Rakefile in bigbench-0.0.3 vs Rakefile in bigbench-0.0.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,17 +1,51 @@
require "bundler/gem_tasks"
require "rack"
+require "RedCloth"
+require "redcloth-formatters-rdoc"
+require "rdoc/task"
-namespace :bigbench do
+desc "Create and open documentation"
+task :doc do
- desc "Create and open documentation"
- task :doc do
- `rdoc --main BigBench --include lib/bigbench/help/ && open doc/index.html`
- end
+ # Compile the readme to the rdoc format
+ readme_textile = File.open('README.textile', 'r+'){ |file| file.read }
+ readme_rdoc = RedCloth.new(readme_textile).to_rdoc
+ File.open('README.rdoc', 'w+'){ |file| file.write(readme_rdoc) }
- desc "Start Thin RDoc Testserver"
- task :testserver do
- load "spec/lib/test_web_server.rb"
- Rack::Handler::Thin.run Sinatra::Application, :Port => 3001
+ # Create rdoc with the readme as main file
+ `rdoc --main README.rdoc --include lib/bigbench/help/`
+ RDoc::Task.new do |rdoc|
+ rdoc.main = "README.rdoc"
+ rdoc.rdoc_files.include("README.rdoc", "lib/bigbench/help/")
+ # Fix RDocs inability to handle tables
+ index_html = File.open('doc/index.html', 'r+'){ |file| file.read }
+ index_html.gsub! '<', '<'
+ index_html.gsub! '>', '>'
+ index_html.gsub! '<p><table></p>', '<table>'
+ index_html.gsub! '<pre><tr>', '<tr>'
+ index_html.gsub! '</tr></pre>', '</tr>'
+ index_html.gsub! '<p></table></p>', '</table>'
+ File.open('doc/index.html', 'w+'){ |file| file.write(index_html) }
+ # Add table style
+ rdoc_css = File.open('doc/rdoc.css', 'r+'){ |file| file.read }
+ rdoc_css += "\n table{ border: 1px dashed #D3D3D3; line-height: 30px; margin-top: 10px; border-collapse: collapse; }"
+ rdoc_css += "\n td{ padding-left:20px; padding-right:20px; border-top: 1px solid #E4E4E4; }"
+ rdoc_css += "\n th{ padding-left:20px; padding-right:20px; text-align:left; }"
+ File.open('doc/rdoc.css', 'w+'){ |file| file.write(rdoc_css) }
+ # Clean up the rdoc file
+ File.delete("README.rdoc")
+ `open doc/index.html`
+desc "Start Thin RDoc Testserver"
+task :server do
+ load "spec/lib/test_web_server.rb"
+ Rack::Handler::Thin.run Sinatra::Application, :Port => 3001