config/locales/en.yml in binda-0.1.3 vs config/locales/en.yml in binda-0.1.4
- old
+ new
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@
add_choice: Add choice
default_choice: default choice
default_choice_description: If you have added/removed any choice, this list might not be correct. Please save to update it.
instance: instance
structure_instance_type: 'This structure is for:'
- title: title
+ title: Title
view_website: View website
error_related_to_itself: Sorry, this record cannot relate to itself
confirm_delete: Do you really want to remove it?
upload_button: Upload
upload_loading_message: Uploading file...
@@ -62,22 +62,48 @@
new_item_in_repeater: New %{arg1} item
null_is_not_allowed: You need to select at least one choice
delete: delete
edit: edit
sort: sort
- structure: Structure
- structures: Structures
- field_group: Field group
- field_groups: Field groups
- field_setting: Field setting
- field_settings: Field settings
+ structure:
+ singular: Structure
+ plural: Structures
+ confirm_delete: This operation will delete this structure and there is no coming back. Are you ok with that?
+ validation_message:
+ instance_type: "%{arg1} is not a valid instance"
+ field_group:
+ singular: Field group
+ plural: FIeld groups
+ confirm_delete: This operation will delete this group of settings and all related component content. Are you ok with that?
+ validation_message:
+ name: cannot be blank.
+ slug: "\"%{arg1}\" already in use. Please choose a different slug."
+ field_type: "isn't valid. Select a field type among these: %{arg1}."
+ default_field_group:
+ name: General details
+ error_on_create: General Details group hasn't been created
repeater_field_settings: Fields settings of the %{arg1} repeater
+ field_setting:
+ singular: Field setting
+ plural: Field settings
+ confirm_delete: This operation will delete this setting and all related component content. Are you ok with that?
+ validation_message:
+ name: Field setting name cannot be blank.
+ slug: "\"%{arg1}\" already in use. Please choose a different slug."
+ field_type: "isn't valid. Please associate the field setting named \"%{arg1}\" with one of the following field types: %{arg2}."
+ field_group_id: "cannot be blank. Field setting named \"%{arg1}\" must be associated to a field group. Check if field_group_id propriety is set."
+ allow_null: "canont be true on a radio setting. Please ensure to set allow_null=false for the field setting named \"%{arg1}\" before saving it."
+ has_choice_before_updating_allow_null_to_false: "In order to require at least a choice, it's mandatory that at least one is available. Please create a choice for the field setting with slug \"%{arg1}\" before continuing."
component: Component
components: Component
- new: new
- new_structure: New %{arg1} structure
- new_field_group: New %{arg1} field group
+ asset:
+ validation_message:
+ fieldable_id: cannot be blank. The %{arg1} must be associated with a component or a board
+ field_setting_id: cannot be blank. The %{arg1} must be associated with a field setting
+ new: New
+ new_structure: New structure
+ new_field_group: New field group
new_component: New %{arg1}
new_user: New User
new_category: New %{arg1} category
edit_structure: Edit %{arg1} structure
edit_field_group: Edit %{arg1} field group
@@ -101,10 +127,28 @@
default_choice_id_validation: must be selected. Please make sure you select one default or allow null as choice (not possible on radio buttons).
login_email: Enter your email
login_password: Enter your password
login_welcome: Welcome to %{arg1} admin panel
login_credit: Built with Binda %{arg1}
+ selection:
+ validation_message:
+ choices: "The selection field with id=%{arg1} depending on \"%{arg2}\" must have at least a choice."
+ choice:
+ default_label: Temporary choice
+ default_value: temporary-choice
+ validation_message:
+ label: Label cannot be blank
+ value: Value cannot be blank
+ field_setting_id: cannot be blank. Choice must be associated to a field setting. Check if field_setting_id propriety is set.
+ destroy: It's not possible to delete the last choice as this field setting requires at least one exists. Before trying again, please add another choice.
choice_label: label
choice_value: value
allow_null: Require a choice
allow_null_true: Choosing is not required
- allow_null_false: Require to choose among the available choices
+ allow_null_false: Require at least one choice
+ publish_state: Publish state
+ user: User
+ manage_users: Manage Users
+ remember_me: Remember me
+ no_available_choice: Sorry, no choice is available.
+ no_available_choice_user_hint: Please contact the administrator
+ no_available_choice_superadmin_hint: Please ensure you setup at least two possible choices when editing the
\ No newline at end of file