features/step_definitions/cli_steps.rb in berkshelf-2.0.18 vs features/step_definitions/cli_steps.rb in berkshelf-3.0.0.beta1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,80 +1,4 @@
-require 'aruba/api'
-Then /^I trace$/ do
-When /^I sleep$/ do
- sleep 10
-Then /^a file named "(.*?)" should exist in the current directory$/ do |filename|
- in_current_dir do
- expect(File.exists?(filename)).to be_true # not sure why Aruba's
- # #check_file_presence
- # doesn't work here. It
- # looks in the wrong
- # directory.
- end
-Then /^the file "(.*?)" should contain in the current directory:$/ do |filename, string|
- in_current_dir do
- expect(File.read(filename)).to match(Regexp.new(string))
- end
-When /^I run the init command with the cookbook "(.*?)" as the target$/ do |cookbook_name|
- run_simple(unescape("berks init #{cookbook_name}"), true)
-When /^I run the init command with the directory "(.*?)" as the target$/ do |directory_name|
- run_simple(unescape("berks init #{directory_name}"), true)
-When /^I run the init command with no value for the target$/ do
- run_simple(unescape("berks init"), true)
-When /^I run the install command$/ do
- run_simple(unescape("berks install"), false)
-When /^I run the install command with flags:$/ do |flags|
- run_simple(unescape("berks install #{flags.raw.join(" ")}"), false)
-When /^I run the upload command$/ do
- run_simple(unescape("berks upload"), true)
-When /^I run the upload command with flags:$/ do |flags|
- run_simple(unescape("berks upload #{flags.raw.join(" ")}"), false)
-When /^I run the cookbook command to create "(.*?)"$/ do |name|
- run_simple(unescape("berks cookbook #{name}"), false)
-When /^I (successfully )?run the apply command on "(.*?)"$/ do |successfully, environment_name|
- run_simple(unescape("berks apply #{environment_name}"), !!successfully)
-When /^I (successfully )?run the apply command on "(.*?)" with flags:$/ do |successfully, environment_name, flags|
- run_simple(unescape("berks apply #{environment_name} #{flags.raw.join(" ")}"), !!successfully)
-When /^I run the cookbook command to create "(.*?)" with options:$/ do |name, options|
- run_simple(unescape("berks cookbook #{name} #{options.raw.join(" ")}"))
-When /^I run the "(.*?)" command interactively$/ do |command|
- run_interactive("berks #{command}")
-Then /^the CLI should exit with the status code for error "(.*?)"$/ do |error_constant|
- exit_status = Berkshelf.const_get(error_constant).status_code
- assert_exit_status(exit_status)
+Then /^the exit status should be "(.+)"$/ do |name|
+ code = Berkshelf.const_get(name).status_code
+ assert_exit_status(code)