spec/bin_spec.rb in bin-0.6.3 vs spec/bin_spec.rb in bin-0.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,15 +1,207 @@
require 'helper'
-describe Bin do
- it "autoloads Store" do
- lambda { Bin::Store }.should_not raise_error(NameError)
+describe ActiveSupport::Cache::Bin do
+ let(:collection) { DB['bin_cache'] }
+ let(:store) { ActiveSupport::Cache::Bin.new(collection) }
+ it "has a collection" do
+ store.collection.should == collection
+ it "should also work with Bin::Store for backwards compat" do
+ Bin::Store.should == ActiveSupport::Cache::Bin
+ end
- it "autoloads Compatibility" do
- lambda { Bin::Compatibility }.should_not raise_error(NameError)
+ it "defaults expires_in to 1.year" do
+ store.expires_in.should == 1.year
- it "autoloads Version" do
- lambda { Bin::Version }.should_not raise_error(NameError)
+ it "can set default expires_in" do
+ ActiveSupport::Cache::Bin.new(collection, :expires_in => 5.minutes).expires_in.should == 5.minutes
+ end
+ describe "#write" do
+ before(:each) do
+ store.write('foo', 'bar')
+ end
+ let(:document) { collection.find_one(:_id => 'foo') }
+ it "sets _id to key" do
+ document['_id'].should == 'foo'
+ end
+ it "sets value key to value" do
+ store.read('foo').should == 'bar'
+ end
+ it "should marshal value by default" do
+ document['value'].to_s.should == BSON::Binary.new(Marshal.dump('bar')).to_s
+ document['raw'].should be_false
+ end
+ it "should be able to store in raw format" do
+ store.write('foo', 'bar', :raw => true)
+ document['value'].should == 'bar'
+ document['raw'].should be_true
+ end
+ it "sets expires in to default if not provided" do
+ document['expires_at'].to_i.should == (Time.now.utc + 1.year).to_i
+ end
+ it "sets expires_at if expires_in provided" do
+ store.write('foo', 'bar', :expires_in => 5.seconds)
+ document['expires_at'].to_i.should == (Time.now.utc + 5.seconds).to_i
+ end
+ it "always sets key as string" do
+ store.write(:baz, 'wick')
+ doc = collection.find_one(:_id => 'baz')
+ doc.should_not be_nil
+ doc['_id'].should be_instance_of(String)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#read" do
+ before(:each) do
+ store.write('foo', 'bar')
+ end
+ let(:document) { collection.find_one(:_id => 'foo') }
+ it "returns nil for key not found" do
+ store.read('non:existent:key').should be_nil
+ end
+ it "returns unmarshalled value key value for key found" do
+ store.read('foo').should == 'bar'
+ end
+ it "returns raw value if document raw key is true" do
+ store.write('foo', 'bar', :raw => true)
+ store.read('foo').should == 'bar'
+ end
+ it "returns nil for existing but expired key" do
+ collection.save(:_id => 'foo', :value => 'bar', :expires_at => 5.seconds.ago)
+ store.read('foo').should be_nil
+ end
+ it "return value for existing and not expired key" do
+ store.write('foo', 'bar', :expires_in => 20.seconds)
+ store.read('foo').should == 'bar'
+ end
+ it "works with symbol" do
+ store.read(:foo).should == 'bar'
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#delete" do
+ before(:each) do
+ store.write('foo', 'bar')
+ end
+ it "delete key from cache" do
+ store.read('foo').should_not be_nil
+ store.delete('foo')
+ store.read('foo').should be_nil
+ end
+ it "works with symbol" do
+ store.read(:foo).should_not be_nil
+ store.delete(:foo)
+ store.read(:foo).should be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#delete_matched" do
+ before(:each) do
+ store.write('foo1', 'bar')
+ store.write('foo2', 'bar')
+ store.write('baz', 'wick')
+ end
+ it "deletes matching keys" do
+ store.read('foo1').should_not be_nil
+ store.read('foo2').should_not be_nil
+ store.delete_matched(/foo/)
+ store.read('foo1').should be_nil
+ store.read('foo2').should be_nil
+ end
+ it "does not delete unmatching keys" do
+ store.delete_matched('foo')
+ store.read('baz').should_not be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#exist?" do
+ before(:each) do
+ store.write('foo', 'bar')
+ end
+ it "returns true if key found" do
+ store.exist?('foo').should be_true
+ end
+ it "returns false if key not found" do
+ store.exist?('not:found:key').should be_false
+ end
+ it "works with symbol" do
+ store.exist?(:foo).should be_true
+ store.exist?(:notfoundkey).should be_false
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#clear" do
+ before(:each) do
+ store.write('foo', 'bar')
+ store.write('baz', 'wick')
+ end
+ it "clear all keys" do
+ collection.count.should == 2
+ store.clear
+ collection.count.should == 0
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#increment" do
+ it "increment key by amount" do
+ store.increment('views', 1)
+ store.read('views').should == 1
+ store.increment('views', 2)
+ store.read('views').should == 3
+ end
+ it "works with symbol" do
+ store.increment(:views, 2)
+ store.read(:views).should == 2
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#decrement" do
+ it "decrement key by amount" do
+ store.increment('views', 5)
+ store.decrement('views', 2)
+ store.read('views').should == 3
+ store.decrement('views', 2)
+ store.read('views').should == 1
+ end
+ it "works with symbol" do
+ store.increment(:views, 2)
+ store.decrement(:views, 1)
+ store.read(:views).should == 1
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#stats" do
+ it "returns stats" do
+ %w[ns count size].each do |key|
+ store.stats.should have_key(key)
+ end
+ end
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