spec/weather_services/yahoo_spec.rb in barometer-0.8.0 vs spec/weather_services/yahoo_spec.rb in barometer-0.9.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,143 +1,60 @@
-require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper')
-include Barometer
+require_relative '../spec_helper'
-describe Barometer::WeatherService::Yahoo, :vcr => {
- :cassette_name => "WeatherService::Yahoo"
+describe Barometer::WeatherService::Yahoo, vcr: {
+ cassette_name: "WeatherService::Yahoo"
} do
- before(:each) do
- @accepted_formats = [:zipcode, :weather_id, :woe_id]
- end
- describe "the class methods" do
- it "defines accepted_formats" do
- WeatherService::Yahoo._accepted_formats.should == @accepted_formats
- end
- it "defines source_name" do
- WeatherService::Yahoo._source_name.should == :yahoo
- end
- it "defines get_all" do
- WeatherService::Yahoo.respond_to?("_fetch").should be_true
- end
+ it "auto-registers this weather service as :yahoo" do
+ Barometer::WeatherService.source(:yahoo).should == Barometer::WeatherService::Yahoo
- describe "building the current data" do
- it "defines the build method" do
- WeatherService::Yahoo.respond_to?("_build_current").should be_true
- end
+ describe ".call" do
+ let(:converted_query) { Barometer::ConvertedQuery.new('90210', :zipcode, :metric) }
+ let(:query) { build_query.tap{|q|q.stub(:convert! => converted_query)} }
- it "requires Hash input" do
- lambda { WeatherService::Yahoo._build_current }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- lambda { WeatherService::Yahoo._build_current({}) }.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
+ subject { Barometer::WeatherService::Yahoo.call(query) }
- it "returns Barometer::CurrentMeasurement object" do
- current = WeatherService::Yahoo._build_current({})
- current.is_a?(Measurement::Result).should be_true
+ it "asks the query to convert to accepted formats" do
+ query.should_receive(:convert!).with(:zipcode, :weather_id, :woe_id)
+ subject
- end
- describe "building the forecast data" do
- it "defines the build method" do
- WeatherService::Yahoo.respond_to?("_build_forecast").should be_true
- end
+ it "includes the expected data" do
+ subject.query.should == '90210'
+ subject.format.should == :zipcode
+ subject.should be_metric
- it "requires Hash input" do
- lambda { WeatherService::Yahoo._build_forecast }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- lambda { WeatherService::Yahoo._build_forecast({}) }.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
+ should have_data(:current, :observed_at).as_format(:time)
+ should have_data(:current, :stale_at).as_format(:time)
- it "returns Array object" do
- current = WeatherService::Yahoo._build_forecast({})
- current.is_a?(Array).should be_true
- end
- end
+ should have_data(:current, :humidity).as_format(:float)
+ should have_data(:current, :condition).as_format(:string)
+ should have_data(:current, :icon).as_format(:number)
+ should have_data(:current, :temperature).as_format(:temperature)
+ should have_data(:current, :wind_chill).as_format(:temperature)
+ should have_data(:current, :wind).as_format(:vector)
+ should have_data(:current, :pressure).as_format(:pressure)
+ should have_data(:current, :visibility).as_format(:distance)
+ should have_data(:current, :sun, :rise).as_format(:time)
+ should have_data(:current, :sun, :set).as_format(:time)
- describe "building the location data" do
- it "defines the build method" do
- WeatherService::Yahoo.respond_to?("_build_location").should be_true
- end
+ should have_data(:location, :city).as_value("Beverly Hills")
+ should have_data(:location, :state_code).as_value("CA")
+ should have_data(:location, :country_code).as_value("US")
+ should have_data(:location, :latitude).as_value(34.08)
+ should have_data(:location, :longitude).as_value(-118.4)
- it "requires Hash input" do
- lambda { WeatherService::Yahoo._build_location }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- lambda { WeatherService::Yahoo._build_location({}) }.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
+ should have_data(:timezone, :to_s).as_format(/^P[DS]T$/i)
- it "requires Barometer::Geo input" do
- geo = Data::Geo.new({})
- lambda { WeatherService::Yahoo._build_location({}, {}) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- lambda { WeatherService::Yahoo._build_location({}, geo) }.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- it "returns Barometer::Location object" do
- location = WeatherService::Yahoo._build_location({})
- location.is_a?(Data::Location).should be_true
- end
- end
- describe "when measuring" do
- before(:each) do
- @query = Barometer::Query.new("90210")
- @measurement = Barometer::Measurement.new
- end
- describe "all" do
- it "responds to _measure" do
- WeatherService::Yahoo.respond_to?("_measure").should be_true
- end
- it "requires a Barometer::Measurement object" do
- lambda { WeatherService::Yahoo._measure(nil, @query) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- lambda { WeatherService::Yahoo._measure("invlaid", @query) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- lambda { WeatherService::Yahoo._measure(@measurement, @query) }.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- it "requires a Barometer::Query query" do
- lambda { WeatherService::Yahoo._measure }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- lambda { WeatherService::Yahoo._measure(@measurement, 1) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- lambda { WeatherService::Yahoo._measure(@measurement, @query) }.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- it "returns a Barometer::Measurement object" do
- result = WeatherService::Yahoo._measure(@measurement, @query)
- result.is_a?(Barometer::Measurement).should be_true
- result.current.is_a?(Measurement::Result).should be_true
- result.forecast.is_a?(Array).should be_true
- end
- end
- end
- describe "overall data correctness" do
- before(:each) do
- @query = Barometer::Query.new("90210")
- @measurement = Barometer::Measurement.new
- end
- it "should correctly build the data" do
- result = WeatherService::Yahoo._measure(@measurement, @query)
- # build current
- @measurement.current.sun.rise.to_s.should match(/^\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}[ ]?[apmAPM]{0,2}$/i)
- @measurement.current.sun.set.to_s.should match(/^\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}[ ]?[apmAPM]{0,2}$/i)
- # builds location
- @measurement.location.city.should == "Beverly Hills"
- # builds forecasts
- @measurement.forecast.size.should == 2
- @measurement.forecast[0].condition.should match(/^[\w ]+$/i)
- @measurement.forecast[0].icon.to_s.should match(/^\d{1,3}$/i)
- @measurement.forecast[0].sun.rise.to_s.should match(/^\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}[ ]?[apmAPM]{0,2}$/i)
- @measurement.forecast[0].sun.set.to_s.should match(/^\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}[ ]?[apmAPM]{0,2}$/i)
- @measurement.forecast[1].condition.should match(/^[\w ]+$/i)
- @measurement.forecast[1].icon.to_s.should match(/^\d{1,3}$/i)
- @measurement.forecast[1].sun.rise.to_s.should match(/^\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}[ ]?[apmAPM]{0,2}$/i)
- @measurement.forecast[1].sun.set.to_s.should match(/^\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}[ ]?[apmAPM]{0,2}$/i)
+ subject.forecast.size.should == 5
+ should have_forecast(:starts_at).as_format(:time)
+ should have_forecast(:ends_at).as_format(:time)
+ should have_forecast(:icon).as_format(:number)
+ should have_forecast(:condition).as_format(:string)
+ should have_forecast(:high).as_format(:temperature)
+ should have_forecast(:low).as_format(:temperature)
+ should have_forecast(:sun, :rise).as_format(:time)
+ should have_forecast(:sun, :set).as_format(:time)