in beatport-0.1.9 vs in beatport-0.1.10
- old
+ new
@@ -14,9 +14,51 @@
* genreName
* artistName (and not performerName)
* labelName
+## Examples
+require 'beatport'
+# Search using the query "Mord Fustang" on Beatport
+ query = Beatport::Catalog::Search.query("Mord Fustang")
+ query.class # => returns a Beatport::Collection object
+ query[0].class # => first result is a Beatport::Catalog::Artist object
+ query[0].id # => returns the Beatport id of the artist
+ query[1].class # => second result is a Beatport.Catalog::Chart object
+ query[1].publish_date # => returns the published date of the Chart
+ # Note that search results change frequently, so first result may not
+ necessarily be a Beatport::Catalog::Artist object
+# Find top downloads for a given genre
+ genres = Beatport::Catalog::Genre.all # => list all genres
+ # display each genre and its corresponding Beatport genre slug
+ genres.each do |genre|
+ puts "Genre: #{} slug: #{genre.slug}"
+ end
+ # find the top 10 downloads for the genre Electro House
+ electro_house_genre = Beatport::Catalog::Genre.find('electro-house')
+ # => create Electro House Genre object by searching by slug
+ electro_house_top_10 = trance_genre.top_downloads
+ # => list the top downloads for the Electro House genre
+ electro_house_top_10[0].name
+ # => find the name of the #1 downloaded Electro House track
+ # An alternative for searching for genre by slug is searching by genre ID
+ trance_genre = Beatport::Catalog::Genre.find(7) # => returns a Trance Genre object
## Contributing to beatport
* Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
* Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
* Fork the project