Rakefile in beaker-hostgenerator-1.2.10 vs Rakefile in beaker-hostgenerator-1.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -53,5 +53,29 @@
task 'test:spec' => ['test:spec:run', 'test:spec:minitest']
# global defaults
task :test => 'test:spec'
task :default => :test
+ require 'github_changelog_generator/task'
+ GitHubChangelogGenerator::RakeTask.new :changelog do |config|
+ config.header = "# Changelog\n\nAll notable changes to this project will be documented in this file."
+ config.exclude_labels = %w[duplicate question invalid wontfix wont-fix modulesync skip-changelog]
+ config.user = 'voxpupuli'
+ config.project = 'beaker-hostgenerator'
+ config.future_release = Gem::Specification.load("#{config.project}.gemspec").version
+ end
+ # Workaround for https://github.com/github-changelog-generator/github-changelog-generator/issues/715
+ require 'rbconfig'
+ if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /linux/
+ task :changelog do
+ puts 'Fixing line endings...'
+ changelog_file = File.join(__dir__, 'CHANGELOG.md')
+ changelog_txt = File.read(changelog_file)
+ new_contents = changelog_txt.gsub(/\r\n/, "\n")
+ File.open(changelog_file, 'w') { |file| file.puts new_contents }
+ end
+ end
+rescue LoadError