spec/cli_spec.rb in bebox-0.1.3 vs spec/cli_spec.rb in bebox-0.1.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,34 +1,41 @@
require 'spec_helper'
+require 'tilt'
require_relative 'factories/environment.rb'
require_relative 'factories/node.rb'
require_relative 'factories/profile.rb'
require_relative 'factories/role.rb'
describe 'Test 00: Bebox::Cli' do
+ include FastGettext::Translation
let(:environment) { build(:environment) }
let(:node) { build(:node) }
let(:profile) { build(:profile) }
let(:role) { build(:role) }
+ let(:version) { Bebox::VERSION }
+ let(:program_desc) { _('cli.desc') }
before :each do
it 'shows the help for general commands' do
argv = []
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :success) }
- expected_content = File.read("spec/fixtures/commands/general_help.test").gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip
+ new_desc = _('cli.project.new.desc')
+ command_output_template = Tilt::ERBTemplate.new('spec/fixtures/commands/general_help.erb.test')
+ expected_content = command_output_template.render(nil, version: version, program_desc: program_desc, new_desc: new_desc).gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip
expect(output.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip).to eq(expected_content)
context '00: general commands' do
it 'shows error for new without project name' do
argv = ['new']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :failure) }
- expect(output).to match(/You did not supply a project name/)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.project.new.name_arg_missing')}/)
it 'executes new project command' do
argv = ['new', 'pname']
Bebox::ProjectWizard.any_instance.stub(:create_new_project) { true }
@@ -42,44 +49,53 @@
Bebox::Cli.any_instance.stub(:inside_project?) { true }
Bebox::Environment.stub(:environment_exists?) { true }
it 'shows the help for project commands' do
+ Bebox::Environment.stub(:list) {['a', 'b', 'c']}
argv = []
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :success) }
- expected_content = File.read("spec/fixtures/commands/in_project_help.test").gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip
+ env_desc = _('cli.environment.desc')
+ node_desc = _('cli.node.desc')
+ command_output_template = Tilt::ERBTemplate.new('spec/fixtures/commands/in_project_help.erb.test')
+ expected_content = command_output_template.render(nil, version: version, program_desc: program_desc, env_desc: env_desc, node_desc: node_desc).gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip
expect(output.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip).to eq(expected_content)
context '02: environment commands' do
it 'shows the help for environment commands' do
argv = ['help', 'environment']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :success) }
- expected_content = File.read("spec/fixtures/commands/environment_help.test").gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip
+ env_desc = _('cli.environment.desc')
+ list_desc = _('cli.environment.list.desc')
+ new_desc = _('cli.environment.new.desc')
+ remove_desc = _('cli.environment.remove.desc')
+ command_output_template = Tilt::ERBTemplate.new('spec/fixtures/commands/environment_help.erb.test')
+ expected_content = command_output_template.render(nil, env_desc: env_desc, new_desc: new_desc, list_desc: list_desc, remove_desc: remove_desc).gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip
expect(output.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip).to eq(expected_content)
it 'list environments' do
Bebox::Environment.stub(:list) { [environment.name] }
argv = ['environment', 'list']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :success) }
- expect(output).to match(/Current environments:.*?#{environment.name}/im)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.environment.list.current_envs')}.*?#{environment.name}/im)
it 'not list environments if there are not any' do
Bebox::Environment.stub(:list) { [] }
argv = ['environment', 'list']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :success) }
- expect(output).to match(/Current environments:.*?There are not environments yet. You can create a new one with: 'bebox environment new' command./im)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.environment.list.current_envs')}.*?#{_('cli.environment.list.no_envs')}/im)
it 'fails to create a new environment without name' do
Bebox::EnvironmentWizard.any_instance.stub(:send) { true }
argv = ['environment', 'new']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :failure) }
- expect(output).to match(/You did not supply an environment/)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.environment.name_arg_missing')}/)
it 'creates a new environment with name' do
Bebox::EnvironmentWizard.any_instance.stub(:send) { true }
argv = ['environment', 'new', environment.name]
@@ -88,11 +104,11 @@
it 'fails to remove an environment without name' do
Bebox::EnvironmentWizard.any_instance.stub(:send) { true }
argv = ['environment', 'remove']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :failure) }
- expect(output).to match(/You did not supply an environment/)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.environment.name_arg_missing')}/)
it 'removes an environment with name' do
Bebox::EnvironmentWizard.any_instance.stub(:send) { true }
argv = ['environment', 'remove', environment.name]
@@ -107,26 +123,33 @@
it 'shows the help for node commands' do
argv = ['help', 'node']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :success) }
- expected_content = File.read("spec/fixtures/commands/node_help.test").gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip
+ node_desc = _('cli.node.desc')
+ list_desc = _('cli.node.list.desc')
+ new_desc = _('cli.node.new.desc')
+ remove_desc = _('cli.node.remove.desc')
+ env_flag_desc = _('cli.node.list.env_flag_desc')
+ command_output_template = Tilt::ERBTemplate.new('spec/fixtures/commands/node_help.erb.test')
+ expected_content = command_output_template.render(nil, node_desc: node_desc, new_desc: new_desc,
+ list_desc: list_desc, remove_desc: remove_desc, env_flag_desc: env_flag_desc).gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip
expect(output.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip).to eq(expected_content)
it 'list nodes if there are any' do
Bebox::Node.stub(:list) { [node.hostname] }
argv = ['node', 'list']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :success) }
- expect(output).to match(/Nodes for '#{node.environment}' environment:.*?#{node.hostname}/m)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.node.list.env_nodes_title')%{environment: node.environment}}.*?#{node.hostname}/m)
it 'not list nodes if there are not any' do
Bebox::Node.stub(:list) { [] }
argv = ['node', 'list']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :success) }
- expect(output).to match(/Nodes for '#{node.environment}' environment:.*?There are not nodes yet in the environment. You can create a new one with: 'bebox node new' command./m)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.node.list.env_nodes_title')%{environment: node.environment}}.*?#{_('cli.node.list.no_nodes')}/m)
it 'sets a role for a node' do
Bebox::Profile.stub(:profiles_count) { 1 }
Bebox::Role.stub(:roles_count) { 1 }
@@ -159,11 +182,11 @@
it 'shows an error if vagrant is not installed' do
Bebox::CommandsHelper.stub(:vagrant_installed?) { false }
argv = ['prepare']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :success) }
- expect(output).to match(/Vagrant is not installed in the system. No changes were made./m)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.prepare.not_vagrant')}/m)
it 'prepares a node' do
Bebox::NodeWizard.any_instance.stub(:prepare) { true }
argv = ['prepare']
@@ -190,32 +213,38 @@
it 'shows the help for profile commands' do
argv = ['help', 'profile']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :success) }
- expected_content = File.read("spec/fixtures/commands/profile_help.test").gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip
+ profile_desc = _('cli.profile.desc')
+ list_desc = _('cli.profile.list.desc')
+ new_desc = _('cli.profile.new.desc')
+ remove_desc = _('cli.profile.remove.desc')
+ command_output_template = Tilt::ERBTemplate.new('spec/fixtures/commands/profile_help.erb.test')
+ expected_content = command_output_template.render(nil, profile_desc: profile_desc,
+ new_desc: new_desc, list_desc: list_desc, remove_desc: remove_desc).gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip
expect(output.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip).to eq(expected_content)
it 'list profiles if there are any' do
Bebox::ProfileWizard.any_instance.stub(:list_profiles) { [profile.name] }
argv = ['profile', 'list']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :success) }
- expect(output).to match(/Current profiles:.*?#{profile.name}/m)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.profile.list.current_profiles')}.*?#{profile.name}/m)
it 'not list profiles if there are not any' do
Bebox::ProfileWizard.any_instance.stub(:list_profiles) { [] }
argv = ['profile', 'list']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :success) }
- expect(output).to match(/There are not profiles yet. You can create a new one with: 'bebox profile new' command./m)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.profile.list.no_profiles')}/m)
it 'can not create a new profile without name' do
argv = ['profile', 'new']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :failure) }
- expect(output).to match(/You did not supply a name/)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.profile.new.name_arg_missing')}/)
it 'creates a new profile with name' do
Bebox::ProfileWizard.any_instance.stub(:create_new_profile) { true }
argv = ['profile', 'new', profile.name]
@@ -238,32 +267,42 @@
it 'shows the help for role commands' do
argv = ['help', 'role']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :success) }
- expected_content = File.read("spec/fixtures/commands/role_help.test").gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip
+ role_desc = _('cli.role.desc')
+ list_desc = _('cli.role.list.desc')
+ new_desc = _('cli.role.new.desc')
+ remove_desc = _('cli.role.remove.desc')
+ add_profile_desc = _('cli.role.add_profile.desc')
+ remove_profile_desc = _('cli.role.remove_profile.desc')
+ list_profiles_desc = _('cli.role.list_profiles.desc')
+ command_output_template = Tilt::ERBTemplate.new('spec/fixtures/commands/role_help.erb.test')
+ expected_content = command_output_template.render(nil, role_desc: role_desc, new_desc: new_desc,
+ list_desc: list_desc, remove_desc: remove_desc, add_profile_desc: add_profile_desc,
+ remove_profile_desc: remove_profile_desc, list_profiles_desc: list_profiles_desc).gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip
expect(output.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip).to eq(expected_content)
it 'list roles if there are any' do
Bebox::Role.stub(:list) { [role.name] }
argv = ['role', 'list']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :success) }
- expect(output).to match(/Current roles:.*?#{role.name}/m)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.role.list.current_roles')}.*?#{role.name}/m)
it 'not list roles if there are not any' do
Bebox::Role.stub(:list) { [] }
argv = ['role', 'list']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :success) }
- expect(output).to match(/There are not roles yet. You can create a new one with: 'bebox role new' command./m)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.role.list.no_roles')}/m)
it 'can not create a new role without name' do
argv = ['role', 'new']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :failure) }
- expect(output).to match(/You did not supply a name/)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.role.new.name_arg_missing')}/)
it 'creates a new role with name' do
Bebox::ProfileWizard.any_instance.stub(:create_new_role) { true }
argv = ['role', 'new', role.name]
@@ -277,34 +316,35 @@
it 'can not list role profiles without a role name' do
argv = ['role', 'list_profiles']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :failure) }
- expect(output).to match(/You did not supply a role name./m)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.role.list_profiles.name_arg_missing')}/m)
it 'can not list role profiles if role not exist' do
+ Bebox::Role.stub(:list_profiles) { [] }
Bebox::RoleWizard.any_instance.stub(:role_exists?) { false }
argv = ['role', 'list_profiles', role.name]
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :success) }
- expect(output).to match(/The '#{role.name}' role does not exist./m)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.role.list_profiles.name_not_exist')%{role: role.name}}/m)
it 'not list role profiles if there are not any' do
Bebox::RoleWizard.any_instance.stub(:role_exists?) { true }
Bebox::Role.stub(:list_profiles) { [] }
argv = ['role', 'list_profiles', role.name]
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :success) }
- expect(output).to match(/There are not profiles in role '#{role.name}'. You can add a new one with: 'bebox role add_profile' command./m)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.role.list_profiles.no_profiles')%{role: role.name}}/m)
it 'list role profiles if there are any' do
Bebox::RoleWizard.any_instance.stub(:role_exists?) { true }
Bebox::Role.stub(:list_profiles) { [profile.name] }
argv = ['role', 'list_profiles', role.name]
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :success) }
- expect(output).to match(/Current profiles in '#{role.name}' role:.*?#{profile.name}/m)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.role.list_profiles.current_profiles')%{role: role.name}}.*?#{profile.name}/m)
context '07: provision commands' do
@@ -313,16 +353,16 @@
it 'can not apply provision if the step is not supplied' do
argv = ['apply']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :failure) }
- expect(output).to match(/You did not specify an step/m)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.provision.name_missing')}/m)
it 'can not apply provision if the step is not valid' do
argv = ['apply', 'step']
output = capture(:stdout) { cli_command(argv, :failure) }
- expect(output).to match(/You did not specify a valid step/m)
+ expect(output).to match(/#{_('cli.provision.name_invalid')}/m)
it 'applies provision if the step is valid' do
Bebox::ProvisionWizard.any_instance.stub(:apply_step) { true }
argv = ['apply', 'step-0']
\ No newline at end of file