spec/beaker/dsl/helpers_spec.rb in beaker-2.5.0 vs spec/beaker/dsl/helpers_spec.rb in beaker-2.5.1
- old
+ new
@@ -256,11 +256,23 @@
subject.scp_to( hosts, '/var/log/my.log', 'log/my.log' )
- describe '#create_remote_file' do
+ describe '#rsync_to' do
+ it 'delegates to the host' do
+ allow( subject ).to receive( :hosts ).and_return( hosts )
+ hosts.each do |host|
+ expect( host ).to receive( :do_rsync_to ).and_return( result )
+ end
+ subject.rsync_to( hosts, '/var/log/my.log', 'log/my.log' )
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#create_remote_file using scp' do
it 'scps the contents passed in to the hosts' do
my_opts = { :silent => true }
tmpfile = double
expect( tmpfile ).to receive( :path ).exactly( 2 ).times.
@@ -275,10 +287,29 @@
subject.create_remote_file( hosts, '/remote/path', 'blah', my_opts )
+ describe '#create_remote_file using rsync' do
+ it 'scps the contents passed in to the hosts' do
+ my_opts = { :silent => true, :protocol => 'rsync' }
+ tmpfile = double
+ expect( tmpfile ).to receive( :path ).exactly( 2 ).times.
+ and_return( '/local/path/to/blah' )
+ expect( Tempfile ).to receive( :open ).and_yield( tmpfile )
+ expect( File ).to receive( :open )
+ expect( subject ).to receive( :rsync_to ).
+ with( hosts, '/local/path/to/blah', '/remote/path', my_opts )
+ subject.create_remote_file( hosts, '/remote/path', 'blah', my_opts )
+ end
+ end
describe '#create_tmpdir_for_user' do
let(:host) { {} }
let(:result) { double.as_null_object }
before :each do
@@ -782,26 +813,20 @@
describe "#stop_agent_on" do
let( :result_fail ) { Beaker::Result.new( [], "" ) }
let( :result_pass ) { Beaker::Result.new( [], "" ) }
before :each do
allow( subject ).to receive( :sleep ).and_return( true )
- result_fail.stdout = 'stdout'
- result_fail.stderr = 'stderr'
- result_fail.exit_code = 1
- result_pass.stdout = 'stdout'
- result_pass.stderr = 'stderr'
- result_pass.exit_code = 0
it 'runs the pe-puppet on a system without pe-puppet-agent' do
vardir = '/var'
deb_agent = make_host( 'deb', :platform => 'debian-7-amd64' )
allow( deb_agent ).to receive( :puppet ).and_return( { 'vardir' => vardir } )
- allow( subject ).to receive( :hosts ).and_return( hosts )
- expect( subject ).to receive( :on ).with( deb_agent, "[ -e '#{vardir}/state/agent_catalog_run.lock' ]", :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,1] ).once.and_return( result_fail )
- expect( subject ).to receive( :on ).with( deb_agent, "[ -e /etc/init.d/pe-puppet-agent ]", :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,1] ).once.and_return( result_fail )
+ expect( deb_agent ).to receive( :file_exist? ).with("/var/state/agent_catalog_run.lock").and_return(false)
+ expect( deb_agent ).to receive( :file_exist? ).with("/etc/init.d/pe-puppet-agent").and_return(false)
expect( subject ).to receive( :puppet_resource ).with( "service", "pe-puppet", "ensure=stopped").once
expect( subject ).to receive( :on ).once
subject.stop_agent_on( deb_agent )
@@ -810,14 +835,14 @@
it 'runs the pe-puppet-agent on a unix system with pe-puppet-agent' do
vardir = '/var'
el_agent = make_host( 'el', :platform => 'el-5-x86_64' )
allow( el_agent ).to receive( :puppet ).and_return( { 'vardir' => vardir } )
- allow( subject ).to receive( :hosts ).and_return( hosts )
- expect( subject ).to receive( :on ).with( el_agent, "[ -e '#{vardir}/state/agent_catalog_run.lock' ]", :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,1] ).once.and_return( result_fail )
- expect( subject ).to receive( :on ).with( el_agent, "[ -e /etc/init.d/pe-puppet-agent ]", :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,1] ).once.and_return( result_pass )
- expect( subject ).to receive( :puppet_resource ).with("service", "pe-puppet-agent", "ensure=stopped").once
+ expect( el_agent ).to receive( :file_exist? ).with("/var/state/agent_catalog_run.lock").and_return(false)
+ expect( el_agent ).to receive( :file_exist? ).with("/etc/init.d/pe-puppet-agent").and_return(true)
+ expect( subject ).to receive( :puppet_resource ).with( "service", "pe-puppet-agent", "ensure=stopped").once
expect( subject ).to receive( :on ).once
subject.stop_agent_on( el_agent )
@@ -914,10 +939,16 @@
expect {
subject.with_puppet_running_on(host, {})
}.to raise_error(RuntimeError, /puppet conf backup failed/)
+ it 'receives a Minitest::Assertion and fails the test correctly' do
+ allow( subject ).to receive( :backup_the_file ).and_raise( Minitest::Assertion.new('assertion failed!') )
+ expect( subject ).to receive( :fail_test )
+ subject.with_puppet_running_on(host, {})
+ end
describe 'with puppet-server' do
let(:default_confdir) { "/etc/puppet" }
let(:default_vardir) { "/var/lib/puppet" }
let(:custom_confdir) { "/tmp/etc/puppet" }
@@ -956,12 +987,15 @@
before do
allow( subject ).to receive( :options) .and_return( {:is_puppetserver => true})
allow( subject ).to receive( :modify_tk_config)
- allow( host ).to receive(:puppet).with('master') .and_return({'confdir' => default_confdir,
- 'vardir' => default_vardir})
+ allow( host ).to receive(:puppet).with( any_args ).and_return({
+ 'confdir' => default_confdir,
+ 'vardir' => default_vardir,
+ 'config' => "#{default_confdir}/puppet.conf"
+ })
describe 'and command line args passed' do
it 'modifies SUT trapperkeeper configuration w/ command line args' do
expect( subject ).to receive( :modify_tk_config).with(host, puppetserver_conf,
@@ -1085,11 +1119,11 @@
it 'yields between starting and stopping' do
execution = 0
expect do
subject.with_puppet_running_on(host, {}) do
- expect(host).to execute_commands_matching(/^puppet master/).once
+ expect(host).to execute_commands_matching(/^puppet master/).exactly(4).times
execution += 1
end.to change { execution }.by(1)
expect(host).to execute_commands_matching(/^kill [^-]/).once
expect(host).to execute_commands_matching(/^kill -0/).once
@@ -1101,14 +1135,27 @@
describe 'backup and restore of puppet.conf' do
- let(:original_location) { "#{host['puppetpath']}/puppet.conf" }
- let(:backup_location) { "#{tmpdir_path}/puppet.conf.bak" }
- let(:new_location) { "#{tmpdir_path}/puppet.conf" }
+ before :each do
+ mock_puppetconf_reader = Object.new
+ allow( mock_puppetconf_reader ).to receive( :[] ).with( 'config' ).and_return( '/root/mock/puppet.conf' )
+ allow( mock_puppetconf_reader ).to receive( :[] ).with( 'confdir' ).and_return( '/root/mock' )
+ allow( host ).to receive( :puppet ).with( any_args ).and_return( mock_puppetconf_reader )
+ end
+ let(:original_location) { host.puppet['config'] }
+ let(:backup_location) {
+ filename = File.basename(host.puppet['config'])
+ File.join(tmpdir_path, "#{filename}.bak")
+ }
+ let(:new_location) {
+ filename = File.basename(host.puppet['config'])
+ File.join(tmpdir_path, filename)
+ }
context 'when a puppetservice is used' do
let(:use_service) { true }
it 'backs up puppet.conf' do
subject.with_puppet_running_on(host, {})
@@ -1297,16 +1344,16 @@
describe "#write_hiera_config_on" do
let(:hierarchy) { [ 'nodes/%{::fqdn}', 'common' ] }
it 'on FOSS host' do
host = make_host('testhost', { :platform => 'ubuntu' } )
- expect(subject).to receive(:create_remote_file).with(host, host[:hieraconf], /#{host[:hieradatadir]}/)
+ expect(subject).to receive(:create_remote_file).with(host, host.puppet['hiera_config'], /#{host[:hieradatadir]}/)
subject.write_hiera_config_on(host, hierarchy)
it 'on PE host' do
host = make_host('testhost', { :platform => 'ubuntu', :type => 'pe' } )
- expect(subject).to receive(:create_remote_file).with(host, host[:hieraconf], /#{host[:hieradatadir]}/)
+ expect(subject).to receive(:create_remote_file).with(host, host.puppet['hiera_config'], /#{host[:hieradatadir]}/)
subject.write_hiera_config_on(host, hierarchy)