features/step_definitions/bakeware_steps.rb in bakeware-1.1.5 vs features/step_definitions/bakeware_steps.rb in bakeware-1.1.6
- old
+ new
@@ -58,22 +58,18 @@
And I run the rake task "cucumber"
Then I see a successful response in the shell
-Then /^"(.*)" should not be installed$/ do |gem_name|
- in_current_dir do
- system("bundle show #{gem_name} 2>&1 > /dev/null").should be_false
- end
-Then /^"(.*)" should not be included in "(.*)"$/ do |content, file_path|
- check_file_content file_path, content, false
Then /^the "([^"]*)" Heroku app should exist$/ do |app_name|
FakeHeroku.should have_created_app(app_name)
Then /^the "([^"]*)" Github repo should exist$/ do |repo_name|
FakeGithub.should have_created_repo(repo_name)
+Then 'unicorn should be installed' do
+ in_current_dir do
+ system("bundle show unicorn 2>&1 > /dev/null").should be_true
+ end