lib/beaker-pe/install/pe_utils.rb in beaker-pe-3.0.1 vs lib/beaker-pe/install/pe_utils.rb in beaker-pe-3.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -889,9 +889,234 @@
+ # Gets host-specific information for PE promoted puppet-agent packages (Mac version)
+ #
+ # @param [Host] host
+ # @param [String] puppet_collection Name of the puppet collection to use
+ # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Options hash to provide extra values
+ #
+ # @return [String, String, String] Host-specific information for packages
+ # 1. release_path_end Suffix for the release_path. Used on Windows. Check
+ # {Windows::Pkg#pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_info} to see usage.
+ # 2. release_file Path to the file on release build servers
+ # 3. download_file Filename for the package itself
+ def pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_info_mac(host, puppet_collection = nil, opts = {} )
+ error_message = "Must provide %s argument to get puppet agent dev package information"
+ raise ArgumentError, error_message % "puppet_collection" unless puppet_collection
+ variant, version, arch, _codename = host['platform'].to_array
+ release_file = "/repos/apple/#{version}/#{puppet_collection}/#{arch}/puppet-agent-*"
+ # macOS puppet-agent tarballs haven't always included arch
+ agent_version = opts[:puppet_agent_version]
+ agent_version_f = agent_version&.to_f
+ download_file = if agent_version_f.nil? || (agent_version_f < 6.28 || (agent_version_f >= 7.0 && agent_version_f < 7.18))
+ "puppet-agent-#{variant}-#{version}.tar.gz"
+ else
+ "puppet-agent-#{variant}-#{version}-#{arch}.tar.gz"
+ end
+ return '', release_file, download_file
+ end
+ # Gets host-specific information for PE promoted puppet-agent packages (Windows version)
+ #
+ # @param [Host] host
+ # @param [String] puppet_collection Name of the puppet collection to use
+ # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Options hash to provide extra values
+ #
+ # @return [String, String, String] Host-specific information for packages
+ # 1. release_path_end Suffix for the release_path
+ # 2. release_file Path to the file on release build servers
+ # 3. download_file Filename for the package itself
+ def pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_info_windows(host, _puppet_collection = nil, _opts = {} )
+ is_config_32 = host['ruby_arch'] == 'x86' || host['install_32'] || host['install_32']
+ should_install_64bit = host.is_x86_64? && !is_config_32
+ # only install 64bit builds if
+ # - we do not have install_32 set on host
+ # - we do not have install_32 set globally
+ arch_suffix = should_install_64bit ? '64' : '86'
+ release_path_end = "/windows"
+ release_file = "/puppet-agent-x#{arch_suffix}.msi"
+ download_file = "puppet-agent-x#{arch_suffix}.msi"
+ return release_path_end, release_file, download_file
+ end
+ # Gets host-specific information for PE promoted puppet-agent packages (Unix version)
+ #
+ # @param [Host] host
+ # @param [String] puppet_collection Name of the puppet collection to use
+ # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Options hash to provide extra values
+ #
+ # @return [String, String, String] Host-specific information for packages
+ # 1. release_path_end Suffix for the release_path. Used on Windows. Check
+ # {Windows::Pkg#pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_info} to see usage.
+ # 2. release_file Path to the file on release build servers
+ # 3. download_file Filename for the package itself
+ def pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_info_unix(host, puppet_collection = nil, _opts = {} )
+ error_message = "Must provide %s argument to get puppet agent dev package information"
+ raise ArgumentError, error_message % "puppet_collection" unless puppet_collection
+ variant, version, arch, codename = host['platform'].to_array
+ case variant
+ when /^(fedora|el|centos|redhat|opensuse|sles)$/
+ variant = ((['centos', 'redhat'].include?(variant)) ? 'el' : variant)
+ release_file = "/repos/#{variant}/#{version}/#{puppet_collection}/#{arch}/puppet-agent-*.rpm"
+ download_file = "puppet-agent-#{variant}-#{version}-#{arch}.tar.gz"
+ when /^(debian|ubuntu|cumulus)$/
+ if arch == 'x86_64'
+ arch = 'amd64'
+ end
+ version = version[0,2] + '.' + version[2,2] if (variant.include?('ubuntu') && !version.include?("."))
+ release_file = "/repos/apt/#{codename}/pool/#{puppet_collection}/p/puppet-agent/puppet-agent*#{arch}.deb"
+ download_file = "puppet-agent-#{variant}-#{version}-#{arch}.tar.gz"
+ when /^solaris$/
+ if arch == 'x86_64'
+ arch = 'i386'
+ end
+ release_file = "/repos/solaris/#{version}/#{puppet_collection}/"
+ download_file = "puppet-agent-#{variant}-#{version}-#{arch}.tar.gz"
+ else
+ raise "No pe-promoted installation step for #{variant} yet..."
+ end
+ return '', release_file, download_file
+ end
+ def pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_install_dispatch(host, onhost_copy_base, onhost_copied_download, onhost_copied_file, download_file, _opts)
+ case host
+ when Mac::Host
+ return pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_install_mac(host, onhost_copy_base, onhost_copied_download, onhost_copied_file, download_file, _opts)
+ when Unix::Host
+ return pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_install_unix(host, onhost_copy_base, onhost_copied_download, onhost_copied_file, download_file, _opts)
+ end
+ raise RuntimeError("#{host.class} not one of Beaker::(Mac|Unix)::Host")
+ end
+ # Installs a given PE promoted package on a Mac host
+ #
+ # @param [Host] host Host to install package on
+ # @param [String] onhost_copy_base Base copy directory on the host
+ # @param [String] onhost_copied_download Downloaded file path on the host
+ # @param [String] onhost_copied_file Copied file path once un-compressed
+ # @param [String] download_file File name of the downloaded file
+ # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts additional options
+ #
+ # @return nil
+ def pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_install_mac(
+ host, onhost_copy_base, onhost_copied_download, onhost_copied_file, _download_file, _opts
+ )
+ host.execute("tar -zxvf #{onhost_copied_download} -C #{onhost_copy_base}")
+ # move to better location
+ host.execute("mv #{onhost_copied_file}.dmg .")
+ host.install_package("puppet-agent-*")
+ end
+ # Installs a given PE promoted package on a Unix host
+ #
+ # @param [Host] host Host to install package on
+ # @param [String] onhost_copy_base Base copy directory on the host
+ # @param [String] onhost_copied_download Downloaded file path on the host
+ # @param [String] onhost_copied_file Copied file path once un-compressed
+ # @param [String] download_file File name of the downloaded file
+ # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts additional options
+ #
+ # @return nil
+ def pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_install_unix(
+ host, onhost_copy_base, onhost_copied_download, onhost_copied_file, download_file, _opts
+ )
+ host.uncompress_local_tarball(onhost_copied_download, onhost_copy_base, download_file )
+ if /^solaris/.match?(host['platform'])
+ # above uncompresses the install from .tar.gz -> .p5p into the
+ # onhost_copied_file directory w/a weird name. We have to read that file
+ # name from the filesystem, so that we can provide it to install_local...
+ pkg_filename = host.execute( "ls #{onhost_copied_file}" )
+ onhost_copied_file = "#{onhost_copied_file}#{pkg_filename}"
+ end
+ host.install_local_package(onhost_copied_file, onhost_copy_base )
+ nil
+ end
+ def pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_info_dispatch(host, puppet_collection = nil, opts = {})
+ case host
+ when Windows::Host
+ return pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_info_windows(host, puppet_collection, opts)
+ when Mac::Host
+ return pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_info_mac(host, puppet_collection, opts)
+ when Unix::Host
+ return pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_info_unix(host, puppet_collection, opts)
+ end
+ raise RuntimeError("#{host.class} not one of Beaker::(Windows|Mac|Unix)::Host")
+ end
+ # Install shared repo of the puppet-agent on the given host(s). Downloaded from
+ # location of the form PE_PROMOTED_BUILDS_URL/PE_VER/puppet-agent/AGENT_VERSION/repo
+ #
+ # @param [Host, Array<Host>, String, Symbol] hosts One or more hosts to act upon,
+ # or a role (String or Symbol) that identifies one or more hosts.
+ # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts An options hash
+ # @option opts [String] :puppet_agent_version The version of puppet-agent to install, defaults to 'latest'
+ # @option opts [String] :pe_ver The version of PE (will also use host['pe_ver']), defaults to '4.0'
+ # @option opts [String] :copy_base_local Directory where puppet-agent artifact
+ # will be stored locally
+ # (default: 'tmp/repo_configs')
+ # @option opts [String] :copy_dir_external Directory where puppet-agent
+ # artifact will be pushed to on the external machine
+ # (default: '/root')
+ # @option opts [String] :puppet_collection Defaults to 'PC1'
+ # @option opts [String] :pe_promoted_builds_url Base URL to pull artifacts from
+ def install_puppet_agent_pe_promoted_repo_on(hosts, opts)
+ opts[:puppet_agent_version] ||= 'latest'
+ block_on hosts do |host|
+ pe_ver = host[:pe_ver] || opts[:pe_ver] || '4.0.0-rc1'
+ opts = sanitize_opts(opts)
+ opts[:download_url] =
+ "#{opts[:pe_promoted_builds_url]}/puppet-agent/#{pe_ver}/#{opts[:puppet_agent_version]}/repos"
+ opts[:copy_base_local] ||= File.join('tmp', 'repo_configs')
+ opts[:copy_dir_external] ||= host.external_copy_base
+ opts[:puppet_collection] ||= puppet_collection_for(:puppet_agent, opts[:puppet_agent_version])
+ add_role(host, 'aio') # we are installing agent, so we want aio role
+ release_path = opts[:download_url]
+ variant, version, arch, codename = host['platform'].to_array
+ copy_dir_local = File.join(opts[:copy_base_local], variant)
+ onhost_copy_base = opts[:copy_dir_external]
+ release_path_end, release_file, download_file =
+ pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_info_dispatch(
+ host,
+ opts[:puppet_collection], opts
+ )
+ release_path << release_path_end
+ onhost_copied_download = File.join(onhost_copy_base, download_file)
+ onhost_copied_file = File.join(onhost_copy_base, release_file)
+ fetch_http_file(release_path, download_file, copy_dir_local)
+ scp_to host, File.join(copy_dir_local, download_file), onhost_copy_base
+ if variant == 'windows'
+ result = on host, "echo #{onhost_copied_file}"
+ onhost_copied_file = result.raw_output.chomp
+ opts = { debug: host[:pe_debug] || opts[:pe_debug] }
+ # couldn't pull this out, because it's relying on
+ # {Beaker::DSL::InstallUtils::WindowsUtils} methods,
+ # which I didn't want to attack right now. TODO
+ install_msi_on(host, onhost_copied_file, {}, opts)
+ else
+ pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_install_dispatch(
+ host,
+ onhost_copy_base, onhost_copied_download,
+ onhost_copied_file, download_file, opts
+ )
+ end
+ configure_type_defaults_on(host)
+ end
+ end
def generic_install hosts, opts = {}
step "Installing PE on a generic set of hosts"
masterless = opts[:masterless]