in benches-0.1.0 vs in benches-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -3,30 +3,34 @@
Benches defines a simple benchmarking DSL that allows you to create benchmark routines for your Ruby code.
## Defining a Routine
Create a folder called regimens. For each class that you want to benchmark,
-create a file like integer.rb
+create a file like integer_regimen.rb
-routine 4, 'benches 400 reps of to_s' # no arguments
-routine 30, 'benches 300 reps of * with (400)' # one argument
-routine 'test_string', "benches 500 reps of gsub with (s, '')" # two arguments
+subject 5 do
+ benches '500 reps of to_s in less than 5 seconds'
+ benches '400 reps of + in less than 2 seconds', 3
+ benches '300 reps of * in less than 3 seconds', 400
+subject 20 do
+ benches '500 reps of to_s in less than 5 seconds'
+ benches '400 reps of + in less than 2 seconds', 3
+ benches '300 reps of * in less than 3 seconds', 400
-This will return the benchmark results of running `4.to_s` 400 times,
-`30 * 400` 300 times, and `'test_string'.gsub('s', '')` 500 times.
+If the benchmarks runs within the allotted time, it will
+be printed green, otherwise it will be printed red.
-The command `benchpress` will run all of the regimens.
+The command `benchpress` runs all of the regimen files
## Testing
Simply run `rspec` to run the test suite.
-## Future Work
-- Allow benchmark results to be tested in block passed to routine
## Credits
All code (c) Evan Hemsley 2014