app/views/bento_search/search/search.html.erb in bento_search-0.6.0 vs app/views/bento_search/search/search.html.erb in bento_search-0.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
<%# sorry, we'd rather put this logic in the controller, but there's
no way to call a template-with-yield (aka partial layout) from controller,
grr. Could do it from a helper, but we want to minimize helpers that
pollute app's helper space. %>
+<% unless @results.failed? %>
+ <%# html5 meta microdata, can be pulled out by js for ajax requests %>
+ <%= tag("meta", :itemprop=>"total_items", :content => @results.total_items) %>
+<% end %>
<% if @partial_wrapper %>
render :layout => @partial_wrapper, :locals => {:results => @results} do