lib/berkeley_library/alma/sru.rb in berkeley_library-alma-0.0.5 vs lib/berkeley_library/alma/sru.rb in berkeley_library-alma-0.0.6
- old
+ new
@@ -1,79 +2 @@
-require 'uri'
-require 'berkeley_library/alma/config'
-require 'berkeley_library/alma/constants'
-require 'berkeley_library/alma/record_id'
-require 'berkeley_library/util/uris'
-module BerkeleyLibrary
- module Alma
- module SRU
- include BerkeleyLibrary::Logging
- include Constants
- class << self
- include SRU
- end
- # Given a list of record IDs, returns the MARC records for each ID (if found).
- #
- # @param record_ids [Array<String, RecordId>] the record IDs to look up
- # @return [MARC::XMLReader, nil] a reader for the MARC records, or nil if
- # the records could not be read
- def get_marc_records(*record_ids)
- # noinspection RubyMismatchedReturnType
- parsed_ids = record_ids.filter_map { |id| RecordId.parse(id) }
- raise ArgumentError, "Argument #{record_ids.inspect} contain no valid record IDs" if parsed_ids.empty?
- sru_query_value =' or ')
- SRU.marc_records_for(sru_query_value)
- end
- # Returns a URI for retrieving records for the specified query
- # via SRU. Requires {Config#alma_sru_base_uri} to be set.
- #
- # @return [URI] the MARC URI
- def sru_query_uri(sru_query_value)
- query_string = URI.encode_www_form(
- 'version' => '1.2',
- 'operation' => 'searchRetrieve',
- 'query' => sru_query_value
- )
- Util::URIs.append(Config.alma_sru_base_uri, '?', query_string)
- end
- # Makes an SRU query for the specified query value and returns the query response
- # as a string.
- #
- # @param query_value [String] the value of the SRU query parameter
- # @return [String, nil] the SRU query response body, or nil in the event of an error.
- def make_sru_query(query_value)
- uri = sru_query_uri(query_value)
- do_get(uri)
- end
- # Makes an SRU query for the specified query value and returns the query response
- # as MARC records.
- #
- # @param query_value [String] the value of the SRU query parameter
- # @return [MARC::XMLReader, nil] a reader for the MARC records, or nil if
- # the records could not be read
- def marc_records_for(query_value)
- return unless (xml = make_sru_query(query_value))
- input =
-, parser: 'nokogiri')
- end
- private
- def do_get(uri)
- # TODO: can we get the XML as an IO rather than as a string?
- Util::URIs.get(uri, headers: { user_agent: DEFAULT_USER_AGENT })
- rescue RestClient::Exception => e
- logger.warn("GET #{uri} failed", e)
- nil
- end
- end
- end
+Dir.glob(File.expand_path('sru/*.rb', __dir__)).sort.each(&method(:require))