lib/beaker-rspec/helpers/serverspec.rb in beaker-rspec-5.0.0 vs lib/beaker-rspec/helpers/serverspec.rb in beaker-rspec-5.0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,11 +1,42 @@
require 'serverspec'
require 'specinfra'
+require 'specinfra/backend/powershell/script_helper'
# Set specinfra backend to use our custom backend
-set :backend, 'BeakerExec'
+set :backend, 'BeakerDispatch'
+module Specinfra
+ # Accessor for current example
+ def cur_example
+ Specinfra.backend.example
+ end
+ def get_working_node
+ example = cur_example
+ if example and example.metadata[:node]
+ node = example.metadata[:node]
+ else
+ node = default_node
+ end
+ node
+ end
+ # The cygwin backend
+ def cygwin_backend
+ @cygwin_backend ||= Specinfra::Backend::BeakerCygwin.instance
+ end
+ # Backend for everything non-cygwin
+ def exec_backend
+ @exec_backend ||= Specinfra::Backend::BeakerExec.instance
+ end
# Override existing specinfra configuration to avoid conflicts
# with beaker's shell, stdout, stderr defines
module Specinfra
module Configuration
class << self
@@ -23,47 +54,218 @@
-module Specinfra::Backend
- class BeakerExec < Specinfra::Backend::Base
- # Run a command using serverspec. Defaults to running on the 'default' test node, otherwise uses the
- # node specified in @example.metadata[:node]
- # @param [String] cmd The serverspec command to executed
- # @param [Hash] opt No currently supported options
- # @return [Hash] Returns a hash containing :exit_status, :stdout and :stderr
- def run_command(cmd, opt={})
- cmd = build_command(cmd)
- cmd = add_pre_command(cmd)
- ret = ssh_exec!(cmd)
+module Specinfra::Helper::Os
+ private
- if @example
- @example.metadata[:command] = cmd
- @example.metadata[:stdout] = ret[:stdout]
+ # Override detect_os to look at the node platform, short circuit discoverability
+ # when we know that we have a windows node
+ def detect_os
+ return Specinfra.configuration.os if Specinfra.configuration.os
+ backend = Specinfra.backend
+ node = get_working_node
+ if node['platform'] =~ /windows/
+ return {:family => 'windows'}
+ end
+ Specinfra::Helper::DetectOs.subclasses.each do |c|
+ res = c.detect
+ if res
+ res[:arch] ||= Specinfra.backend.run_command('uname -m').stdout.strip
+ return res
+ end
+ end
- ret
+class Specinfra::CommandFactory
+ class << self
+ # Force creation of a windows command
+ def get_windows_cmd(meth, *args)
+ action, resource_type, subaction = breakdown(meth)
+ method = action
+ method += "_#{subaction}" if subaction
+ common_class = Specinfra::Command
+ base_class = common_class.const_get('Base')
+ os_class = common_class.const_get('Windows')
+ version_class = os_class.const_get('Base')
+ command_class = version_class.const_get(resource_type.to_camel_case)
+ command_class = command_class.create
+ if command_class.respond_to?(method)
+ command_class.send(method, *args)
+ else
+ raise"#{method} is not implemented in #{command_class}")
+ end
+ end
+module Specinfra
+ # Rewrite the runner to use the appropriate backend based upon platform information
+ class Runner
+ def self.method_missing(meth, *args)
+ backend = Specinfra.backend
+ node = get_working_node
+ if node['platform'] !~ /windows/
+ processor = Specinfra::Processor
+ if processor.respond_to?(meth)
+ processor.send(meth, *args)
+ elsif backend.respond_to?(meth)
+ backend.send(meth, *args)
+ else
+ run(meth, *args)
+ end
+ else
+ if backend.respond_to?(meth)
+ backend.send(meth, *args)
+ else
+ run(meth, *args)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def, *args)
+ backend = Specinfra.backend
+ node = get_working_node
+ if node['platform'] =~ /windows/
+ cmd = Specinfra.command.get_windows_cmd(meth, *args)
+ else
+ cmd = Specinfra.command.get(meth, *args)
+ end
+ backend = Specinfra.backend
+ ret = backend.run_command(cmd)
+ if meth.to_s =~ /^check/
+ ret.success?
+ else
+ ret
+ end
+ end
+ end
+module Specinfra::Backend::PowerShell
+ class Command
+ # Do a better job at escaping regexes, handle both LF and CRLF (YAY!)
+ def convert_regexp(target)
+ case target
+ when Regexp
+ target.source
+ else
+ Regexp.escape(target.to_s.gsub '/', '\/').gsub('\n', '(\r\n|\n)')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+module Specinfra::Backend
+ class BeakerBase < Specinfra::Backend::Base
+ # Example accessor
+ def example
+ @example
+ end
# Execute the provided ssh command
# @param [String] command The command to be executed
# @return [Hash] Returns a hash containing :exit_status, :stdout and :stderr
- def ssh_exec!(command)
- if @example and @example.metadata[:node]
- node = @example.metadata[:node]
- else
- node = default
- end
+ def ssh_exec!(node, command)
r = on node, command, { :acceptable_exit_codes => (0..127) }
:exit_status => r.exit_code,
:stdout => r.stdout,
:stderr => r.stderr
+ end
+ end
+# Used as a container for the two backends, dispatches as windows/nix depending on node platform
+module Specinfra::Backend
+ class BeakerDispatch < BeakerBase
+ def dispatch_method(meth, *args)
+ if get_working_node['platform'] =~ /windows/
+ cygwin_backend.send(meth, *args)
+ else
+ exec_backend.send(meth, *args)
+ end
+ end
+ def run_command(cmd, opts={})
+ dispatch_method('run_command', cmd, opts)
+ end
+ def build_command(cmd)
+ dispatch_method('build_command', cmd)
+ end
+ def add_pre_command(cmd)
+ dispatch_method('add_pre_command', cmd)
+ end
+ end
+# Backend for running serverspec commands on windows test nodes
+module Specinfra::Backend
+ class BeakerCygwin < BeakerBase
+ include Specinfra::Backend::PowerShell::ScriptHelper
+ # Run a windows style command using serverspec. Defaults to running on the 'default_node'
+ # test node, otherwise uses the node specified in @example.metadata[:node]
+ # @param [String] cmd The serverspec command to executed
+ # @param [Hash] opt No currently supported options
+ # @return [Hash] Returns a hash containing :exit_status, :stdout and :stderr
+ def run_command(cmd, opt = {})
+ node = get_working_node
+ script = create_script(cmd)
+ on node, "rm -f script.ps1"
+ create_remote_file(node, 'script.ps1', script)
+ # cygwin support /dev/null, if running from winrm would use < NULL
+ ret = ssh_exec!(node, "powershell.exe -File script.ps1 < /dev/null")
+ if @example
+ @example.metadata[:command] = script
+ @example.metadata[:stdout] = ret[:stdout]
+ end
+ ret
+ end
+ end
+# Backend for running serverspec commands on non-windows test nodes
+module Specinfra::Backend
+ class BeakerExec < BeakerBase
+ # Run a unix style command using serverspec. Defaults to running on the 'default_node'
+ # test node, otherwise uses the node specified in @example.metadata[:node]
+ # @param [String] cmd The serverspec command to executed
+ # @param [Hash] opt No currently supported options
+ # @return [Hash] Returns a hash containing :exit_status, :stdout and :stderr
+ def run_command(cmd, opt = {})
+ node = get_working_node
+ cmd = build_command(cmd)
+ cmd = add_pre_command(cmd)
+ ret = ssh_exec!(node, cmd)
+ if @example
+ @example.metadata[:command] = cmd
+ @example.metadata[:stdout] = ret[:stdout]
+ end
+ ret
def build_command(cmd)
useshell = '/bin/sh'
cmd = cmd.shelljoin if cmd.is_a?(Array)