bddfire.gemspec in bddfire-2.0.0 vs bddfire.gemspec in bddfire-2.0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -10,20 +10,22 @@ = ['']
s.homepage = ''
s.license = 'MIT'
s.required_ruby_version = '>= 1.9.3'
s.summary = 'BDDfire: Automate Mobile & Web apps with less code. An instant Ruby-Cucumber BDD framework'
- s.description = 'BDDfire: Automate Mobile and Web apps with less code - Instant BDD framework with Ruby, Cucumber, Capybara, selenium, Appium, Docker, Gatling and Axe Engine'
+ s.description = 'A Wholesale framework for web, mobile, api, load, accessibility testing. Get you going in a minute. An instant setup of Ruby, Cucumber, Capybara, selenium, REST API Appium, Docker, Gatling and Axe Engine'
s.add_runtime_dependency "bundler"
s.add_runtime_dependency "cucumber", '~> 2.3', '>= 2.3'
s.add_runtime_dependency "capybara", '~> 2.6', '>= 2.4'
s.add_runtime_dependency "rspec", '~> 3.4', '>= 3.0.0'
s.add_runtime_dependency "selenium-webdriver", '~> 2.52', '>= 2.52'
s.add_runtime_dependency "axe-matchers", '~> 1.1.1', '>= 1.0.0'
+ s.add_runtime_dependency 'rest-client', '~> 1.8.0', '>= 1.7.3'
+ s.add_runtime_dependency 'json', '~> 1.8.3', '>= 1.7.3'
s.add_runtime_dependency 'be_valid_asset', '~> 1.3', '>= 1.3.0'
s.add_runtime_dependency 'require_all', '~> 1.3.1', '>= 1.3.0'
s.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n")
s.test_files = `git ls-files -- {features}/*`.split("\n")
s.executables = `git ls-files -- bin/*`.split("\n").map { |f| File.basename(f) }
s.require_paths = ['lib']
- s.post_install_message = 'Thanks for installing BDDfire gem. BDDfire supports Docker, Load Test and Accessibility Testing'
+ s.post_install_message = '======== Thanks for installing BDDfire. You can now perform Web, API, Mobile, Accessibility, Load Testing with single framework !!==================== '