spec/bankgiro_spec.rb in banktools-se-0.4.0 vs spec/bankgiro_spec.rb in banktools-se-0.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -81,6 +81,43 @@
it "should be false for numbers outside the right series" do
BankTools::SE::Bankgiro.new("5402-9681").should_not be_fundraising
+ # http://www.bgc.se/upload/Gemensamt/Trycksaker/Manualer/BG6070.pdf section 5.2
+ describe ".number_to_ocr" do
+ it "adds a mod-10 check digit" do
+ BankTools::SE::Bankgiro.number_to_ocr("123").should eq "1230"
+ end
+ it "can add an optional length digit" do
+ BankTools::SE::Bankgiro.number_to_ocr("1234567890", length_digit: true).should eq "123456789023"
+ end
+ it "can pad the number" do
+ BankTools::SE::Bankgiro.number_to_ocr("1234567890", length_digit: true, pad: "0").should eq "1234567890037"
+ end
+ it "raises if resulting number is > 25 digits" do
+ expect { BankTools::SE::Bankgiro.number_to_ocr("1234567890123456789012345") }.to raise_error(BankTools::SE::Bankgiro::OverlongOCR)
+ end
+ end
+ describe ".number_from_ocr" do
+ it "strips the mod-10 check digit" do
+ BankTools::SE::Bankgiro.number_from_ocr("1230").should eq "123"
+ end
+ it "can strip an optional length digit" do
+ BankTools::SE::Bankgiro.number_from_ocr("123456789023", length_digit: true).should eq "1234567890"
+ end
+ it "can pad the number" do
+ BankTools::SE::Bankgiro.number_from_ocr("1234567890037", length_digit: true, pad: "0").should eq "1234567890"
+ end
+ it "raises if check digit is wrong" do
+ expect { BankTools::SE::Bankgiro.number_from_ocr("1231") }.to raise_error(BankTools::SE::Bankgiro::BadCheckDigit)
+ end
+ end