lib/beaker/host/windows/pkg.rb in beaker-4.42.0 vs lib/beaker/host/windows/pkg.rb in beaker-5.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
arch = identify_windows_architecture
if arch == '64'
rootdir = "c:\\\\cygwin64"
cygwin = "setup-x86_64.exe"
- else #32 bit version
+ else # 32 bit version
rootdir = "c:\\\\cygwin"
cygwin = "setup-x86.exe"
execute("#{cygwin} -q -n -N -d -R #{rootdir} -s -P #{name} #{cmdline_args}")
@@ -27,69 +27,18 @@
def uninstall_package(name, _cmdline_args = '')
raise "Package #{name} cannot be uninstalled on #{self}"
- #Examine the host system to determine the architecture, overrides default host determine_if_x86_64 so that wmic is used
- #@return [Boolean] true if x86_64, false otherwise
+ # Examine the host system to determine the architecture, overrides default host determine_if_x86_64 so that wmic is used
+ # @return [Boolean] true if x86_64, false otherwise
def determine_if_x86_64
- # Gets the path & file name for the puppet agent dev package on Windows
- #
- # @param [String] puppet_collection Name of the puppet collection to use
- # @param [String] puppet_agent_version Version of puppet agent to get
- # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Options hash to provide extra values
- #
- # @note Windows only uses the 'install_32' option of the opts hash at this
- # time. Note that it will not fail if not provided, however
- #
- # @return [String, String] Path to the directory and filename of the package, respectively
- def puppet_agent_dev_package_info( _puppet_collection = nil, puppet_agent_version = nil, opts = {} )
- release_path_end = 'windows'
- is_config_32 = self['ruby_arch'] == 'x86' || self['install_32'] || opts['install_32']
- should_install_64bit = self.is_x86_64? && !is_config_32
- # only install 64bit builds if
- # - we do not have install_32 set on host
- # - we do not have install_32 set globally
- arch_suffix = should_install_64bit ? '64' : '86'
- # If a version was specified, use it; otherwise fall back to a default name.
- # Avoid when puppet_agent_version is set to a SHA, which isn't used in package names.
- if /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+/.match?(puppet_agent_version)
- release_file = "puppet-agent-#{puppet_agent_version}-x#{arch_suffix}.msi"
- else
- release_file = "puppet-agent-x#{arch_suffix}.msi"
- end
- return release_path_end, release_file
- end
- # Gets host-specific information for PE promoted puppet-agent packages
- #
- # @param [String] puppet_collection Name of the puppet collection to use
- # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Options hash to provide extra values
- #
- # @return [String, String, String] Host-specific information for packages
- # 1. release_path_end Suffix for the release_path
- # 2. release_file Path to the file on release build servers
- # 3. download_file Filename for the package itself
- def pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_info( _puppet_collection = nil, _opts = {} )
- is_config_32 = self['ruby_arch'] == 'x86' || self['install_32'] || self['install_32']
- should_install_64bit = self.is_x86_64? && !is_config_32
- # only install 64bit builds if
- # - we do not have install_32 set on host
- # - we do not have install_32 set globally
- arch_suffix = should_install_64bit ? '64' : '86'
- release_path_end = "/windows"
- release_file = "/puppet-agent-x#{arch_suffix}.msi"
- download_file = "puppet-agent-x#{arch_suffix}.msi"
- return release_path_end, release_file, download_file
- end
# @api private
def identify_windows_architecture
platform.arch.include?('64') ? '64' : '32'