spec/unit/berkshelf/downloader_spec.rb in berkshelf-5.2.0 vs spec/unit/berkshelf/downloader_spec.rb in berkshelf-5.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,43 +1,116 @@
require 'spec_helper'
-describe Berkshelf::Downloader do
- let(:berksfile) { double('berksfile') }
- subject { described_class.new(berksfile) }
- describe "#download" do
- skip
- end
- describe "#try_download" do
- let(:remote_cookbook) { double('remote-cookbook') }
- let(:source) do
- source = double('source')
- allow(source).to receive(:cookbook) { remote_cookbook }
- source
+module Berkshelf
+ describe Downloader do
+ let(:berksfile) do
+ double(Berksfile,
+ lockfile: lockfile,
+ dependencies: [],
+ )
- let(:name) { "fake" }
- let(:version) { "1.0.0" }
- it "supports the 'opscode' location type" do
- allow(remote_cookbook).to receive(:location_type) { :opscode }
- allow(remote_cookbook).to receive(:location_path) { "http://api.opscode.com" }
- rest = double('community-rest')
- expect(Berkshelf::CommunityREST).to receive(:new).with("http://api.opscode.com") { rest }
- expect(rest).to receive(:download).with(name, version)
- subject.try_download(source, name, version)
+ let(:lockfile) do
+ double(Lockfile,
+ graph: graph
+ )
- it "supports the 'supermarket' location type" do
- allow(remote_cookbook).to receive(:location_type) { :supermarket }
- allow(remote_cookbook).to receive(:location_path) { "http://api.supermarket.com" }
- rest = double('community-rest')
- expect(Berkshelf::CommunityREST).to receive(:new).with("http://api.supermarket.com") { rest }
- expect(rest).to receive(:download).with(name, version)
- subject.try_download(source, name, version)
- end
+ let(:graph) { double(Lockfile::Graph, locks: {}) }
+ let(:self_signed_crt_path) { File.join(BERKS_SPEC_DATA, 'trusted_certs') }
+ let(:self_signed_crt) { OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(IO.read("#{self_signed_crt_path}/example.crt")) }
+ let(:cert_store) { OpenSSL::X509::Store.new.add_cert(self_signed_crt) }
+ let(:ssl_policy) { double(SSLPolicy, store: cert_store) }
- it "supports the 'file_store' location type" do
+ subject { described_class.new(berksfile) }
+ describe "#download" do
+ end
+ describe "#try_download" do
+ let(:remote_cookbook) { double('remote-cookbook') }
+ let(:source) do
+ source = double('source')
+ allow(source).to receive(:cookbook) { remote_cookbook }
+ source
+ end
+ let(:name) { "fake" }
+ let(:version) { "1.0.0" }
+ it "supports the 'opscode' location type" do
+ allow(remote_cookbook).to receive(:location_type) { :opscode }
+ allow(remote_cookbook).to receive(:location_path) { "http://api.opscode.com" }
+ rest = double('community-rest')
+ expect(CommunityREST).to receive(:new).with("http://api.opscode.com") { rest }
+ expect(rest).to receive(:download).with(name, version)
+ subject.try_download(source, name, version)
+ end
+ it "supports the 'supermarket' location type" do
+ allow(remote_cookbook).to receive(:location_type) { :supermarket }
+ allow(remote_cookbook).to receive(:location_path) { "http://api.supermarket.com" }
+ rest = double('community-rest')
+ expect(CommunityREST).to receive(:new).with("http://api.supermarket.com") { rest }
+ expect(rest).to receive(:download).with(name, version)
+ subject.try_download(source, name, version)
+ end
+ describe 'chef_server location type' do
+ let(:chef_server_url) { 'http://configured-chef-server/' }
+ let(:ridley_client) do
+ double(Ridley::Client,
+ cookbook: double('cookbook', download: "fake")
+ )
+ end
+ let(:chef_config) do
+ double(Ridley::Chef::Config,
+ node_name: 'fake-client',
+ client_key: 'client-key',
+ chef_server_url: chef_server_url,
+ validation_client_name: 'validator',
+ validation_key: 'validator.pem',
+ cookbook_copyright: 'user',
+ cookbook_email: 'user@example.com',
+ cookbook_license: 'apachev2',
+ trusted_certs_dir: self_signed_crt_path,
+ knife: {
+ chef_guard: false
+ }
+ )
+ end
+ let(:berkshelf_config) do
+ double(Config,
+ ssl: double(verify: true),
+ chef: chef_config
+ )
+ end
+ before do
+ allow(Berkshelf).to receive(:config).and_return(berkshelf_config)
+ allow(subject).to receive(:ssl_policy).and_return(ssl_policy)
+ allow(remote_cookbook).to receive(:location_type) { :chef_server }
+ allow(remote_cookbook).to receive(:location_path) { chef_server_url }
+ end
+ it "uses the berkshelf config and provides a custom cert_store" do
+ credentials = {
+ server_url: chef_server_url,
+ client_name: chef_config.node_name,
+ client_key: chef_config.client_key,
+ ssl: {
+ verify: berkshelf_config.ssl.verify,
+ cert_store: cert_store
+ }
+ }
+ expect(Ridley).to receive(:open).with(credentials) { ridley_client }
+ subject.try_download(source, name, version)
+ end
+ end
+ it "supports the 'file_store' location type" do
+ skip
+ end