features/install.feature in berkshelf-0.1.5 vs features/install.feature in berkshelf-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -51,5 +51,22 @@
Then the output should contain:
Cookbook 'doesntexist' not found at site: 'http://cookbooks.opscode.com/api/v1/cookbooks'
And the CLI should exit with the status code for error "DownloadFailure"
+ @wip
+ Scenario: running install command with the --shims flag to create a directory of shims
+ Given I write to "Berksfile" with:
+ """
+ cookbook "mysql", "1.2.4"
+ """
+ When I run the install command with flags:
+ | --shims |
+ Then the following directories should exist:
+ | cookbooks |
+ | cookbooks/mysql |
+ And the output should contain:
+ """
+ Shims written to:
+ """
+ And the exit status should be 0