app/jobs/billing/issue_print_doc.rb in billing-0.0.8a vs app/jobs/billing/issue_print_doc.rb in billing-0.0.8
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,72 @@
-require 'rescue/plugins/extface_lonely_device'
+module Resque
+ module Plugins
+ module ExtfaceLonelyDevice
+ LOCK_TIMEOUT = 60 * 60 * 24 * 5 # 5 days
+ def lock_timeout
+ end
+ def requeue_interval
+ self.instance_variable_get(:@requeue_interval) || 1
+ end
+ # Overwrite this method to uniquely identify which mutex should be used
+ # for a resque worker.
+ def redis_key(*args)
+ "extface_"
+ end
+ def can_lock_queue?(*args)
+ now =
+ key = redis_key(*args)
+ timeout = lock_timeout
+ # Per
+ return true if Resque.redis.setnx(key, timeout)
+ return false if Resque.redis.get(key).to_i > now
+ return true if Resque.redis.getset(key, timeout).to_i <= now
+ return false
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound #redis_key exception
+ p "Not found!!!"
+ sleep 1
+ reenqueue(*args) #will stop if new redis_key exception
+ end
+ def unlock_queue(*args)
+ Resque.redis.del(redis_key(*args))
+ end
+ def reenqueue(*args)
+ Resque.enqueue_to(redis_key(*args), self, *args)
+ end
+ def before_perform(*args)
+ unless can_lock_queue?(*args)
+ # Sleep so the CPU's rest
+ sleep(requeue_interval)
+ # can't get the lock, so re-enqueue the task
+ reenqueue(*args)
+ # and don't perform
+ raise Resque::Job::DontPerform
+ end
+ end
+ def around_perform(*args)
+ begin
+ yield
+ ensure
+ unlock_queue(*args)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
module Billing
class IssuePrintDoc
extend Resque::Plugins::ExtfaceLonelyDevice
def self.redis_key(bill_id)
@@ -20,29 +85,27 @@
bill.print_job.runtime do |s|
return unless bill.printable?
s.notify "Print Doc Start"
+ s.print "******************************\r\n*"
+ s.print "Bill ##{bill.number}".center(28)
+ s.print "*\r\n******************************\r\n"
+ s.print "------------------------------\r\n"
- s.print bill.origin.print_header
- s.print "\r\n ****** \r\n"
- s.print "#{}".truncate(30)
- s.print "\r\n------------------------------\r\n"
bill.charges.each do |charge|
s.print "#{} #{charge.value.to_s.rjust(7)}\r\n"
s.print "-----------\r\n".rjust(32)
s.print "#{}\r\n".rjust(32)
# s.print "..............................\r\n"
# bill.payments.each do |payment|
# s.print "#{}\r\n"
# end
- s.print " ****** \r\n"
- s.print bill.origin.print_footer
- s.print "\r\n------------------------------\r\n"
+ s.print "\r\n"
+ s.print "------------------------------\r\n"
s.print"Printed on %m/%d/%Y %T\r\n").rjust(32)
s.print "\r\n\r\n\r\n"
s.notify "Print Doc End"
rescue Resque::TermException
\ No newline at end of file