spec/support/basepack_helper.rb in basepack-0.1.0 vs spec/support/basepack_helper.rb in basepack-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -30,34 +30,65 @@
within(select2_container) do
have_selector(".select2-drop li", text: options[:selected])
- def select2(value, options = {})
+ def get_select2_container(options = {})
#TODO: maybe inspire by: https://gist.github.com/onyxrev/6970632 which is more clear solution
raise "Must pass a hash containing 'from' or 'xpath'" unless options.is_a?(Hash) and [:from, :xpath].any? { |k| options.has_key? k }
if options.has_key? :xpath
select2_container = first(:xpath, options[:xpath])
+ # find by label
select_name = options[:from]
select2_container = first("label", text: select_name).find(:xpath, '..').find(".select2-container")
+ # return signe or multiple value
if select2_container.has_selector?('.select2-choice')
- select2_container.find(".select2-choice").click
- else
- select2_container.find(".select2-choices").click
+ select2_container.find(".select2-choice")
+ else
+ select2_container.find(".select2-choices")
+ end
+ def select2(value, options = {})
+ #TODO: maybe inspire by: https://gist.github.com/onyxrev/6970632 which is more clear solution
+ select2_container = get_select2_container(options)
+ select2_container.click
#find(:css, "div[style*=block].select2-drop-active input[type=text].select2-input").set(value)
select2_container.find(:css, "input[type=text].select2-input").set(value)
find(:xpath, "//body").find(".select2-drop li", text: value).click
- def fill_in_select(id, options)
+ def add_select2(label, options)
raise "Must pass a hash containing 'with'" if options[:with].nil?
- select2(options[:with], {from: id})
+ select2(options[:with], {from: label})
+ end
+ def remove_select2(label, options)
+ raise "Must pass a hash containing 'with'" if options[:with].nil?
+ within(get_select2_container(from: label)) do
+ # there is no identifier in options must find by name
+ all('.select2-search-choice').each do |item|
+ item.first('.select2-search-choice-close').click if item.has_content?(options[:with])
+ end
+ end
+ sleep 0.2
+ end
+ def remove_all_select2(label)
+ within(get_select2_container(from: label)) do
+ # find all crosses links and click on each one
+ all('.select2-search-choice-close').each do |cross_link|
+ cross_link.click
+ end
+ end
+ # sleep to assure that all options are removed before next instructions
+ sleep 0.2
def fill_in_datepicker(id, options)
raise "Must pass a hash containing 'with'" if options[:with].nil?
find(:css, "input##{id} + input").set(options[:with])