config/jshint.yml in backbone_extensions-0.0.5 vs config/jshint.yml in backbone_extensions-0.0.6
- old
+ new
@@ -6,10 +6,11 @@
# this can be overridden by adding 'paths' and 'exclude_paths' parameter to rake command:
# rake jshint paths=path1,path2,... exclude_paths=library1,library2,...
- lib/assets/javascripts/**/*.js
+ - spec/javascripts/**/*.js
# ------------ jshint options ------------
@@ -18,11 +19,11 @@
# "enforce" type options (true means potentially more warnings)
adsafe: false # true if ADsafe rules should be enforced. See
bitwise: true # true if bitwise operators should not be allowed
newcap: true # true if Initial Caps must be used with constructor functions
-eqeqeq: false # true if === should be required (for ALL equality comparisons)
+eqeqeq: true # true if === should be required (for ALL equality comparisons)
immed: false # true if immediate function invocations must be wrapped in parens
nomen: false # true if initial or trailing underscore in identifiers should be forbidden
onevar: false # true if only one var statement per function should be allowed
plusplus: false # true if ++ and -- should not be allowed
regexp: false # true if . and [^...] should not be allowed in RegExp literals
@@ -41,10 +42,11 @@
forin: false # true if unfiltered 'for in' statements should be allowed
fragment: false # true if HTML fragments should be allowed
laxbreak: false # true if statement breaks should not be checked
on: false # true if HTML event handlers (e.g. onclick="...") should be allowed
sub: false # true if subscript notation may be used for expressions better expressed in dot notation
+validthis: true # true if suppresses warnings about possible strict violations when the code is running in strict mode and you use this in a non-constructor function
# other options
maxlen: 160 # Maximum line length
indent: 2 # Number of spaces that should be used for indentation - used only if 'white' option is set
@@ -53,24 +55,32 @@
# following are relevant only if undef = true
predef: # Names of predefined global variables - comma-separated string or a YAML array
- _
- Backbone
- jQuery
+ - $
+ - describe
+ - it
+ - beforeEach
+ - afterEach
+ - expect
+ - jasmine
+ - spyOn
browser: true # true if the standard browser globals should be predefined
rhino: false # true if the Rhino environment globals should be predefined
windows: false # true if Windows-specific globals should be predefined
widget: false # true if the Yahoo Widgets globals should be predefined
devel: false # true if functions like alert, confirm, console, prompt etc. are predefined
# jshint options
loopfunc: true # true if functions should be allowed to be defined within loops
-asi: true # true if automatic semicolon insertion should be tolerated
-boss: true # true if advanced usage of assignments and == should be allowed
-couch: true # true if CouchDB globals should be predefined
+asi: false # true if automatic semicolon insertion should be tolerated
+boss: false # true if advanced usage of assignments and == should be allowed
+couch: false # true if CouchDB globals should be predefined
curly: false # true if curly braces around blocks should be required (even in if/for/while)
noarg: true # true if arguments.caller and arguments.callee should be disallowed
-node: true # true if the Node.js environment globals should be predefined
+node: false # true if the Node.js environment globals should be predefined
noempty: true # true if empty blocks should be disallowed
nonew: true # true if using `new` for side-effects should be disallowed
# ------------ jshint_on_rails custom lint options (switch to true to disable some annoying warnings) ------------