lib/beaker-pe/install/pe_utils.rb in beaker-pe-1.9.1 vs lib/beaker-pe/install/pe_utils.rb in beaker-pe-1.10.0
- old
+ new
@@ -24,10 +24,22 @@
include PuppetUtils
include WindowsUtils
# Version of PE when we switched from legacy installer to MEEP.
+ # Version of PE when we switched to using meep for classification
+ # instead of PE node groups
+ # PE-18799 temporary default used for meep classification check while
+ # we navigate the switchover.
+ # PE-18718 switch flag to true once beaker-pe, beaker-answers,
+ # beaker-pe-large-environments and pe_acceptance_tests are ready
+ MEEP_DATA_DIR = '/etc/puppetlabs/enterprise'
+ PE_CONF_FILE = "#{MEEP_DATA_DIR}/conf.d/pe.conf"
+ NODE_CONF_PATH = "#{MEEP_DATA_DIR}/conf.d/nodes"
+ BEAKER_MEEP_TMP = "pe_conf"
# @!macro [new] common_opts
# @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Options to alter execution.
# @option opts [Boolean] :silent (false) Do not produce log output
# @option opts [Array<Fixnum>] :acceptable_exit_codes ([0]) An array
@@ -118,13 +130,15 @@
if ! version_is_less(host['pe_ver'], '2016.2.1')
# -y option sets "assume yes" mode where yes or whatever default will be assumed
pe_cmd += " -y"
- # If there are no answer overrides, and we are doing an upgrade from 2016.2.0,
+ # If we are doing an upgrade from 2016.2.0,
# we can assume there will be a valid pe.conf in /etc that we can re-use.
- if opts[:answers].nil? && opts[:custom_answers].nil? && opts[:type] == :upgrade && !version_is_less(opts[:HOSTS][][:pe_ver], '2016.2.0')
+ # We also expect that any custom_answers specified to beaker have been
+ # added to the pe.conf in /etc.
+ if opts[:type] == :upgrade && use_meep?(host[:previous_pe_ver])
"#{pe_cmd} #{host['pe_installer_conf_setting']}"
@@ -175,11 +189,10 @@
# file from the host (false; default behavior)
# @api private
def fetch_pe_on_windows(host, opts)
path = host['pe_dir'] || opts[:pe_dir]
local =
- version = host['pe_ver'] || opts[:pe_ver_win]
filename = "#{host['dist']}"
extension = ".msi"
if local
if not File.exists?("#{path}/#{filename}#{extension}")
raise "attempting installation on #{host}, #{path}/#{filename}#{extension} does not exist"
@@ -280,14 +293,17 @@
fetch_pe_on_unix(host, opts)
- #Classify the master so that it can deploy frictionless packages for a given host.
+ #Classify the master so that it can deploy frictionless packages for a given host.
+ #This function does nothing when using meep for classification.
# @param [Host] host The host to install pacakges for
# @api private
def deploy_frictionless_to_master(host)
+ return if use_meep_for_classification?(master[:pe_ver], options)
platform = host['platform']
# We don't have a separate AIX 7.2 build, so it is
# classified as 7.1 for pe_repo purposes
if platform == "aix-7.2-power"
@@ -308,23 +324,16 @@
on dashboard, "cd /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard && /opt/puppet/bin/bundle exec /opt/puppet/bin/rake nodeclass:add[#{klass},skip]"
on dashboard, "cd /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard && /opt/puppet/bin/bundle exec /opt/puppet/bin/rake node:add[#{master},,,skip]"
on dashboard, "cd /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard && /opt/puppet/bin/bundle exec /opt/puppet/bin/rake node:addclass[#{master},#{klass}]"
on master, puppet("agent -t"), :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,2]
- # the new hotness
- begin
- require 'scooter'
- rescue LoadError => e
- @logger.notify('WARNING: gem scooter is required for frictionless installation post 3.8')
- raise e
- end
- dispatcher =
+ _console_dispatcher = get_console_dispatcher_for_beaker_pe!
# Check if we've already created a frictionless agent node group
# to avoid errors creating the same node group when the beaker hosts file contains
# multiple hosts with the same platform
- node_group = dispatcher.get_node_group_by_name('Beaker Frictionless Agent')
+ node_group = _console_dispatcher.get_node_group_by_name('Beaker Frictionless Agent')
if node_group.nil? || node_group.empty?
node_group = {}
node_group['name'] = "Beaker Frictionless Agent"
# Pin the master to the node
node_group['rule'] = [ "and", [ '=', 'name', master.to_s ]]
@@ -332,11 +341,11 @@
# add the pe_repo platform class
node_group['classes'][klass] = {}
- dispatcher.create_new_node_group_model(node_group)
+ _console_dispatcher.create_new_node_group_model(node_group)
on master, puppet("agent -t"), :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,2]
#Perform a Puppet Enterprise upgrade or install
@@ -445,13 +454,15 @@
acceptable_codes = host['platform'] =~ /osx/ ? [1] : [0, 1]
setup_defaults_and_config_helper_on(host, master, acceptable_codes)
- generate_installer_conf_file_for(host, hosts, opts)
+ setup_pe_conf(host, hosts, opts)
on host, installer_cmd(host, opts)
+ download_pe_conf_if_master(host)
# On each agent, we ensure the certificate is signed
if !masterless
if [master, database, dashboard].include?(host) && use_meep?(host['pe_ver'])
@@ -505,10 +516,15 @@
task = 'defaultgroup:ensure_default_group'
on dashboard, "/opt/puppet/bin/rake -sf /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard/Rakefile #{task} RAILS_ENV=production"
+ # PE-18799 replace the version_is_less with a use_meep_for_classification? test
+ if use_meep_for_classification?(master[:pe_ver], options)
+ configure_puppet_agent_service(:ensure => 'stopped', :enabled => false)
+ end
step "Final puppet agent run" do
# Now that all hosts are in the dashbaord, run puppet one more
# time to configure mcollective
install_hosts.each do |host|
on host, puppet_agent('-t'), :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,2]
@@ -632,10 +648,35 @@
#windows agents from 4.0 -> 2016.1.2 were only installable via the aio method
#powershell2 bug was fixed in PE 2016.4.3
(host['platform'] =~ /windows/ && (version_is_less(host['pe_ver'], '2016.4.0') && !version_is_less(host['pe_ver'], '3.99'))) || (host['platform'] =~ /windows-2008r2/ && (version_is_less(host['pe_ver'], '2016.4.3') && !version_is_less(host['pe_ver'], '3.99')))
+ # True if version is greater than or equal to MEEP_CLASSIFICATION_VERSION
+ # (PE-18718) AND the temporary feature flag is true.
+ #
+ # The temporary feature flag is pe_modules_next and can be set in
+ # the :answers hash given in beaker's host.cfg, inside a feature_flags
+ # hash. It will also be picked up from the environment as
+ # PE_MODULES_NEXT. (See register_feature_flags!())
+ #
+ # The :answers hash value will take precedence over the env variable.
+ #
+ # @param version String the current PE version
+ # @param opts Hash options hash to inspect for :answers
+ # @return Boolean true if version and flag allows for meep classification
+ # feature.
+ def use_meep_for_classification?(version, opts)
+ # PE-19470 remove vv
+ register_feature_flags!(opts)
+ temporary_flag = feature_flag?('pe_modules_next', opts)
+ temporary_flag = DEFAULT_MEEP_CLASSIFICATION if temporary_flag.nil?
+ # ^^
+ !version_is_less(version, MEEP_CLASSIFICATION_VERSION) && temporary_flag
+ end
# For PE 3.8.5 to PE 2016.1.2 they have an expired gpg key. This method is
# for deb nodes to ignore the gpg-key expiration warning
def ignore_gpg_key_warning_on_hosts(hosts, opts)
hosts.each do |host|
# RPM based platforms do not seem to be effected by an expired GPG key,
@@ -925,10 +966,11 @@
# get new version information
hosts.each do |host|
prep_host_for_upgrade(host, opts, path)
do_install(sorted_hosts, opts.merge({:type => :upgrade, :set_console_password => set_console_password}))
opts['upgrade'] = true
@@ -1061,9 +1103,243 @@
def fetch_and_push_pe(host, path, filename, extension, local_dir='tmp/pe')
fetch_http_file("#{path}", "#{filename}#{extension}", local_dir)
scp_to host, "#{local_dir}/#{filename}#{extension}", host['working_dir']
+ # Being able to modify PE's classifier requires the Scooter gem and
+ # helpers which are in beaker-pe-large-environments.
+ def get_console_dispatcher_for_beaker_pe(raise_exception = false)
+ # XXX RE-8616, once scooter is public, we can remove this and just
+ # reference ConsoleDispatcher directly.
+ if !respond_to?(:get_dispatcher)
+ begin
+ require 'scooter'
+ rescue LoadError => e
+ logger.notify('WARNING: gem scooter is required for frictionless installation post 3.8')
+ raise e if raise_exception
+ return nil
+ end
+ else
+ get_dispatcher
+ end
+ end
+ # Will raise a LoadError if unable to require Scooter.
+ def get_console_dispatcher_for_beaker_pe!
+ get_console_dispatcher_for_beaker_pe(true)
+ end
+ # In PE versions >= 2017.1.0, allows you to configure the puppet agent
+ # service for all nodes.
+ #
+ # @param parameters [Hash] - agent profile parameters
+ # @option parameters [Boolean] :managed - whether or not to manage the
+ # agent resource at all (Optional, defaults to true).
+ # @option parameters [String] :ensure - 'stopped', 'running'
+ # @option parameters [Boolean] :enabled - whether the service will be
+ # enabled (for restarts)
+ # @raise [StandardError] if master version is less than 2017.1.0
+ def configure_puppet_agent_service(parameters)
+ raise(StandardError, "Can only manage puppet service in PE versions >= 2017.1.0; tried for #{master['pe_ver']}") if version_is_less(master['pe_ver'], '2017.1.0')
+ puppet_managed = parameters.include?(:managed) ? parameters[:managed] : true
+ puppet_ensure = parameters[:ensure]
+ puppet_enabled = parameters[:enabled]
+ msg = puppet_managed ?
+ "Configure agents '#{puppet_ensure}' and #{puppet_enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}" :
+ "Do not manage agents"
+ step msg do
+ # PE-18799 and remove this conditional
+ if use_meep_for_classification?(master[:pe_ver], options)
+ group_name = 'Puppet Enterprise Agent'
+ class_name = 'pe_infrastructure::agent'
+ else
+ group_name = 'PE Agent'
+ class_name = 'puppet_enterprise::profile::agent'
+ end
+ # update pe conf
+ # only the pe_infrastructure::agent parameters are relevant in pe.conf
+ update_pe_conf({
+ "pe_infrastructure::agent::puppet_service_managed" => puppet_managed,
+ "pe_infrastructure::agent::puppet_service_ensure" => puppet_ensure,
+ "pe_infrastructure::agent::puppet_service_enabled" => puppet_enabled,
+ })
+ if _console_dispatcher = get_console_dispatcher_for_beaker_pe
+ agent_group = _console_dispatcher.get_node_group_by_name(group_name)
+ agent_class = agent_group['classes'][class_name]
+ agent_class['puppet_service_managed'] = puppet_managed
+ agent_class['puppet_service_ensure'] = puppet_ensure
+ agent_class['puppet_service_enabled'] = puppet_enabled
+ _console_dispatcher.update_node_group(agent_group['id'], agent_group)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Given a hash of parameters, updates the primary master's pe.conf, adding or
+ # replacing, or removing the given parameters.
+ #
+ # To remove a parameter, pass a nil as its value
+ #
+ # Handles stringifying and quoting namespaced keys, and also preparing non
+ # string values using Hocon::ConfigValueFactory.
+ #
+ # Logs the state of pe.conf before and after.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # # Assuming pe.conf looks like:
+ # # {
+ # # "bar": "baz"
+ # # "old": "item"
+ # # }
+ #
+ # update_pe_conf(
+ # {
+ # "foo" => "a",
+ # "bar" => "b",
+ # "old" => nil,
+ # }
+ # )
+ #
+ # # Will produce a pe.conf like:
+ # # {
+ # # "bar": "b"
+ # # "foo": "a"
+ # # }
+ #
+ # @param parameters [Hash] Hash of parameters to be included in pe.conf.
+ # @param pe_conf_file [String] The file to update
+ # (/etc/puppetlabs/enterprise/conf.d/pe.conf by default)
+ def update_pe_conf(parameters, pe_conf_file = PE_CONF_FILE)
+ step "Update #{pe_conf_file} with #{parameters}" do
+ hocon_file_edit_in_place_on(master, pe_conf_file) do |host,doc|
+ updated_doc = parameters.reduce(doc) do |pe_conf,param|
+ key, value = param
+ hocon_key = quoted_hocon_key(key)
+ hocon_value = case value
+ when String
+ # ensure unquoted string values are quoted for uniformity
+ then value.match(/^[^"]/) ? %Q{"#{value}"} : value
+ else Hocon::ConfigValueFactory.from_any_ref(value, nil)
+ end
+ updated = case value
+ when String
+ pe_conf.set_value(hocon_key, hocon_value)
+ when nil
+ pe_conf.remove_value(hocon_key)
+ else
+ pe_conf.set_config_value(hocon_key, hocon_value)
+ end
+ updated
+ end
+ # return the modified document
+ updated_doc
+ end
+ on(master, "cat #{pe_conf_file}")
+ end
+ end
+ # If the key is unquoted and does not contain pathing ('.'),
+ # quote to ensure that puppet namespaces are protected
+ #
+ # @example
+ # quoted_hocon_key("puppet_enterprise::database_host")
+ # # => '"puppet_enterprise::database_host"'
+ #
+ def quoted_hocon_key(key)
+ case key
+ when /^[^"][^.]+/
+ then %Q{"#{key}"}
+ else key
+ end
+ end
+ # @return a Ruby object of any root key in pe.conf.
+ #
+ # @param key [String] to lookup
+ # @param pe_conf_path [String] defaults to /etc/puppetlabs/enterprise/conf.d/pe.conf
+ def get_unwrapped_pe_conf_value(key, pe_conf_path = PE_CONF_FILE)
+ file_contents = on(master, "cat #{pe_conf_path}").stdout
+ # Seem to need to use ConfigFactory instead of ConfigDocumentFactory
+ # to get something that we can read values from?
+ doc = Hocon::ConfigFactory.parse_string(file_contents)
+ hocon_key = quoted_hocon_key(key)
+ doc.has_path?(hocon_key) ?
+ doc.get_value(hocon_key).unwrapped :
+ nil
+ end
+ # Creates a new /etc/puppetlabs/enterprise/conf.d/nodes/*.conf file for the
+ # given host's certname, and adds the passed parameters, or updates with the
+ # passed parameters if the file already exists.
+ #
+ # Does not remove an empty file.
+ #
+ # @param host [Beaker::Host] to create a node file for
+ # @param parameters [Hash] of key value pairs to add to the nodes conf file
+ # @param node_conf_path [String] defaults to /etc/puppetlabs/enterprise/conf.d/nodes
+ def create_or_update_node_conf(host, parameters, node_conf_path = NODE_CONF_PATH)
+ node_conf_file = "#{node_conf_path}/#{host.node_name}.conf"
+ step "Create or Update #{node_conf_file} with #{parameters}" do
+ if !master.file_exist?(node_conf_file)
+ if !master.file_exist?(node_conf_path)
+ # potentially create the nodes directory
+ on(master, "mkdir #{node_conf_path}")
+ end
+ # The hocon gem will create a list of comma separated parameters
+ # on the same line unless we start with something in the file.
+ create_remote_file(master, node_conf_file, %Q|{\n}\n|)
+ on(master, "chown pe-puppet #{node_conf_file}")
+ end
+ update_pe_conf(parameters, node_conf_file)
+ end
+ end
+ def setup_pe_conf(host, hosts, opts={})
+ if opts[:type] == :upgrade && use_meep?(host['previous_pe_ver'])
+ # In this scenario, Beaker runs the installer such that we make
+ # use of recovery code in the configure face of the installer.
+ if host['roles'].include?('master')
+ step "Updating #{MEEP_DATA_DIR}/conf.d with answers/custom_answers" do
+ # merge answers into pe.conf
+ if opts[:answers] && !opts[:answers].empty?
+ update_pe_conf(opts[:answers])
+ end
+ if opts[:custom_answers] && !opts[:custom_answers].empty?
+ update_pe_conf(opts[:custom_answers])
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ step "Uploading #{BEAKER_MEEP_TMP}/conf.d that was generated on the master" do
+ # scp conf.d to host
+ scp_to(host, "#{BEAKER_MEEP_TMP}/conf.d", MEEP_DATA_DIR)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ # Beaker creates a fresh pe.conf using beaker-answers, as if we were doing an install
+ generate_installer_conf_file_for(host, hosts, opts)
+ end
+ end
+ def download_pe_conf_if_master(host)
+ if host['roles'].include?('master')
+ step "Downloading generated #{MEEP_DATA_DIR}/conf.d locally" do
+ # scp conf.d over from master
+ scp_from(host, "#{MEEP_DATA_DIR}/conf.d", BEAKER_MEEP_TMP)
+ end
+ end
+ end