doc/Tutorial in bahuvrihi-tap-0.11.0 vs doc/Tutorial in bahuvrihi-tap-0.11.1
- old
+ new
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
% rap goodnight --help
Goodnight -- your basic goodnight moon task
Says goodnight with a configurable message.
- usage: tap run -- goodnight obj
+ usage: rap goodnight OBJ
--message MESSAGE
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@
# make the declarations available everywhere
# (normally they're accessed via Tap, as above)
- extend Tap::Declarations
+ include Tap::Declarations
namespace :example do
task(:say, :message) do |task, args|
print(args.message || 'goodnight')
@@ -108,11 +108,11 @@
hello.message # => 'hello'
hello.process('world') # => 'hello world'
Totally straightforward. Goodnight stores the default configurations, each instance has accessors to the configurations, and the defaults may be overridden during initialization, or later. Class definitions allow validation/transformation blocks to be specified for configurations. These blocks process inputs (ex the string inputs from the command line), quite literally defining the writer for a configuration accessor. A set of standard blocks are available through +c+, an alias for the Tap::Support::Validation module.
- [Tapfile]
+ [lib/goodnight.rb]
# Goodnight::manifest a fancy goodnight moon task
# Says goodnight with a configurable message.
class Goodnight < Tap::Task
config :message, 'goodnight' # a goodnight message
@@ -152,10 +152,10 @@
% rap goodnight --help
Goodnight -- a fancy goodnight moon task
Says goodnight with a configurable message.
- usage: tap run -- goodnight OBJECTS...
+ usage: rap goodnight OBJECTS...
--message MESSAGE a goodnight message
--[no-]reverse reverses the message
--n N repeats message n times
\ No newline at end of file