test/unit/bio/io/test_flatfile.rb in bio-1.2.1 vs test/unit/bio/io/test_flatfile.rb in bio-1.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
# $Id: test_flatfile.rb,v 1.2 2007/04/05 23:35:43 trevor Exp $
require 'pathname'
-libpath = Pathname.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ['..'] * 5, 'lib')).cleanpath.to_s
+libpath = Pathname.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ['..'] * 4, 'lib')).cleanpath.to_s
$:.unshift(libpath) unless $:.include?(libpath)
require 'test/unit'
require 'bio'
require 'stringio'
@@ -21,162 +21,413 @@
module TestFlatFile
bioruby_root = Pathname.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ['..'] * 4)).cleanpath.to_s
TestDataPath = Pathname.new(File.join(bioruby_root, 'test', 'data')).cleanpath.to_s
- TestDataFastaFormat01 = File.join(TestDataPath, 'fasta', 'example1.txt')
+ TestData01 = File.join(TestDataPath, 'fasta', 'example1.txt')
- class TestBufferedInputStreamClassMethod < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def test_self_for_io
- io = File.open(TestDataFastaFormat01)
- obj = Bio::FlatFile::BufferedInputStream.for_io(io)
- assert_instance_of(Bio::FlatFile::BufferedInputStream, obj)
- assert_equal(TestDataFastaFormat01, obj.path)
+ TestData01Ent1def =
+ "At1g02580 mRNA (2291 bp) UTR's and CDS"
+ TestData01Ent4def =
+ 'At1g65300: mRNA 837bp (shortened from start)'
+ TestData01Ent4naseq = Bio::Sequence::NA.new <<__END_OF_SEQ__
+ # test Bio::FlatFile class method
+ class TestFlatFileClassMethod < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @filename = TestData01
+ @klass = Bio::FastaFormat
- def test_self_open_file
- obj = Bio::FlatFile::BufferedInputStream.open_file(TestDataFastaFormat01)
- assert_instance_of(Bio::FlatFile::BufferedInputStream, obj)
- assert_equal(TestDataFastaFormat01, obj.path)
+ # test template for Bio::FlatFile.open
+ def open_TestData01(*arg)
+ assert_instance_of(Bio::FlatFile,
+ ff = Bio::FlatFile.open(*arg))
+ assert_equal(@klass, ff.dbclass)
+ assert_nil(ff.close)
+ private :open_TestData01
- def test_self_open_file_with_block
- obj2 = nil
- Bio::FlatFile::BufferedInputStream.open_file(TestDataFastaFormat01) do |obj|
- assert_instance_of(Bio::FlatFile::BufferedInputStream, obj)
- assert_equal(TestDataFastaFormat01, obj.path)
- obj2 = obj
+ # test template for Bio::FlatFile.open with block
+ def open_with_block_TestData01(*arg)
+ ret = Bio::FlatFile.open(*arg) do |ff|
+ assert_instance_of(Bio::FlatFile, ff)
+ assert_equal(@klass, ff.dbclass)
+ ff.each do |e|
+ assert_instance_of(@klass, e)
+ assert_instance_of(String, ff.entry_raw)
+ end
+ 'test return value'
- assert_raise(IOError) { obj2.close }
+ assert_equal('test return value', ret)
- end #class TestBufferedInputStreamClassMethod
+ private :open_with_block_TestData01
- class TestBufferedInputStream < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_open_0arg
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Bio::FlatFile.open }
+ end
+ def test_open_1arg_nil
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Bio::FlatFile.open(nil) }
+ end
+ def test_open_1arg_class
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Bio::FlatFile.open(Bio::GenBank) }
+ end
+ def test_open_1arg_filename
+ open_TestData01(@filename)
+ end
+ def test_open_1arg_io
+ io = File.open(@filename)
+ open_TestData01(io)
+ assert(io.closed?)
+ end
+ def test_open_1arg_with_block
+ open_with_block_TestData01(@filename)
+ end
+ def test_open_1arg_io_with_block
+ io = File.open(@filename)
+ open_with_block_TestData01(io)
+ # When IO object is given, the IO is NOT automatically closed.
+ assert_equal(false, io.closed?)
+ assert_nothing_raised { io.close }
+ end
+ def test_open_2arg_autodetect
+ open_TestData01(nil, @filename)
+ end
+ def test_open_2arg_autodetect_with_block
+ open_with_block_TestData01(nil, @filename)
+ end
+ def test_open_2arg_autodetect_io
+ io = File.open(@filename)
+ open_TestData01(nil, io)
+ assert(io.closed?)
+ end
+ def test_open_2arg_autodetect_io_with_block
+ io = File.open(@filename)
+ open_with_block_TestData01(nil, io)
+ # When IO object is given, the IO is NOT automatically closed.
+ assert_equal(false, io.closed?)
+ assert_nothing_raised { io.close }
+ end
+ def test_open_2arg_class
+ open_TestData01(@klass, @filename)
+ end
+ def test_open_2arg_class_with_block
+ open_with_block_TestData01(@klass, @filename)
+ end
+ def test_open_2arg_class_io
+ io = File.open(@filename)
+ open_TestData01(@klass, io)
+ assert(io.closed?)
+ end
+ def test_open_2arg_class_io_with_block
+ io = File.open(@filename)
+ open_with_block_TestData01(@klass, io)
+ # When IO object is given, the IO is NOT automatically closed.
+ assert_equal(false, io.closed?)
+ assert_nothing_raised { io.close }
+ end
+ def test_open_2arg_filename_mode
+ open_TestData01(@filename, 'r')
+ end
+ def test_open_2arg_filename_mode_with_block
+ open_with_block_TestData01(@filename, 'r')
+ end
+ def test_open_3arg
+ open_TestData01(nil, @filename, 'r')
+ open_TestData01(@klass, @filename, 'r')
+ open_TestData01(@filename, File::RDONLY, 0)
+ end
+ def test_open_3arg_with_block
+ open_with_block_TestData01(nil, @filename, 'r')
+ open_with_block_TestData01(@klass, @filename, 'r')
+ open_with_block_TestData01(@filename, File::RDONLY, 0)
+ end
+ def test_open_4arg
+ open_TestData01(nil, @filename, File::RDONLY, 0)
+ open_TestData01(Bio::FastaFormat,
+ @filename, File::RDONLY, 0)
+ open_with_block_TestData01(nil, @filename, File::RDONLY, 0)
+ open_with_block_TestData01(Bio::FastaFormat,
+ @filename, File::RDONLY, 0)
+ end
+ # test template for Bio::FlatFile.auto
+ def auto_TestData01(*arg)
+ assert_instance_of(Bio::FlatFile,
+ ff = Bio::FlatFile.auto(*arg))
+ assert_equal(@klass, ff.dbclass)
+ assert_nil(ff.close)
+ end
+ private :auto_TestData01
+ # test template for Bio::FlatFile.auto with block
+ def auto_with_block_TestData01(*arg)
+ ret = Bio::FlatFile.auto(*arg) do |ff|
+ assert_instance_of(Bio::FlatFile, ff)
+ assert_equal(@klass, ff.dbclass)
+ ff.each do |e|
+ assert_instance_of(@klass, e)
+ assert_instance_of(String, ff.entry_raw)
+ end
+ 'test return value'
+ end
+ assert_equal('test return value', ret)
+ end
+ private :auto_with_block_TestData01
+ def test_auto_0arg
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Bio::FlatFile.auto }
+ end
+ def test_auto_1arg_filename
+ auto_TestData01(@filename)
+ end
+ def test_auto_1arg_io
+ io = File.open(@filename)
+ auto_TestData01(io)
+ assert(io.closed?)
+ end
+ def test_auto_1arg_with_block
+ auto_with_block_TestData01(@filename)
+ end
+ def test_auto_1arg_io_with_block
+ io = File.open(@filename)
+ auto_with_block_TestData01(io)
+ # When IO object is given, the IO is NOT automatically closed.
+ assert_equal(false, io.closed?)
+ assert_nothing_raised { io.close }
+ end
+ def test_auto_2arg_filename_mode
+ auto_TestData01(@filename, 'r')
+ end
+ def test_auto_2arg_filename_mode_with_block
+ auto_with_block_TestData01(@filename, 'r')
+ end
+ def test_auto_3arg
+ auto_TestData01(@filename, File::RDONLY, 0)
+ end
+ def test_auto_3arg_with_block
+ auto_with_block_TestData01(@filename, File::RDONLY, 0)
+ end
+ def test_to_a
+ assert_instance_of(Array,
+ a = Bio::FlatFile.to_a(@filename))
+ assert_equal(5, a.size)
+ assert_instance_of(Bio::FastaFormat, a[3])
+ assert_equal(TestData01Ent4def,
+ a[3].definition)
+ assert_equal(TestData01Ent4naseq, a[3].naseq)
+ end
+ def test_foreach
+ Bio::FlatFile.foreach(@filename) do |ent|
+ assert_instance_of(Bio::FastaFormat, ent)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_new_2arg_nil
+ io = File.open(@filename)
+ assert_instance_of(Bio::FlatFile,
+ ff = Bio::FlatFile.new(nil, io))
+ assert_equal(@klass, ff.dbclass)
+ assert_nil(ff.close)
+ end
+ def test_new_2arg_class
+ io = File.open(@filename)
+ assert_instance_of(Bio::FlatFile,
+ ff = Bio::FlatFile.new(@klass, io))
+ assert_equal(@klass, ff.dbclass)
+ assert_nil(ff.close)
+ end
+ end #class TestFlatFileClassMethod
+ # test Bio::FlatFile instance methods
+ class TestFlatFileFastaFormat < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
- io = File.open(TestDataFastaFormat01)
- path = TestDataFastaFormat01
- @obj = Bio::FlatFile::BufferedInputStream.new(io, path)
+ @klass = Bio::FastaFormat
+ @filename = TestData01
+ @ff = Bio::FlatFile.open(@klass, @filename)
def test_to_io
- assert_kind_of(IO, @obj.to_io)
+ assert_instance_of(File, @ff.to_io)
- def test_close
- assert_nil(@obj.close)
+ def test_path
+ assert_equal(@filename, @ff.path)
- def test_rewind
- @obj.prefetch_gets
- @obj.rewind
- assert_equal('', @obj.prefetch_buffer)
+ def test_next_entry
+ assert_instance_of(@klass, ent = @ff.next_entry)
+ assert_equal(TestData01Ent1def, ent.definition)
+ assert_instance_of(@klass, ent = @ff.next_entry)
+ assert_instance_of(@klass, ent = @ff.next_entry)
+ assert_instance_of(@klass, ent = @ff.next_entry)
+ assert_equal(TestData01Ent4def, ent.definition)
+ assert_equal(TestData01Ent4naseq, ent.naseq)
- def test_pos
- @obj.gets
- @obj.gets
- @obj.prefetch_gets
- assert_equal(117, @obj.pos) #the number depends on original data
+ def test_entry_raw
+ 4.times { @ff.next_entry }
+ assert_instance_of(String, str = @ff.entry_raw)
+ assert_equal(TestData01Ent4def, @klass.new(str).definition)
+ assert_equal(TestData01Ent4naseq, @klass.new(str).naseq)
- def test_pos=()
- str = @obj.gets
- assert_equal(0, @obj.pos = 0)
+ def test_entry_pos_flag
+ # default is nil
+ assert_equal(nil, @ff.entry_pos_flag)
+ # set as true
+ assert_equal(true, @ff.entry_pos_flag = true)
+ assert_equal(true, @ff.entry_pos_flag)
- def test_eof_false_first
- assert_equal(false, @obj.eof?)
+ def test_start_pos_ended_pos_not_recorded
+ # default is nil
+ assert_equal(nil, @ff.entry_start_pos)
+ #
+ @ff.entry_pos_flag = false
+ @ff.next_entry
+ # nil if not recorded
+ assert_equal(nil, @ff.entry_start_pos)
+ assert_equal(nil, @ff.entry_ended_pos)
+ @ff.next_entry
+ # nil if not recorded
+ assert_equal(nil, @ff.entry_start_pos)
+ assert_equal(nil, @ff.entry_ended_pos)
- def test_eof_false_after_prefetch
- while @obj.prefetch_gets; nil; end
- assert_equal(false, @obj.eof?)
+ def test_start_pos
+ @ff.entry_pos_flag = true
+ @ff.next_entry
+ assert_equal(0, @ff.entry_start_pos)
+ @ff.next_entry
+ # On Windows, the values might be different.
+ assert_equal(2367, @ff.entry_start_pos)
- def test_eof_true
- while @obj.gets; nil; end
- assert_equal(true, @obj.eof?)
+ def test_ended_pos
+ @ff.entry_pos_flag = true
+ @ff.next_entry
+ # On Windows, the values might be different.
+ assert_equal(2367, @ff.entry_ended_pos)
+ @ff.next_entry
+ # On Windows, the values might be different.
+ assert_equal(3244, @ff.entry_ended_pos)
- def test_gets
- @obj.gets
- @obj.gets
- assert_equal("gagcaaatcgaaaaggagagatttctgcatatcaagagaaaattcgagctgagatacattccaagtgtggctactc", @obj.gets.chomp)
+ def test_each_entry
+ i = 0
+ @ff.each_entry do |ent|
+ assert_instance_of(@klass, ent)
+ i += 1
+ if i == 4 then
+ assert_equal(TestData01Ent4def, ent.definition)
+ assert_equal(TestData01Ent4naseq, ent.naseq)
+ end
+ end
- def test_gets_equal_prefetch_gets
- @obj.prefetch_gets
- str = @obj.prefetch_gets
- @obj.prefetch_gets
- @obj.gets
- assert_equal(@obj.gets, str)
+ # each is an alias of each_entry
+ def test_each
+ assert_nothing_raised { @ff.each {} }
- def test_ungets
- @obj.gets
- @obj.gets
- str1 = @obj.gets
- str2 = @obj.gets
- assert_nil(@obj.ungets(str2))
- assert_nil(@obj.ungets(str1))
- assert_equal(str1, @obj.gets)
- assert_equal(str2, @obj.gets)
+ def test_rewind
+ @ff.next_entry
+ assert_not_equal(0, @ff.pos)
+ assert_equal(0, @ff.rewind)
+ assert_equal(0, @ff.pos)
- def test_getc
- assert_equal(?>, @obj.getc)
+ def test_close
+ assert_nil(@ff.close)
- def test_getc_after_prefetch
- @obj.prefetch_gets
- assert_equal(?>, @obj.getc)
+ def test_pos
+ assert_equal(0, @ff.pos)
+ @ff.next_entry
+ assert_not_equal(0, @ff.pos)
- def test_ungetc
- c = @obj.getc
- assert_nil(@obj.ungetc(c))
- assert_equal(c, @obj.getc)
+ def test_eof?
+ 5.times { @ff.next_entry }
+ assert_equal(true, @ff.eof?)
- def test_ungetc_after_prefetch
- str = @obj.prefetch_gets
- c = @obj.getc
- assert_nil(@obj.ungetc(c))
- assert_equal(str, @obj.gets)
+ def test_raw
+ # default false
+ assert_equal(false, @ff.raw)
+ # changes to true
+ assert_equal(true, @ff.raw = true)
+ @ff.each do |ent|
+ assert_instance_of(String, ent)
+ end
- def test_prefetch_buffer
- str = @obj.prefetch_gets
- str += @obj.prefetch_gets
- assert_equal(str, @obj.prefetch_buffer)
+ def test_dbclass
+ assert_equal(@klass, @ff.dbclass)
- def test_prefetch_gets
- @obj.prefetch_gets
- @obj.prefetch_gets
- @obj.gets
- str = @obj.prefetch_gets
- @obj.gets
- assert_equal(str, @obj.gets)
+ def test_dbclass_eq
+ klass = Bio::FastaNumericFormat
+ assert_equal(klass, @ff.dbclass = klass)
+ assert_equal(klass, @ff.dbclass)
- def test_prefetch_gets_with_arg
- # test @obj.gets
- str = @obj.prefetch_gets("\n>")
- assert_equal(str, @obj.gets("\n>"))
- # test using IO object
- io = @obj.to_io
- io.rewind
- assert_equal(str, io.gets("\n>"))
+ def test_dbclass_nil
+ assert_equal(nil, @ff.dbclass = nil)
+ assert_equal(nil, @ff.dbclass)
+ assert_raise(Bio::FlatFile::UnknownDataFormatError) { @ff.next_entry }
- def test_skip_spaces
- @obj.gets('CDS')
- assert_nil(@obj.skip_spaces)
- assert_equal(?a, @obj.getc)
+ def test_autodetect
+ @ff.dbclass = nil
+ assert_equal(@klass, @ff.autodetect)
+ assert_equal(@klass, @ff.dbclass)
- end #class TestBufferedInputStream
+ end #class TestFlatFileFastaFormat
class TestFlatFileWithCustomClass < Test::Unit::TestCase
# very simple parser for tab-separated data
class SimpleFormat