exe/benchmark-driver in benchmark_driver-0.3.0 vs exe/benchmark-driver in benchmark_driver-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,41 +1,67 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
$:.unshift File.expand_path('../lib', __dir__)
-require 'benchmark_driver'
+require 'benchmark/driver'
+require 'benchmark/driver/yaml_parser'
require 'optparse'
require 'yaml'
options = {}
args = OptionParser.new do |o|
o.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0, '.*')} [options] [YAML]"
o.on('-e', '--executables [EXECS]', 'Ruby executables (e1::path1; e2::path2; e3::path3;...)') do |e|
options[:execs] ||= []
- e.split(/;/).each do |path|
- options[:execs] << path
+ e.split(';').each do |name_path|
+ name, path = name_path.split('::', 2)
+ options[:execs] << Benchmark::Driver::Configuration::Executable.new(name, path || name)
- o.on('-r', '--rbenv [VERSION]', 'Ruby executable in rbenv') do |r|
+ o.on('--rbenv [VERSIONS]', 'Ruby executables in rbenv (2.3.5;2.4.2;...)') do |r|
options[:execs] ||= []
- r.split(/;/).each do |version|
- options[:execs] << "#{version}::#{`RBENV_VERSION='#{version}' rbenv which ruby`.rstrip}"
+ r.split(';').each do |version|
+ path = `RBENV_VERSION='#{version}' rbenv which ruby`.rstrip
+ abort "Failed to execute 'rbenv which ruby'" unless $?.success?
+ options[:execs] << Benchmark::Driver::Configuration::Executable.new(version, path)
- o.on('-i [DURATION]', '--ips [SECONDS]', "Measure IPS in duration seconds (default: #{Benchmark::Driver::DEFAULT_IPS_DURATION})") do |i|
- options[:measure_type] = 'ips'
- options[:measure_num] = Integer(i) if i
+ o.on('-c', '--compare', 'Compare results (currently only supported in ips output)') do |v|
+ options[:compare] = v
- o.on('-l [COUNT]', '--loop-count [COUNT]', "Measure execution time with loop count (default: #{Benchmark::Driver::DEFAULT_LOOP_COUNT})") do |l|
- options[:measure_type] = 'loop_count'
- options[:measure_num] = Integer(l) if l
+ o.on('-r', '--repeat-count [NUM]', 'Try benchmark NUM times and use the fastest result') do |v|
+ begin
+ options[:repeat_count] = Integer(v)
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ abort "-r, --repeat-count must take Integer, but got #{v.inspect}"
+ end
- o.on('-v', '--verbose') do |v|
- options[:verbose] = v
- end
abort "No YAML file is specified" if args.empty?
-driver = Benchmark::Driver.new(options)
args.each do |yaml|
- default = { name: File.basename(yaml, '.*') }
- driver.run(default.merge(YAML.load(File.read(yaml))))
+ yaml = YAML.load(File.read(yaml))
+ Benchmark::Driver::Configuration.symbolize_keys!(yaml)
+ begin
+ config = Benchmark::Driver::YamlParser.parse(yaml)
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ $stderr.puts "benchmark-driver: Failed to parse #{yaml.dump}."
+ $stderr.puts ' YAML format may be wrong. See error below:'
+ $stderr.puts
+ raise
+ end
+ options.each do |key, value|
+ case key
+ when :compare
+ config.output_options.compare = value
+ when :execs
+ config.runner_options.executables = value
+ when :repeat_count
+ config.runner_options.repeat_count = value
+ else
+ raise "Unhandled option: #{key.inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ Benchmark::Driver.run(config)