Rakefile in backlog-0.35.5 vs Rakefile in backlog-0.36.2
- old
+ new
@@ -22,21 +22,21 @@
p.description = p.paragraphs_of('README.txt', 2..3).join("\n\n")
p.author = 'Uwe Kubosch'
p.email = 'uwe@kubosch.no'
p.remote_rdoc_dir = '' # Release to root
p.changes = File.read('History.txt').scan(/^== .*?(?=^== )/m).first
- p.rdoc_pattern = /^(app\/(controllers|helpers|models)|lib|bin)|txt$/
+ # p.extra_rdoc_files = [/^(app\/(controllers|helpers|models)|lib|bin)|txt$/]
p.clean_globs = ['doc', 'log/*']
p.spec_extras = {
:files => Dir['**/*'].reject{|file_name| file_name =~ /^(doc|log|pkg|tmp|WEB-INF)/},
:rdoc_options => ['--inline-source'],
:executables => ['backlog'],
:requirements => ['ImageMagick', 'PostgreSQL']
p.need_zip = true
p.url = 'http://rubyforge.org/projects/backlog/'
- p.extra_deps = [['rails', '= 1.2.4'], ['gruff', '~> 0.2.9'], ['postgres', '~> 0.7.9'],
- ['slave', '~> 1.2.1'], ['mechanize', '~> 0.8.4']]
+ p.extra_deps = [['rails', '= 2.3.8'], ['gruff', '~> 0.2.9'], ['postgres', '~> 0.7.9'],
+ ['slave', '~> 1.2.1'], ['mechanize', '~> 0.8.4'], ['bundler', '~> 0.9.26']]
# ['rmagick', '~> 1.15.12'],
p.rsync_args = "-acv --delete --exclude=wiki*"
desc 'Release the application to RubyForge'