in bait-0.2.1 vs in bait-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
Scribbeo-motion proved that this works, and so bait is a service I'm envisioning for as the first stop between Github and the rest of my continuous integration pipeline.
# Architectural Overview
- Github POST bait:80/
+ Github POST bait:8417/
______________________ \./
| Mac OS X 10.8 | |
| w/ RubyMotion | |
| ---------------- +---------+----------------+
| +---+---+ |
@@ -118,11 +118,25 @@
So you can see how bait will run any test suite via arbitrary bash
scripts upon a Github hook.
But how exactly will it help add a ruby test suite to an Obj-C app?
-Watch this spot for some examples soon; essentially we'll be doing this
-in Ruby using bait::Wrap::ObjC or some such :)
+Watch this spot for some examples soon
+The basic idea however is to bootstrap a rubymotion project in your
+`` file, throw your Obj-C files into vendor/ and then setup your
+Rakefile like so:
+Motion::Project::App.setup do |app|
+ = 'My Wrapped Project'
+ %w[Tools Models Controllers Views].map{|i| app.vendor_project "vendor/SB/#{i}", :static }
+Now that's just a preliminary example; I will try to make this very easy
+and conventional and then report my findings here.
# Future
## Static Code Analysis