search_params
- redirect_to exhibit_searches_path(@search.exhibit), notice: t(:'', model: @search.class.model_name.human.downcase)
- else
- render action: 'edit'
+ def update
+ if @search.update search_params
+ redirect_to exhibit_searches_path(@search.exhibit), notice: t(:'', model: @search.class.model_name.human.downcase)
+ else
+ render action: 'edit'
+ end
- end
- def destroy
- @search.destroy
- redirect_to exhibit_searches_path(@search.exhibit), alert: t(:'', model: @search.class.model_name.human.downcase)
- end
+ def destroy
+ @search.destroy
+ redirect_to exhibit_searches_path(@search.exhibit), alert: t(:'', model: @search.class.model_name.human.downcase)
+ end
- def update_all
- notice = if @exhibit.update batch_search_params
- t(:'', model: Spotlight::Search.model_name.human.pluralize)
- else
- t(:'', model: Spotlight::Search.model_name.human.pluralize.downcase)
+ def update_all
+ notice = if @exhibit.update batch_search_params
+ t(:'', model: Spotlight::Search.model_name.human.pluralize)
+ else
+ t(:'', model: Spotlight::Search.model_name.human.pluralize.downcase)
+ end
+ redirect_to :back, notice: notice
- redirect_to :back, notice: notice
- end
- def show
- redirect_to exhibit_browse_url(@search.exhibit, @search)
- end
+ def show
+ redirect_to exhibit_browse_url(@search.exhibit, @search)
+ end
- protected
+ protected
- def autocomplete_params
- ##
- # Ideally, we would be able to search within results for all queries, but in practice
- # searching within saved searches with a `q` parameter is.. hard.
+ def autocomplete_params
+ ##
+ # Ideally, we would be able to search within results for all queries, but in practice
+ # searching within saved searches with a `q` parameter is.. hard.
- query_params = @search.query_params.with_indifferent_access
- query_params.merge(q: params[:q])
- end
+ query_params = @search.query_params.with_indifferent_access
+ query_params.merge(q: params[:q])
+ end
- def attach_breadcrumbs
- e = @exhibit || (@search.exhibit if @search)
- add_breadcrumb t(:'spotlight.exhibits.breadcrumb', title: e.title), e
- add_breadcrumb t(:'spotlight.curation.sidebar.header'), exhibit_dashboard_path(e)
- add_breadcrumb t(:'spotlight.curation.sidebar.browse'), exhibit_searches_path(e)
- end
+ def attach_breadcrumbs
+ e = @exhibit || (@search.exhibit if @search)
+ add_breadcrumb t(:'spotlight.exhibits.breadcrumb', title: e.title), e
+ add_breadcrumb t(:'spotlight.curation.sidebar.header'), exhibit_dashboard_path(e)
+ add_breadcrumb t(:'spotlight.curation.sidebar.browse'), exhibit_searches_path(e)
+ end
- def batch_search_params
- params.require(:exhibit).permit("searches_attributes" => [:id, :on_landing_page, :weight])
- end
+ def batch_search_params
+ params.require(:exhibit).permit('searches_attributes' => [:id, :published, :weight])
+ end
- def search_params
- params.require(:search).permit(:title, :long_description, masthead_attributes: featured_image_attributes, thumbnail_attributes: featured_image_attributes)
- end
- def featured_image_attributes
- [:display, :source, :image, :remote_image_url, :document_global_id, :image_crop_x, :image_crop_y, :image_crop_w, :image_crop_h]
- end
+ def search_params
+ params.require(:search).permit(:title, :long_description, masthead_attributes: featured_image_attributes, thumbnail_attributes: featured_image_attributes)
+ end
- def only_curators!
- authorize! :curate, @exhibit if @exhibit
- end
+ def featured_image_attributes
+ [:display, :source, :image, :remote_image_url, :document_global_id, :image_crop_x, :image_crop_y, :image_crop_w, :image_crop_h]
+ end
- def blacklisted_search_session_params
- [:commit, :counter, :total, :search_id, :page, :per_page, :authenticity_token, :utf8, :action, :controller]
+ def only_curators!
+ authorize! :curate, @exhibit if @exhibit
+ end
+ def blacklisted_search_session_params
+ [:commit, :counter, :total, :search_id, :page, :per_page, :authenticity_token, :utf8, :action, :controller]
+ end