README.markdown in bcdatabase-1.0.0 vs README.markdown in bcdatabase-1.0.1

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+ new

@@ -12,23 +12,23 @@ ## Using bcdatabase to configure the database for a Rails application A bog-standard rails application's `config/database.yml` file looks like this: development: - adapter: oracle-enhanced + adapter: oracle_enhanced database: //localhost/XE username: cfg_animal password: not-important test: - adapter: oracle-enhanced + adapter: oracle_enhanced database: //localhost/XE username: cfg_animal_test password: who-cares production: - adapter: oracle-enhanced + adapter: oracle_enhanced database: //super/prod username: cfg_animal password: very-secret Rails allows this file to contain [ERB][]. `bcdatabase` uses ERB to replace an entire configuration block. If you wanted to replace, say, just the production block in this example, you would transform it like so: @@ -37,17 +37,17 @@ require 'bcdatabase' bcdb = Bcdatabase.load %> development: - adapter: oracle-enhanced + adapter: oracle_enhanced database: //localhost/XE username: cfg_animal password: not-important test: - adapter: oracle-enhanced + adapter: oracle_enhanced database: //localhost/XE username: cfg_animal_test password: who-cares <%= bcdb.production :prod, :cfg_animal %> @@ -81,27 +81,27 @@ ### Example If you have an `/etc/nubic/db/stage.yml` file that looks like this: defaults: - adapter: oracle-enhanced + adapter: oracle_enhanced database: //mondo/stage cfg_animal: password: secret personnel: username: pers password: more-secret You have defined two configuration entries. `:stage, :cfg_animal`: - adapter: oracle-enhanced + adapter: oracle_enhanced username: cfg_animal password: secret database: //mondo/stage and `:bcstage, :personnel`: - adapter: oracle-enhanced + adapter: oracle_enhanced username: pers password: more-secret database: //mondo/stage ## Obscuring passwords