README.textile in be9-acl9-0.9.3 vs README.textile in be9-acl9-0.9.4
- old
+ new
@@ -536,9 +536,33 @@
Note that you can use actions block instead of @:to@ (see _Actions block_
below). You can also use @:only@ and @:except@ options in the
@access_control@ call which will serve as options of the @before_filter@ and thus
limit the scope of the whole ACL.
+h3. Rule conditions
+You may create conditional rules using @:if@ and @:unless@ options.
+ allow :owner, :of => :site, :to => [:delete, :destroy], :if => :chance_to_delete
+Controller's @:chance_to_delete@ method will be called here. The rule will match if the action
+is 'delete' or 'destroy' AND if the method returned @true@.
+@:unless@ has the opposite meaning and should return @false@ for a rule to match.
+Both options can be specified in the same rule.
+ allow :visitor, :to => [:index, :show], :if => :right_phase_of_the_moon?, :unless => :suspicious?
+@right_phase_of_the_moon?@ should return @true@ AND @suspicious?@ should return @false@ for a poor visitor to
+see a page.
+Currently only controller methods are supported (specify them as :symbols). Lambdas are *not* supported.
h2. Rule matching order
Rule matching system is similar to that of Apache web server. There are two modes: _default allow_
(corresponding to @Order Deny,Allow@ in Apache) and _default deny_ (@Order Allow,Deny@ in Apache).