README.textile in be9-acl9-0.9.2 vs README.textile in be9-acl9-0.9.3
- old
+ new
@@ -761,10 +761,37 @@
but also as @lolcats?(:lol => Lol.find(params[:lol]))@. The hash will be looked into first,
even if you have an instance variable @lol@.
+h3. :helper
+Sometimes you want to have a boolean method (like @:filter => false@) accessible
+in your views. Acl9 can call @helper_method@ for you:
+ class LolController < ApplicationController
+ access_control :helper => :lolcats? do
+ allow :cats, :by => :lol
+ # ...
+ end
+ end
+That's equivalent to
+ class LolController < ApplicationController
+ access_control :lolcats?, :filter => false do
+ allow :cats, :by => :lol
+ # ...
+ end
+ helper_method :lolcats?
+ end
h3. Other options
Other options will be passed to @before_filter@. As such, you may use @:only@ and @:except@ to narrow
the action scope of the whole ACL block.
@@ -794,9 +821,35 @@
# ...
+h2. access_control in your helpers
+Apart from using @:helper@ option for @access_control@ call inside controller, there's a
+way to generate helper methods directly, like this:
+ module SettingsHelper
+ include Acl9Helpers
+ access_control :show_settings? do
+ allow :admin
+ allow :settings_manager
+ end
+ end
+Here we mix in @Acl9Helpers@ module which brings in @access_control@ method and call it,
+obtaining @show_settings?@ method.
+An imaginary view:
+ <% if show_settings? %>
+ <%= link_to 'Settings', settings_path %>
+ <% end %>
Copyright (c) 2009 Oleg Dashevskii, released under the MIT license.
Contact me at "#{%w(Oleg Dashevskii).join('').downcase}"