spec/bitcoin/wallet/wallet_spec.rb in bitcoin-ruby-0.0.5 vs spec/bitcoin/wallet/wallet_spec.rb in bitcoin-ruby-0.0.6
- old
+ new
@@ -44,18 +44,16 @@
before do
Bitcoin.network = :bitcoin
@storage = Mock.new
@key = Key.from_base58('5J2hn1E8KEXmQn5gqykzKotyCcHbKrVbe8fjegsfVXRdv6wwon8')
@addr = '1M89ZeWtmZmATzE3b6PHTBi8c7tGsg5xpo'
- @key2 = Key.from_base58('5KK9Lw8gtNd4kcaXQJmkwcmNy8Y5rLGm49RqhcYAb7qRhWxaWMJ')
- @addr2 = '134A4Bi8jN5V2KjkwmXUHjokDqdyqZ778J'
- @key3 = Key.from_base58('5JFcJByQvwYnWjQ2RHTTu6LLGiBj9oPQYsHqKWuKLDVAvv4cQ7E')
- @addr3 = '1EnrPVaRiRgrs1D7pujYZNN1N6iD9unZV6'
+ #@key2 = Key.from_base58('5KK9Lw8gtNd4kcaXQJmkwcmNy8Y5rLGm49RqhcYAb7qRhWxaWMJ')
+ #@addr2 = '134A4Bi8jN5V2KjkwmXUHjokDqdyqZ778J'
+ #@key3 = Key.from_base58('5JFcJByQvwYnWjQ2RHTTu6LLGiBj9oPQYsHqKWuKLDVAvv4cQ7E')
+ #@addr3 = '1EnrPVaRiRgrs1D7pujYZNN1N6iD9unZV6'
@storage.expect(:add_watched_address, [], [@addr])
- @storage.expect(:add_watched_address, [], [@addr2])
- @storage.expect(:add_watched_address, [], [@addr3])
keystore_data = [{:addr => @key.addr, :priv => @key.priv, :pub => @key.pub}]
file_stub = StringIO.new
file_stub.write(keystore_data.to_json); file_stub.rewind
@keystore = SimpleKeyStore.new(file: file_stub)
@@ -98,113 +96,113 @@
list.size.should == 2
list[0][:addr].should == @addr
list[1].should == 5000
- # it "should create new addr" do
- # @wallet.addrs.size.should == 1
+ it "should create new addr" do
+ @wallet.addrs.size.should == 1
- # key = Key.generate
- # a = @wallet.get_new_addr
- # @wallet.addrs.size.should == 2
- # @wallet.addrs[1].should == a
- # end
+ @storage.expect(:add_watched_address, [], [String])
+ a = @wallet.get_new_addr
+ @wallet.addrs.size.should == 2
+ @wallet.addrs[1].should == a
+ end
- describe "Bitcoin::Wallet::Wallet#tx" do
+ # describe "Bitcoin::Wallet::Wallet#tx" do
- before do
- txout = txout_mock(5000, nil)
- tx = Mock.new
- 2.times { tx.expect(:binary_hash, "foo") }
- 8.times { tx.expect(:out, [txout]) }
- 3.times { tx.expect(:get_block, true) }
- 5.times { txout.expect(:get_tx, tx) }
- 6.times { txout.expect(:get_address, @addr) }
- 8.times { txout.expect(:pk_script, Script.to_address_script(@addr)) }
- 2.times { @storage.expect(:get_txouts_for_address, [txout], [@addr]) }
- 2.times { @storage.expect(:class, Bitcoin::Storage::Backends::SequelStore, []) }
- selector = Bitcoin::Wallet::SimpleCoinSelector.new([txout])
- 2.times { @selector.expect(:new, selector, [[txout]]) }
- @tx = @wallet.new_tx([[:address, '1M2JjkX7KAgwMyyF5xc2sPSfE7mL1jqkE7', 1000]])
- end
+ # before do
+ # txout = txout_mock(5000, nil)
+ # tx = Mock.new
+ # 2.times { tx.expect(:binary_hash, "foo") }
+ # 8.times { tx.expect(:out, [txout]) }
+ # 3.times { tx.expect(:get_block, true) }
+ # 5.times { txout.expect(:get_tx, tx) }
+ # 6.times { txout.expect(:get_address, @addr) }
+ # 8.times { txout.expect(:pk_script, Script.to_address_script(@addr)) }
+ # 2.times { @storage.expect(:get_txouts_for_address, [txout], [@addr]) }
+ # 2.times { @storage.expect(:class, Bitcoin::Storage::Backends::SequelStore, []) }
+ # selector = Bitcoin::Wallet::SimpleCoinSelector.new([txout])
+ # 2.times { @selector.expect(:new, selector, [[txout]]) }
+ # @tx = @wallet.new_tx([[:address, '1M2JjkX7KAgwMyyF5xc2sPSfE7mL1jqkE7', 1000]])
+ # end
- it "should have hash" do
- @tx.hash.size.should == 64
- end
+ # it "should have hash" do
+ # @tx.hash.size.should == 64
+ # end
- it "should have correct inputs" do
- @tx.in.size.should == 1
- @tx.in.first.prev_out.should == ("foo" + "\x00"*29)
- @tx.in.first.prev_out_index.should == 0
- end
+ # it "should have correct inputs" do
+ # @tx.in.size.should == 1
+ # @tx.in.first.prev_out.should == ("foo" + "\x00"*29)
+ # @tx.in.first.prev_out_index.should == 0
+ # end
- it "should have correct outputs" do
- @tx.out.size.should == 2
- @tx.out.first.value.should == 1000
- s = Script.new(@tx.out.first.pk_script)
- s.get_address.should == '1M2JjkX7KAgwMyyF5xc2sPSfE7mL1jqkE7'
- end
+ # it "should have correct outputs" do
+ # @tx.out.size.should == 2
+ # @tx.out.first.value.should == 1000
+ # s = Script.new(@tx.out.first.pk_script)
+ # s.get_address.should == '1M2JjkX7KAgwMyyF5xc2sPSfE7mL1jqkE7'
+ # end
- it "should have change output" do
- @tx.out.last.value.should == 4000
- s = Script.new(@tx.out.last.pk_script)
- s.get_address.should == @addr
- end
+ # it "should have change output" do
+ # @tx.out.last.value.should == 4000
+ # s = Script.new(@tx.out.last.pk_script)
+ # s.get_address.should == @addr
+ # end
- it "should leave tx fee" do
- @tx = @wallet.new_tx([[:address, '1M2JjkX7KAgwMyyF5xc2sPSfE7mL1jqkE7', 1000]], 50)
- @tx.out.last.value.should == 3950
- end
+ # it "should leave tx fee" do
+ # @tx = @wallet.new_tx([[:address, '1M2JjkX7KAgwMyyF5xc2sPSfE7mL1jqkE7', 1000]], 50)
+ # @tx.out.last.value.should == 3950
+ # end
- it "should send change to specified address" do
- @tx = @wallet.new_tx([[:address, '1M2JjkX7KAgwMyyF5xc2sPSfE7mL1jqkE7', 1000]], 50,
- '1EAntvSjkNeaJJTBQeQcN1ieU2mYf4wU9p')
- Script.new(@tx.out.last.pk_script).get_address.should ==
- '1EAntvSjkNeaJJTBQeQcN1ieU2mYf4wU9p'
- end
+ # it "should send change to specified address" do
+ # @tx = @wallet.new_tx([[:address, '1M2JjkX7KAgwMyyF5xc2sPSfE7mL1jqkE7', 1000]], 50,
+ # '1EAntvSjkNeaJJTBQeQcN1ieU2mYf4wU9p')
+ # Script.new(@tx.out.last.pk_script).get_address.should ==
+ # '1EAntvSjkNeaJJTBQeQcN1ieU2mYf4wU9p'
+ # end
- it "should send change to new address" do
- @tx = @wallet.new_tx([[:address, '1M2JjkX7KAgwMyyF5xc2sPSfE7mL1jqkE7', 1000]], 50, :new)
- @wallet.addrs.size.should == 2
- Script.new(@tx.out.last.pk_script).get_address.should == @wallet.addrs.last
- end
+ # it "should send change to new address" do
+ # @tx = @wallet.new_tx([[:address, '1M2JjkX7KAgwMyyF5xc2sPSfE7mL1jqkE7', 1000]], 50, :new)
+ # @wallet.addrs.size.should == 2
+ # Script.new(@tx.out.last.pk_script).get_address.should == @wallet.addrs.last
+ # end
- it "should raise exception if insufficient balance" do
- -> {@tx = @wallet.new_tx([[:address, '1M2JjkX7KAgwMyyF5xc2sPSfE7mL1jqkE7', 7000]])}
- .should.raise(RuntimeError).message.should == "Insufficient funds."
- end
+ # it "should raise exception if insufficient balance" do
+ # -> {@tx = @wallet.new_tx([[:address, '1M2JjkX7KAgwMyyF5xc2sPSfE7mL1jqkE7', 7000]])}
+ # .should.raise(RuntimeError).message.should == "Insufficient funds."
+ # end
- it "should create unsigned tx" do
- Bitcoin.network = :spec
- @key = Bitcoin::Key.generate
- @key2 = Bitcoin::Key.generate
- @store = Storage.sequel(db: "sqlite:/")
- @store.log.level = :debug
+ # it "should create unsigned tx" do
+ # Bitcoin.network = :spec
+ # @key = Bitcoin::Key.generate
+ # @key2 = Bitcoin::Key.generate
+ # @store = Storage.sequel(db: "sqlite:/")
+ # @store.log.level = :debug
- @keystore = SimpleKeyStore.new(file: StringIO.new("[]"))
- @wallet = Wallet.new(@store, @keystore, SimpleCoinSelector)
+ # @keystore = SimpleKeyStore.new(file: StringIO.new("[]"))
+ # @wallet = Wallet.new(@store, @keystore, SimpleCoinSelector)
- @wallet.keystore.add_key(addr: @key.addr)
+ # @wallet.keystore.add_key(addr: @key.addr)
- @genesis = Bitcoin::P::Block.new("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".htb)
+ # @genesis = Bitcoin::P::Block.new("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".htb)
- @store.new_block @genesis
- create_block(@genesis.hash, true, [], @key, 50e8)
+ # @store.new_block @genesis
+ # create_block(@genesis.hash, true, [], @key, 50e8)
- list = @wallet.list
- list.size.should == 1
- list[0][0].should == {addr: @key.addr}
- list[0][1].should == 50e8
+ # list = @wallet.list
+ # list.size.should == 1
+ # list[0][0].should == {addr: @key.addr}
+ # list[0][1].should == 50e8
- tx = @wallet.new_tx([[:address, @key2.addr, 10e8]])
- tx.in[0].sig_hash.should != nil
- end
+ # tx = @wallet.new_tx([[:address, @key2.addr, 10e8]])
+ # tx.in[0].sig_hash.should != nil
+ # end
- end
+ # end
- # TODO
+ # # TODO
# describe "Bitcoin::Wallet::Wallet#tx (multisig)" do
# before do
# txout = txout_mock(5000, nil)