lib/beaker-pe/install/pe_utils.rb in beaker-pe-1.11.0 vs lib/beaker-pe/install/pe_utils.rb in beaker-pe-1.12.0
- old
+ new
@@ -376,9 +376,125 @@
# {Beaker::DSL::InstallUtils::FOSSUtils#install_puppet_agent_pe_promoted_repo_on}
# @api private
def do_install hosts, opts = {}
+ # detect the kind of install we're doing
+ install_type = determine_install_type(hosts, opts)
+ case install_type
+ when :simple_monolithic
+ simple_monolithic_install(hosts.first, hosts.drop(1), opts)
+ when :simple_split
+ # This isn't implemented yet, so just do a generic install instead
+ #simple_split_install(hosts, opts)
+ generic_install(hosts, opts)
+ else
+ generic_install(hosts, opts)
+ end
+ end
+ def has_all_roles?(host, roles)
+ roles.all? {|role| host['roles'].include?(role)}
+ end
+ # Determine what kind of install is being performed
+ # @param [Array<Host>] hosts The sorted hosts to install or upgrade PE on
+ # @param [Hash{Symbol=>Symbol, String}] opts The options for how to install or upgrade PE
+ #
+ # @example
+ # determine_install_type(hosts, {:type => :install, :pe_ver => '2017.2.0'})
+ #
+ # @return [Symbol]
+ # One of :generic, :simple_monolithic, :simple_split
+ # :simple_monolithic
+ # returned when installing >=2016.4 with a monolithic master and
+ # any number of frictionless agents
+ # :simple_split
+ # returned when installing >=2016.4 with a split install and any
+ # number of frictionless agents
+ # :generic
+ # returned for any other install or upgrade
+ #
+ # @api private
+ def determine_install_type(hosts, opts)
+ # Do a generic install if this is masterless, not all the same PE version, an upgrade, or earlier than 2016.4
+ return :generic if opts[:masterless]
+ return :generic if {|host| host['pe_ver']}.uniq.length > 1
+ return :generic if opts[:type] == :upgrade
+ return :generic if version_is_less(opts[:pe_ver] || hosts.first['pe_ver'], '2016.4')
+ mono_roles = ['master', 'database', 'dashboard']
+ if has_all_roles?(hosts.first, mono_roles) && hosts.drop(1).all? {|host| host['roles'].include?('frictionless')}
+ :simple_monolithic
+ elsif hosts[0]['roles'].include?('master') && hosts[1]['roles'].include?('database') && hosts[2]['roles'].include?('dashboard') && hosts.drop(3).all? {|host| host['roles'].include?('frictionless')}
+ :simple_split
+ else
+ :generic
+ end
+ end
+ # Install PE on a monolithic master and some number of frictionless agents.
+ # @param [Host] master The node to install the master on
+ # @param [Array<Host>] agents The nodes to install agents on
+ # @param [Hash{Symbol=>Symbol, String}] opts The options for how to install or upgrade PE
+ #
+ # @example
+ # simple_monolithic_install(master, agents, {:type => :install, :pe_ver => '2017.2.0'})
+ #
+ # @return nil
+ #
+ # @api private
+ def simple_monolithic_install(master, agents, opts={})
+ step "Performing a standard monolithic install with frictionless agents"
+ all_hosts = [master, *agents]
+ configure_type_defaults_on(all_hosts)
+ # Set PE distribution on the master, create working dir
+ prepare_hosts([master], opts)
+ fetch_pe([master], opts)
+ prepare_host_installer_options(master)
+ generate_installer_conf_file_for(master, [master], opts)
+ on master, installer_cmd(master, opts)
+ step "Setup frictionless installer on the master" do
+ agents.each do |agent|
+ # If We're *not* running the classic installer, we want
+ # to make sure the master has packages for us.
+ if agent['platform'] != master['platform'] # only need to do this if platform differs
+ deploy_frictionless_to_master(agent)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ step "Install agents" do
+ agents.group_by {|agent| installer_cmd(agent, opts)}.each do |cmd, agents|
+ on agents, cmd, :run_in_parallel => true
+ end
+ end
+ step "Stop puppet agents to avoid interfering with tests" do
+ stop_agent_on(all_hosts, :run_in_parallel => true)
+ end
+ step "Sign agent certificates" do
+ # This will sign all cert requests
+ sign_certificate_for(agents)
+ end
+ step "Run puppet to setup mcollective and pxp-agent" do
+ on all_hosts, puppet_agent('-t'), :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,2], :run_in_parallel => true
+ #Workaround for windows frictionless install, see BKR-943 for the reason
+ {|agent| agent['platform'] =~ /windows/}.each do |agent|
+ client_datadir = agent.puppet['client_datadir']
+ on(agent, puppet("resource file \"#{client_datadir}\" ensure=absent force=true"))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def generic_install hosts, opts = {}
+ step "Installing PE on a generic set of hosts"
masterless = opts[:masterless]
opts[:type] = opts[:type] || :install
unless masterless
pre30database = version_is_less(opts[:pe_ver] || database['pe_ver'], '3.0')
pre30master = version_is_less(opts[:pe_ver] || master['pe_ver'], '3.0')