spec/syncer/s3_spec.rb in backup-3.0.21 vs spec/syncer/s3_spec.rb in backup-3.0.22
- old
+ new
@@ -1,228 +1,192 @@
# encoding: utf-8
require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper.rb', __FILE__)
+class Parallel; end
describe Backup::Syncer::S3 do
- let(:syncer) do
- Backup::Syncer::S3.new do |s3|
- s3.access_key_id = 'my_access_key_id'
- s3.secret_access_key = 'my_secret_access_key'
- s3.bucket = 'my-bucket'
- s3.path = "/my_backups"
+ describe '#perform!' do
+ let(:syncer) { Backup::Syncer::S3.new }
+ let(:connection) { stub('connection',
+ :directories => stub('directories', :get => bucket)) }
+ let(:bucket) { stub('bucket', :files => files) }
+ let(:files) { [] }
+ let(:content) { stub('content') }
- s3.directories do |directory|
- directory.add "/some/directory"
- directory.add "~/home/directory"
- end
+ before :each do
+ Fog::Storage.stubs(:new).returns connection
+ File.stubs(:open).returns content
+ File.stubs(:exist?).returns true
+ files.stubs(:create).returns true
- s3.mirror = true
- s3.additional_options = ['--opt-a', '--opt-b']
+ syncer.directories << 'tmp'
+ syncer.path = 'storage'
+ Backup::Syncer::S3::SyncContext.any_instance.
+ stubs(:`).returns 'MD5(tmp/foo)= 123abcdef'
- end
- describe '#initialize' do
+ it "respects the concurrency_type setting with threads" do
+ syncer.concurrency_type = :threads
- it 'should have defined the configuration properly' do
- syncer.access_key_id.should == 'my_access_key_id'
- syncer.secret_access_key.should == 'my_secret_access_key'
- syncer.bucket.should == 'my-bucket'
- syncer.path.should == '/my_backups'
- syncer.directories.should == ["/some/directory", "~/home/directory"]
- syncer.mirror.should == true
- syncer.additional_options.should == ['--opt-a', '--opt-b']
+ Parallel.expects(:each).with(anything, {:in_threads => 2}, anything)
+ syncer.perform!
- context 'when options are not set' do
- it 'should use default values' do
- syncer = Backup::Syncer::S3.new
- syncer.access_key_id.should == nil
- syncer.secret_access_key.should == nil
- syncer.bucket.should == nil
- syncer.path.should == 'backups'
- syncer.directories.should == []
- syncer.mirror.should == false
- syncer.additional_options.should == []
- end
+ it "respects the parallel thread count" do
+ syncer.concurrency_type = :threads
+ syncer.concurrency_level = 10
+ Parallel.expects(:each).with(anything, {:in_threads => 10}, anything)
+ syncer.perform!
- context 'when setting configuration defaults' do
- after { Backup::Configuration::Syncer::S3.clear_defaults! }
+ it "respects the concurrency_type setting with processors" do
+ syncer.concurrency_type = :processes
- it 'should use the configured defaults' do
- Backup::Configuration::Syncer::S3.defaults do |s3|
- s3.access_key_id = 'some_access_key_id'
- s3.secret_access_key = 'some_secret_access_key'
- s3.bucket = 'some_bucket'
- s3.path = 'some_path'
- #s3.directories = 'cannot_have_a_default_value'
- s3.mirror = 'some_mirror'
- s3.additional_options = 'some_additional_options'
- end
- syncer = Backup::Syncer::S3.new
- syncer.access_key_id.should == 'some_access_key_id'
- syncer.secret_access_key.should == 'some_secret_access_key'
- syncer.bucket.should == 'some_bucket'
- syncer.path.should == 'some_path'
- syncer.directories.should == []
- syncer.mirror.should == 'some_mirror'
- syncer.additional_options.should == 'some_additional_options'
+ Parallel.expects(:each).with(anything, {:in_processes => 2}, anything)
+ syncer.perform!
+ end
+ it "respects the parallel thread count" do
+ syncer.concurrency_type = :processes
+ syncer.concurrency_level = 10
+ Parallel.expects(:each).with(anything, {:in_processes => 10}, anything)
+ syncer.perform!
+ end
+ context 'file exists locally' do
+ it "uploads a file if it does not exist remotely" do
+ files.expects(:create).with(:key => 'storage/tmp/foo', :body => content)
+ syncer.perform!
- it 'should override the configured defaults' do
- Backup::Configuration::Syncer::S3.defaults do |s3|
- s3.access_key_id = 'old_access_key_id'
- s3.secret_access_key = 'old_secret_access_key'
- s3.bucket = 'old_bucket'
- s3.path = 'old_path'
- #s3.directories = 'cannot_have_a_default_value'
- s3.mirror = 'old_mirror'
- s3.additional_options = 'old_additional_options'
- end
- syncer = Backup::Syncer::S3.new do |s3|
- s3.access_key_id = 'new_access_key_id'
- s3.secret_access_key = 'new_secret_access_key'
- s3.bucket = 'new_bucket'
- s3.path = 'new_path'
- s3.directories = 'new_directories'
- s3.mirror = 'new_mirror'
- s3.additional_options = 'new_additional_options'
- end
+ it "uploads a file if it exists remotely with a different MD5" do
+ files << stub('file', :key => 'storage/tmp/foo', :etag => 'abcdef123')
- syncer.access_key_id.should == 'new_access_key_id'
- syncer.secret_access_key.should == 'new_secret_access_key'
- syncer.bucket.should == 'new_bucket'
- syncer.path.should == 'new_path'
- syncer.directories.should == 'new_directories'
- syncer.mirror.should == 'new_mirror'
- syncer.additional_options.should == 'new_additional_options'
+ files.expects(:create).with(:key => 'storage/tmp/foo', :body => content)
+ syncer.perform!
- end # context 'when setting configuration defaults'
- end # describe '#initialize'
- describe '#perform!' do
- let(:s) { sequence '' }
+ it "does nothing if the file exists remotely with the same MD5" do
+ files << stub('file', :key => 'storage/tmp/foo', :etag => '123abcdef')
- before do
- syncer.expects(:utility).twice.with(:s3sync).returns('s3sync')
- syncer.expects(:options).twice.returns('options_output')
- end
+ files.expects(:create).never
- it 'should sync two directories' do
- syncer.expects(:set_environment_variables!).in_sequence(s)
+ syncer.perform!
+ end
- # first directory
- Backup::Logger.expects(:message).in_sequence(s).with(
- "Syncer::S3 started syncing '/some/directory'."
- )
- syncer.expects(:run).in_sequence(s).with(
- "s3sync options_output '/some/directory' 'my-bucket:my_backups'"
- ).returns('messages from stdout')
- Backup::Logger.expects(:silent).in_sequence(s).with('messages from stdout')
+ it "skips the file if it no longer exists locally" do
+ File.stubs(:exist?).returns false
- # second directory
- Backup::Logger.expects(:message).in_sequence(s).with(
- "Syncer::S3 started syncing '~/home/directory'."
- )
- syncer.expects(:run).in_sequence(s).with(
- "s3sync options_output '#{ File.expand_path('~/home/directory') }' " +
- "'my-bucket:my_backups'"
- ).returns('messages from stdout')
- Backup::Logger.expects(:silent).in_sequence(s).with('messages from stdout')
+ files.expects(:create).never
- syncer.expects(:unset_environment_variables!).in_sequence(s)
+ syncer.perform!
+ end
- syncer.perform!
- end
- end # describe '#perform!'
+ it "respects the given path" do
+ syncer.path = 'box'
- describe '#directories' do
- context 'when no block is given' do
- it 'should return @directories' do
- syncer.directories.should ==
- ['/some/directory', '~/home/directory']
+ files.expects(:create).with(:key => 'box/tmp/foo', :body => content)
+ syncer.perform!
- end
- context 'when a block is given' do
- it 'should evalute the block, allowing #add to add directories' do
- syncer.directories do
- add '/new/path'
- add '~/new/home/path'
- end
- syncer.directories.should == [
- '/some/directory',
- '~/home/directory',
- '/new/path',
- '~/new/home/path'
- ]
+ it "uploads the content of the local file" do
+ File.expects(:open).with('tmp/foo').returns content
+ syncer.perform!
- end
- end # describe '#directories'
- describe '#add' do
- it 'should add the given path to @directories' do
- syncer.add '/my/path'
- syncer.directories.should ==
- ['/some/directory', '~/home/directory', '/my/path']
- end
- end
+ it "creates the connection with the provided credentials" do
+ syncer.access_key_id = 'my-access'
+ syncer.secret_access_key = 'my-secret'
+ syncer.region = 'somewhere'
- describe '#dest_path' do
- it 'should remove any preceeding "/" from @path' do
- syncer.send(:dest_path).should == 'my_backups'
- end
+ Fog::Storage.expects(:new).with(
+ :provider => 'AWS',
+ :aws_access_key_id => 'my-access',
+ :aws_secret_access_key => 'my-secret',
+ :region => 'somewhere'
+ ).returns connection
- it 'should set @dest_path' do
- syncer.send(:dest_path)
- syncer.instance_variable_get(:@dest_path).should == 'my_backups'
- end
+ syncer.perform!
+ end
- it 'should return @dest_path if already set' do
- syncer.instance_variable_set(:@dest_path, 'foo')
- syncer.send(:dest_path).should == 'foo'
- end
- end
+ it "uses the bucket with the given name" do
+ syncer.bucket = 'leaky'
- describe '#options' do
- context 'when @mirror is true' do
- it 'should return the options with mirroring enabled' do
- syncer.send(:options).should ==
- '--verbose --recursive --delete --opt-a --opt-b'
+ connection.directories.expects(:get).with('leaky').returns(bucket)
+ syncer.perform!
- end
- context 'when @mirror is false' do
- before { syncer.mirror = false }
- it 'should return the options without mirroring enabled' do
- syncer.send(:options).should ==
- '--verbose --recursive --opt-a --opt-b'
+ it "creates the bucket if one does not exist" do
+ syncer.bucket = 'leaky'
+ syncer.region = 'elsewhere'
+ connection.directories.stubs(:get).returns nil
+ connection.directories.expects(:create).
+ with(:key => 'leaky', :location => 'elsewhere').returns(bucket)
+ syncer.perform!
- end
- context 'with no additional options' do
- before { syncer.additional_options = [] }
- it 'should return the options without additional options' do
- syncer.send(:options).should ==
- '--verbose --recursive --delete'
+ it "iterates over each directory" do
+ syncer.directories << 'files'
+ Backup::Syncer::S3::SyncContext.any_instance.expects(:`).
+ with('find tmp -print0 | xargs -0 openssl md5 2> /dev/null').
+ returns 'MD5(tmp/foo)= 123abcdef'
+ Backup::Syncer::S3::SyncContext.any_instance.expects(:`).
+ with('find files -print0 | xargs -0 openssl md5 2> /dev/null').
+ returns 'MD5(tmp/foo)= 123abcdef'
+ syncer.perform!
- end # describe '#options'
- describe 'changing environment variables' do
- before { @env = ENV }
- after { ENV.replace(@env) }
+ context 'file does not exist locally' do
+ let(:file) { stub('file', :key => 'storage/tmp/foo',
+ :etag => '123abcdef') }
- it 'should set and unset environment variables' do
- syncer.send(:set_environment_variables!)
- ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'].should == 'my_access_key_id'
- ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'].should == 'my_secret_access_key'
+ before :each do
+ Backup::Syncer::S3::SyncContext.any_instance.
+ stubs(:`).returns ''
+ files << file
+ File.stubs(:exist?).returns false
+ end
- syncer.send(:unset_environment_variables!)
- ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'].should == nil
- ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'].should == nil
- ENV['AWS_CALLING_FORMAT'].should == nil
+ it "removes the remote file when mirroring is turned on" do
+ syncer.mirror = true
+ file.expects(:destroy).once
+ syncer.perform!
+ end
+ it "leaves the remote file when mirroring is turned off" do
+ syncer.mirror = false
+ file.expects(:destroy).never
+ syncer.perform!
+ end
+ it "does not remove files not under one of the specified directories" do
+ file.stubs(:key).returns 'unsynced/tmp/foo'
+ syncer.mirror = true
+ file.expects(:destroy).never
+ syncer.perform!
+ end