README.rdoc in bio-synreport-0.1.0 vs README.rdoc in bio-synreport-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,30 @@
= bio-synreport
-Description goes here.
+A gem that takes gene CDS sequences and GFF as input. From this a database is created and the user can interrogate the database object.The user may then pass a chromosome ID, a position and an alternative nucleotide. The database will return information about whether the suggested substitution creates a synonymous or non-synonymous substitution, and the identity of the changes as a hash with many attributes.
+For example,
+ db = => 'some_gff.gff', :fasta => 'some_cds.fa', :verbose => true)
+ chr, pos, ref,alt = 'Chr2', 15973794, 'C', 'T'
+ pp db.mutation_info(chr,pos,alt)
+Would return something like,
+ {
+ :chr => 'Chr2',
+ :strand => '-',
+ :position => 15973794,
+ :original_codon => 'atg',
+ :original_residue => 'Met',
+ :mutant_codon => 'ttg',
+ :mutant_residue => 'Lys',
+ :position_in_codon => 1,
+ :substitution_type => 'NON_SYN'
+ }
+== To Do
+The module isn't the fastest thing in the world. Needs much speeding up...
== Contributing to bio-synreport
* Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
* Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it