test/unit/service/serialization_test.rb in azure-0.5.0 vs test/unit/service/serialization_test.rb in azure-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,502 +1,502 @@
-# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-require "test_helper"
-require "azure/service/serialization"
-require 'azure/service/enumeration_results'
-require 'azure/service/signed_identifier'
-require 'azure/service/access_policy'
-require 'azure/service/storage_service_properties'
-require 'azure/service/logging'
-require 'azure/service/metrics'
-require 'azure/service/retention_policy'
-describe Azure::Service::Serialization do
- subject { Azure::Service::Serialization }
- let(:storage_service_properties) { Azure::Service::StorageServiceProperties.new }
- let(:storage_service_properties_xml) { Fixtures["storage_service_properties"] }
- describe "#signed_identifiers_from_xml" do
- let(:signed_identifiers_xml) { Fixtures["container_acl"]}
- it "accepts an XML string" do
- subject.signed_identifiers_from_xml signed_identifiers_xml
- end
- it "returns an Array of SignedIdentifier instances" do
- results = subject.signed_identifiers_from_xml signed_identifiers_xml
- results.must_be_kind_of Array
- results[0].must_be_kind_of Azure::Service::SignedIdentifier
- results.count.must_equal 1
- end
- end
- describe "#signed_identifiers_to_xml" do
- let(:signed_identifiers) {
- identifier = Azure::Service::SignedIdentifier.new
- identifier.id = "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTI="
- identifier.access_policy.start = "2009-09-28T08:49:37.0000000Z"
- identifier.access_policy.expiry = "2009-09-29T08:49:37.0000000Z"
- identifier.access_policy.permission = "rwd"
- [identifier]
- }
- let(:signed_identifiers_xml) { Fixtures["container_acl"]}
- it "accepts a list of SignedIdentifier instances" do
- subject.signed_identifiers_to_xml signed_identifiers
- end
- it "returns a XML graph of the provided values" do
- xml = subject.signed_identifiers_to_xml signed_identifiers
- xml.must_equal signed_identifiers_xml
- end
- end
- describe "#signed_identifier_from_xml" do
- let(:signed_identifier_xml) { Nokogiri.Slop(Fixtures["container_acl"]).root.SignedIdentifier }
- let(:mock_access_policy) { mock() }
- before { subject.expects(:access_policy_from_xml).with(signed_identifier_xml.AccessPolicy).returns(mock_access_policy) }
- it "accepts an XML node" do
- subject.signed_identifier_from_xml signed_identifier_xml
- end
- it "returns a SignedIdentifier instance" do
- identifier = subject.signed_identifier_from_xml signed_identifier_xml
- identifier.must_be_kind_of Azure::Service::SignedIdentifier
- end
- it "sets the properties of the SignedIdentifier" do
- identifier = subject.signed_identifier_from_xml signed_identifier_xml
- identifier.wont_be_nil
- identifier.id.must_equal "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTI="
- end
- end
- describe "#access_policy_from_xml" do
- let(:access_policy_xml) { Nokogiri.Slop(Fixtures["container_acl"]).root.SignedIdentifier.AccessPolicy }
- it "accepts an XML node" do
- subject.access_policy_from_xml access_policy_xml
- end
- it "returns a AccessPolicy instance" do
- access_policy = subject.access_policy_from_xml access_policy_xml
- access_policy.must_be_kind_of Azure::Service::AccessPolicy
- end
- it "sets the properties of the AccessPolicy" do
- access_policy = subject.access_policy_from_xml access_policy_xml
- access_policy.wont_be_nil
- access_policy.start.must_equal "2009-09-28T08:49:37.0000000Z"
- access_policy.expiry.must_equal "2009-09-29T08:49:37.0000000Z"
- access_policy.permission.must_equal "rwd"
- end
- end
- describe "#enumeration_results_from_xml" do
- let(:enumeration_results_xml) { Fixtures[:list_containers] }
- describe "when passed an instance of EnumerationResults" do
- let(:enumeration_results) { Azure::Service::EnumerationResults.new }
- it "parses the XML and populates the provided EnumerationResults instance" do
- result = subject.enumeration_results_from_xml enumeration_results_xml, enumeration_results
- result.must_be :kind_of?, Azure::Service::EnumerationResults
- result.continuation_token.must_equal "video"
- end
- it "returns the same instance provided" do
- result = subject.enumeration_results_from_xml enumeration_results_xml, enumeration_results
- result.must_equal enumeration_results
- end
- end
- describe "when passed nil" do
- it "returns a new instance of EnumerationResults" do
- result = subject.enumeration_results_from_xml enumeration_results_xml, nil
- result.must_be_kind_of Azure::Service::EnumerationResults
- end
- end
- end
- describe "#metadata_from_xml" do
- let(:list_containers_xml) { Fixtures["list_containers"] }
- let(:metadata_xml_node) { Nokogiri.Slop(list_containers_xml).root.Containers.Container[1].Metadata }
- it "converts a Metadata XML element to a Hash" do
- subject.metadata_from_xml(metadata_xml_node).must_be_kind_of Hash
- end
- it "uses the child element names as keys" do
- hash = subject.metadata_from_xml(metadata_xml_node)
- hash.has_key?("mymetadata1").must_equal true
- hash.has_key?("mymetadata2").must_equal true
- hash.has_key?("x-ms-invalid-name").must_equal true
- end
- it "uses the child element text contents as values" do
- hash = subject.metadata_from_xml(metadata_xml_node)
- hash["mymetadata1"].must_equal "first value"
- hash["mymetadata2"].must_equal "second value"
- end
- describe "when it encounters more than one of the same element name" do
- it "returns and array of values for that key" do
- hash = subject.metadata_from_xml(metadata_xml_node)
- hash["x-ms-invalid-name"].must_be_kind_of Array
- hash["x-ms-invalid-name"].must_equal ["invalid-metadata-name","invalid-metadata-name2"]
- end
- end
- end
- describe "#metadata_from_headers" do
- let(:headers) { { "Content-Type"=>"application/xml", "Content-Length"=>"37" } }
- let(:metadata_headers) { headers.merge({ "x-ms-meta-MyMetadata1" => "first value", "x-ms-meta-MyMetadata2" => "second value" })}
- it "returns a Hash" do
- subject.metadata_from_headers(metadata_headers).must_be_kind_of Hash
- end
- it "extracts metadata from a Hash for keys that start with x-ms-meta-* and removes that prefix" do
- hash = subject.metadata_from_headers(metadata_headers)
- hash.has_key?("MyMetadata1").must_equal true
- hash.has_key?("MyMetadata2").must_equal true
- end
- it "sets the metadata values to the corresponding header values" do
- hash = subject.metadata_from_headers(metadata_headers)
- hash["MyMetadata1"].must_equal "first value"
- hash["MyMetadata2"].must_equal "second value"
- end
- end
- describe "#retention_policy_to_xml" do
- let(:retention_policy) {
- retention_policy = Azure::Service::RetentionPolicy.new
- retention_policy.enabled = true
- retention_policy.days = 7
- retention_policy
- }
- let(:retention_policy_xml) { Fixtures["retention_policy"]}
- it "accepts a RetentionPolicy instance and an Nokogiri::XML::Builder instance" do
- Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml|
- subject.retention_policy_to_xml retention_policy, xml
- end
- end
- it "adds to the XML Builder, which will create the XML graph of the provided values" do
- builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml|
- subject.retention_policy_to_xml retention_policy, xml
- end
- builder.to_xml.must_equal retention_policy_xml
- end
- end
- describe "#retention_policy_from_xml" do
- let(:retention_policy_xml) { Nokogiri.Slop(Fixtures["storage_service_properties"]).root.Metrics.RetentionPolicy }
- it "accepts an XML Node" do
- subject.retention_policy_from_xml retention_policy_xml
- end
- it "returns an RetentionPolicy instance" do
- retention_policy = subject.retention_policy_from_xml retention_policy_xml
- retention_policy.wont_be_nil
- retention_policy.must_be_kind_of Azure::Service::RetentionPolicy
- end
- it "sets the properties of the RetentionPolicy instance" do
- retention_policy = subject.retention_policy_from_xml retention_policy_xml
- retention_policy.enabled.must_equal true
- retention_policy.days.must_equal 7
- end
- end
- describe "#metrics_to_xml" do
- let(:metrics) {
- metrics = Azure::Service::Metrics.new
- metrics.version = "1.0"
- metrics.enabled = true
- metrics.include_apis = false
- retention_policy = metrics.retention_policy = Azure::Service::RetentionPolicy.new
- retention_policy.enabled = true
- retention_policy.days = 7
- metrics
- }
- let(:metrics_xml) { Fixtures["metrics"]}
- it "accepts a Metrics instance and an Nokogiri::XML::Builder instance" do
- Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml|
- subject.metrics_to_xml metrics, xml
- end
- end
- it "adds to the XML Builder, which will create the XML graph of the provided values" do
- builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml|
- subject.metrics_to_xml metrics, xml
- end
- builder.to_xml.must_equal metrics_xml
- end
- end
- describe "#metrics_from_xml" do
- let(:metrics_xml) { Nokogiri.Slop(Fixtures["storage_service_properties"]).root.Metrics }
- let(:mock_retention_policy) { mock }
- before {
- subject.expects(:retention_policy_from_xml).returns(mock_retention_policy)
- }
- it "accepts an XML Node" do
- subject.metrics_from_xml metrics_xml
- end
- it "returns an Metrics instance" do
- metrics = subject.metrics_from_xml metrics_xml
- metrics.wont_be_nil
- metrics.must_be_kind_of Azure::Service::Metrics
- end
- it "sets the properties of the Metrics instance" do
- metrics = subject.metrics_from_xml metrics_xml
- metrics.version.must_equal "1.0"
- metrics.enabled.must_equal true
- metrics.include_apis.must_equal false
- metrics.retention_policy.must_equal mock_retention_policy
- end
- end
- describe "#logging_to_xml" do
- let(:logging) {
- logging = Azure::Service::Logging.new
- logging.version = "1.0"
- logging.delete = true
- logging.read = false
- logging.write = true
- retention_policy = logging.retention_policy = Azure::Service::RetentionPolicy.new
- retention_policy.enabled = true
- retention_policy.days = 7
- logging
- }
- let(:logging_xml) { Fixtures["logging"]}
- it "accepts a Logging instance and an Nokogiri::XML::Builder instance" do
- Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml|
- subject.logging_to_xml logging, xml
- end
- end
- it "adds to the XML Builder, which will create the XML graph of the provided values" do
- builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml|
- subject.logging_to_xml logging, xml
- end
- builder.to_xml.must_equal logging_xml
- end
- end
- describe "#logging_from_xml" do
- let(:logging_xml) { Nokogiri.Slop(Fixtures["storage_service_properties"]).root.Logging }
- let(:mock_retention_policy) { mock }
- before {
- subject.expects(:retention_policy_from_xml).returns(mock_retention_policy)
- }
- it "accepts an XML Node" do
- subject.logging_from_xml logging_xml
- end
- it "returns an Logging instance" do
- logging = subject.logging_from_xml logging_xml
- logging.wont_be_nil
- logging.must_be_kind_of Azure::Service::Logging
- end
- it "sets the properties of the Logging instance" do
- logging = subject.logging_from_xml logging_xml
- logging.version.must_equal "1.0"
- logging.delete.must_equal true
- logging.read.must_equal false
- logging.write.must_equal true
- logging.retention_policy.must_equal mock_retention_policy
- end
- end
- describe "#service_properties_to_xml" do
- let(:service_properties) {
- service_properties = Azure::Service::StorageServiceProperties.new
- service_properties.default_service_version = "2011-08-18"
- logging = service_properties.logging = Azure::Service::Logging.new
- logging.version = "1.0"
- logging.delete = true
- logging.read = false
- logging.write = true
- retention_policy = logging.retention_policy = Azure::Service::RetentionPolicy.new
- retention_policy.enabled = true
- retention_policy.days = 7
- metrics = service_properties.metrics = Azure::Service::Metrics.new
- metrics.version = "1.0"
- metrics.enabled = true
- metrics.include_apis = false
- retention_policy = metrics.retention_policy = Azure::Service::RetentionPolicy.new
- retention_policy.enabled = true
- retention_policy.days = 7
- service_properties
- }
- let(:service_properties_xml) { Fixtures["storage_service_properties"]}
- it "accepts a StorageServiceProperties instance" do
- subject.service_properties_to_xml service_properties
- end
- it "returns a XML graph of the provided values" do
- xml = subject.service_properties_to_xml service_properties
- xml.must_equal service_properties_xml
- end
- end
- describe "#service_properties_from_xml" do
- let(:service_properties_xml) { Fixtures["storage_service_properties"]}
- let(:mock_logging) { mock }
- let(:mock_metrics) { mock }
- before {
- subject.expects(:logging_from_xml).returns(mock_logging)
- subject.expects(:metrics_from_xml).returns(mock_metrics)
- }
- it "accepts an XML string" do
- subject.service_properties_from_xml service_properties_xml
- end
- it "returns an StorageServiceProperties instance" do
- service_properties = subject.service_properties_from_xml service_properties_xml
- service_properties.wont_be_nil
- service_properties.must_be_kind_of Azure::Service::StorageServiceProperties
- end
- it "sets the properties of the StorageServiceProperties instance" do
- service_properties = subject.service_properties_from_xml service_properties_xml
- service_properties.default_service_version.must_equal "2011-08-18"
- service_properties.logging.must_equal mock_logging
- service_properties.metrics.must_equal mock_metrics
- end
- end
- describe "#to_bool" do
- it "converts a valid string value to a Boolean" do
- subject.to_bool('true').must_be_kind_of TrueClass
- subject.to_bool('false').must_be_kind_of FalseClass
- end
- it "is case insensitive" do
- # mixed case
- subject.to_bool('True').must_equal true
- # upper case
- subject.to_bool('TRUE').must_equal true
- end
- it "returns false for any value other than 'true'" do
- subject.to_bool('random string').must_equal false
- subject.to_bool(nil).must_equal false
- end
- end
- describe "#slopify" do
- let(:xml_data) { '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Foo></Foo>' }
- let(:document) { Nokogiri.Slop xml_data }
- let(:root_node) { document.root }
- let(:non_slop_node) { Nokogiri.parse(xml_data).root }
- describe "when passed a String" do
- it "parses the string into a Nokogiri::XML::Element node" do
- result = subject.slopify(xml_data)
- result.must_be_kind_of Nokogiri::XML::Element
- end
- it "returns the root of the parsed Document" do
- result = subject.slopify(xml_data)
- result.name.must_equal root_node.name
- end
- it "enables Nokogiri 'Slop' mode on the returned Element" do
- result = subject.slopify(xml_data)
- result.must_respond_to :method_missing
- end
- end
- describe "when passed a Nokogiri::XML::Document" do
- it "returns a Nokogiri::XML::Element node" do
- result = subject.slopify(document)
- result.must_be_kind_of Nokogiri::XML::Element
- end
- it "returns the root of the Document" do
- result = subject.slopify(document)
- result.name.must_equal root_node.name
- end
- it "enables Nokogiri 'Slop' mode on the returned Element" do
- result = subject.slopify(xml_data)
- result.must_respond_to :method_missing
- end
- end
- describe "when passed a Nokogiri::XML::Element" do
- it "returns the Element unchanged" do
- result = subject.slopify(root_node)
- result.must_equal root_node
- end
- it "does not enable Nokogiri 'Slop' mode on the returned Element if it didn't already have it" do
- result = subject.slopify(root_node)
- result.respond_to?(:method_missing).must_equal root_node.respond_to?(:method_missing)
- result = subject.slopify(non_slop_node)
- result.respond_to?(:method_missing).must_equal non_slop_node.respond_to?(:method_missing)
- end
- end
- end
- describe "#expect_node" do
- let(:node) { mock() }
- it "throws an error if the xml node doesn't match the passed element name" do
- node.expects(:name).returns("NotFoo")
- assert_raises RuntimeError do
- subject.expect_node("Foo", node)
- end
- end
- end
+# # Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require "test_helper"
+require "azure/service/serialization"
+require 'azure/service/enumeration_results'
+require 'azure/service/signed_identifier'
+require 'azure/service/access_policy'
+require 'azure/service/storage_service_properties'
+require 'azure/service/logging'
+require 'azure/service/metrics'
+require 'azure/service/retention_policy'
+describe Azure::Service::Serialization do
+ subject { Azure::Service::Serialization }
+ let(:storage_service_properties) { Azure::Service::StorageServiceProperties.new }
+ let(:storage_service_properties_xml) { Fixtures["storage_service_properties"] }
+ describe "#signed_identifiers_from_xml" do
+ let(:signed_identifiers_xml) { Fixtures["container_acl"]}
+ it "accepts an XML string" do
+ subject.signed_identifiers_from_xml signed_identifiers_xml
+ end
+ it "returns an Array of SignedIdentifier instances" do
+ results = subject.signed_identifiers_from_xml signed_identifiers_xml
+ results.must_be_kind_of Array
+ results[0].must_be_kind_of Azure::Service::SignedIdentifier
+ results.count.must_equal 1
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#signed_identifiers_to_xml" do
+ let(:signed_identifiers) {
+ identifier = Azure::Service::SignedIdentifier.new
+ identifier.id = "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTI="
+ identifier.access_policy.start = "2009-09-28T08:49:37.0000000Z"
+ identifier.access_policy.expiry = "2009-09-29T08:49:37.0000000Z"
+ identifier.access_policy.permission = "rwd"
+ [identifier]
+ }
+ let(:signed_identifiers_xml) { Fixtures["container_acl"]}
+ it "accepts a list of SignedIdentifier instances" do
+ subject.signed_identifiers_to_xml signed_identifiers
+ end
+ it "returns a XML graph of the provided values" do
+ xml = subject.signed_identifiers_to_xml signed_identifiers
+ xml.must_equal signed_identifiers_xml
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#signed_identifier_from_xml" do
+ let(:signed_identifier_xml) { Nokogiri.Slop(Fixtures["container_acl"]).root.SignedIdentifier }
+ let(:mock_access_policy) { mock() }
+ before { subject.expects(:access_policy_from_xml).with(signed_identifier_xml.AccessPolicy).returns(mock_access_policy) }
+ it "accepts an XML node" do
+ subject.signed_identifier_from_xml signed_identifier_xml
+ end
+ it "returns a SignedIdentifier instance" do
+ identifier = subject.signed_identifier_from_xml signed_identifier_xml
+ identifier.must_be_kind_of Azure::Service::SignedIdentifier
+ end
+ it "sets the properties of the SignedIdentifier" do
+ identifier = subject.signed_identifier_from_xml signed_identifier_xml
+ identifier.wont_be_nil
+ identifier.id.must_equal "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTI="
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#access_policy_from_xml" do
+ let(:access_policy_xml) { Nokogiri.Slop(Fixtures["container_acl"]).root.SignedIdentifier.AccessPolicy }
+ it "accepts an XML node" do
+ subject.access_policy_from_xml access_policy_xml
+ end
+ it "returns a AccessPolicy instance" do
+ access_policy = subject.access_policy_from_xml access_policy_xml
+ access_policy.must_be_kind_of Azure::Service::AccessPolicy
+ end
+ it "sets the properties of the AccessPolicy" do
+ access_policy = subject.access_policy_from_xml access_policy_xml
+ access_policy.wont_be_nil
+ access_policy.start.must_equal "2009-09-28T08:49:37.0000000Z"
+ access_policy.expiry.must_equal "2009-09-29T08:49:37.0000000Z"
+ access_policy.permission.must_equal "rwd"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#enumeration_results_from_xml" do
+ let(:enumeration_results_xml) { Fixtures[:list_containers] }
+ describe "when passed an instance of EnumerationResults" do
+ let(:enumeration_results) { Azure::Service::EnumerationResults.new }
+ it "parses the XML and populates the provided EnumerationResults instance" do
+ result = subject.enumeration_results_from_xml enumeration_results_xml, enumeration_results
+ result.must_be :kind_of?, Azure::Service::EnumerationResults
+ result.continuation_token.must_equal "video"
+ end
+ it "returns the same instance provided" do
+ result = subject.enumeration_results_from_xml enumeration_results_xml, enumeration_results
+ result.must_equal enumeration_results
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when passed nil" do
+ it "returns a new instance of EnumerationResults" do
+ result = subject.enumeration_results_from_xml enumeration_results_xml, nil
+ result.must_be_kind_of Azure::Service::EnumerationResults
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#metadata_from_xml" do
+ let(:list_containers_xml) { Fixtures["list_containers"] }
+ let(:metadata_xml_node) { Nokogiri.Slop(list_containers_xml).root.Containers.Container[1].Metadata }
+ it "converts a Metadata XML element to a Hash" do
+ subject.metadata_from_xml(metadata_xml_node).must_be_kind_of Hash
+ end
+ it "uses the child element names as keys" do
+ hash = subject.metadata_from_xml(metadata_xml_node)
+ hash.has_key?("mymetadata1").must_equal true
+ hash.has_key?("mymetadata2").must_equal true
+ hash.has_key?("x-ms-invalid-name").must_equal true
+ end
+ it "uses the child element text contents as values" do
+ hash = subject.metadata_from_xml(metadata_xml_node)
+ hash["mymetadata1"].must_equal "first value"
+ hash["mymetadata2"].must_equal "second value"
+ end
+ describe "when it encounters more than one of the same element name" do
+ it "returns and array of values for that key" do
+ hash = subject.metadata_from_xml(metadata_xml_node)
+ hash["x-ms-invalid-name"].must_be_kind_of Array
+ hash["x-ms-invalid-name"].must_equal ["invalid-metadata-name","invalid-metadata-name2"]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#metadata_from_headers" do
+ let(:headers) { { "Content-Type"=>"application/xml", "Content-Length"=>"37" } }
+ let(:metadata_headers) { headers.merge({ "x-ms-meta-MyMetadata1" => "first value", "x-ms-meta-MyMetadata2" => "second value" })}
+ it "returns a Hash" do
+ subject.metadata_from_headers(metadata_headers).must_be_kind_of Hash
+ end
+ it "extracts metadata from a Hash for keys that start with x-ms-meta-* and removes that prefix" do
+ hash = subject.metadata_from_headers(metadata_headers)
+ hash.has_key?("MyMetadata1").must_equal true
+ hash.has_key?("MyMetadata2").must_equal true
+ end
+ it "sets the metadata values to the corresponding header values" do
+ hash = subject.metadata_from_headers(metadata_headers)
+ hash["MyMetadata1"].must_equal "first value"
+ hash["MyMetadata2"].must_equal "second value"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#retention_policy_to_xml" do
+ let(:retention_policy) {
+ retention_policy = Azure::Service::RetentionPolicy.new
+ retention_policy.enabled = true
+ retention_policy.days = 7
+ retention_policy
+ }
+ let(:retention_policy_xml) { Fixtures["retention_policy"]}
+ it "accepts a RetentionPolicy instance and an Nokogiri::XML::Builder instance" do
+ Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml|
+ subject.retention_policy_to_xml retention_policy, xml
+ end
+ end
+ it "adds to the XML Builder, which will create the XML graph of the provided values" do
+ builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml|
+ subject.retention_policy_to_xml retention_policy, xml
+ end
+ builder.to_xml.must_equal retention_policy_xml
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#retention_policy_from_xml" do
+ let(:retention_policy_xml) { Nokogiri.Slop(Fixtures["storage_service_properties"]).root.Metrics.RetentionPolicy }
+ it "accepts an XML Node" do
+ subject.retention_policy_from_xml retention_policy_xml
+ end
+ it "returns an RetentionPolicy instance" do
+ retention_policy = subject.retention_policy_from_xml retention_policy_xml
+ retention_policy.wont_be_nil
+ retention_policy.must_be_kind_of Azure::Service::RetentionPolicy
+ end
+ it "sets the properties of the RetentionPolicy instance" do
+ retention_policy = subject.retention_policy_from_xml retention_policy_xml
+ retention_policy.enabled.must_equal true
+ retention_policy.days.must_equal 7
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#metrics_to_xml" do
+ let(:metrics) {
+ metrics = Azure::Service::Metrics.new
+ metrics.version = "1.0"
+ metrics.enabled = true
+ metrics.include_apis = false
+ retention_policy = metrics.retention_policy = Azure::Service::RetentionPolicy.new
+ retention_policy.enabled = true
+ retention_policy.days = 7
+ metrics
+ }
+ let(:metrics_xml) { Fixtures["metrics"]}
+ it "accepts a Metrics instance and an Nokogiri::XML::Builder instance" do
+ Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml|
+ subject.metrics_to_xml metrics, xml
+ end
+ end
+ it "adds to the XML Builder, which will create the XML graph of the provided values" do
+ builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml|
+ subject.metrics_to_xml metrics, xml
+ end
+ builder.to_xml.must_equal metrics_xml
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#metrics_from_xml" do
+ let(:metrics_xml) { Nokogiri.Slop(Fixtures["storage_service_properties"]).root.Metrics }
+ let(:mock_retention_policy) { mock }
+ before {
+ subject.expects(:retention_policy_from_xml).returns(mock_retention_policy)
+ }
+ it "accepts an XML Node" do
+ subject.metrics_from_xml metrics_xml
+ end
+ it "returns an Metrics instance" do
+ metrics = subject.metrics_from_xml metrics_xml
+ metrics.wont_be_nil
+ metrics.must_be_kind_of Azure::Service::Metrics
+ end
+ it "sets the properties of the Metrics instance" do
+ metrics = subject.metrics_from_xml metrics_xml
+ metrics.version.must_equal "1.0"
+ metrics.enabled.must_equal true
+ metrics.include_apis.must_equal false
+ metrics.retention_policy.must_equal mock_retention_policy
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#logging_to_xml" do
+ let(:logging) {
+ logging = Azure::Service::Logging.new
+ logging.version = "1.0"
+ logging.delete = true
+ logging.read = false
+ logging.write = true
+ retention_policy = logging.retention_policy = Azure::Service::RetentionPolicy.new
+ retention_policy.enabled = true
+ retention_policy.days = 7
+ logging
+ }
+ let(:logging_xml) { Fixtures["logging"]}
+ it "accepts a Logging instance and an Nokogiri::XML::Builder instance" do
+ Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml|
+ subject.logging_to_xml logging, xml
+ end
+ end
+ it "adds to the XML Builder, which will create the XML graph of the provided values" do
+ builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml|
+ subject.logging_to_xml logging, xml
+ end
+ builder.to_xml.must_equal logging_xml
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#logging_from_xml" do
+ let(:logging_xml) { Nokogiri.Slop(Fixtures["storage_service_properties"]).root.Logging }
+ let(:mock_retention_policy) { mock }
+ before {
+ subject.expects(:retention_policy_from_xml).returns(mock_retention_policy)
+ }
+ it "accepts an XML Node" do
+ subject.logging_from_xml logging_xml
+ end
+ it "returns an Logging instance" do
+ logging = subject.logging_from_xml logging_xml
+ logging.wont_be_nil
+ logging.must_be_kind_of Azure::Service::Logging
+ end
+ it "sets the properties of the Logging instance" do
+ logging = subject.logging_from_xml logging_xml
+ logging.version.must_equal "1.0"
+ logging.delete.must_equal true
+ logging.read.must_equal false
+ logging.write.must_equal true
+ logging.retention_policy.must_equal mock_retention_policy
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#service_properties_to_xml" do
+ let(:service_properties) {
+ service_properties = Azure::Service::StorageServiceProperties.new
+ service_properties.default_service_version = "2011-08-18"
+ logging = service_properties.logging = Azure::Service::Logging.new
+ logging.version = "1.0"
+ logging.delete = true
+ logging.read = false
+ logging.write = true
+ retention_policy = logging.retention_policy = Azure::Service::RetentionPolicy.new
+ retention_policy.enabled = true
+ retention_policy.days = 7
+ metrics = service_properties.metrics = Azure::Service::Metrics.new
+ metrics.version = "1.0"
+ metrics.enabled = true
+ metrics.include_apis = false
+ retention_policy = metrics.retention_policy = Azure::Service::RetentionPolicy.new
+ retention_policy.enabled = true
+ retention_policy.days = 7
+ service_properties
+ }
+ let(:service_properties_xml) { Fixtures["storage_service_properties"]}
+ it "accepts a StorageServiceProperties instance" do
+ subject.service_properties_to_xml service_properties
+ end
+ it "returns a XML graph of the provided values" do
+ xml = subject.service_properties_to_xml service_properties
+ xml.must_equal service_properties_xml
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#service_properties_from_xml" do
+ let(:service_properties_xml) { Fixtures["storage_service_properties"]}
+ let(:mock_logging) { mock }
+ let(:mock_metrics) { mock }
+ before {
+ subject.expects(:logging_from_xml).returns(mock_logging)
+ subject.expects(:metrics_from_xml).returns(mock_metrics)
+ }
+ it "accepts an XML string" do
+ subject.service_properties_from_xml service_properties_xml
+ end
+ it "returns an StorageServiceProperties instance" do
+ service_properties = subject.service_properties_from_xml service_properties_xml
+ service_properties.wont_be_nil
+ service_properties.must_be_kind_of Azure::Service::StorageServiceProperties
+ end
+ it "sets the properties of the StorageServiceProperties instance" do
+ service_properties = subject.service_properties_from_xml service_properties_xml
+ service_properties.default_service_version.must_equal "2011-08-18"
+ service_properties.logging.must_equal mock_logging
+ service_properties.metrics.must_equal mock_metrics
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#to_bool" do
+ it "converts a valid string value to a Boolean" do
+ subject.to_bool('true').must_be_kind_of TrueClass
+ subject.to_bool('false').must_be_kind_of FalseClass
+ end
+ it "is case insensitive" do
+ # mixed case
+ subject.to_bool('True').must_equal true
+ # upper case
+ subject.to_bool('TRUE').must_equal true
+ end
+ it "returns false for any value other than 'true'" do
+ subject.to_bool('random string').must_equal false
+ subject.to_bool(nil).must_equal false
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#slopify" do
+ let(:xml_data) { '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Foo></Foo>' }
+ let(:document) { Nokogiri.Slop xml_data }
+ let(:root_node) { document.root }
+ let(:non_slop_node) { Nokogiri.parse(xml_data).root }
+ describe "when passed a String" do
+ it "parses the string into a Nokogiri::XML::Element node" do
+ result = subject.slopify(xml_data)
+ result.must_be_kind_of Nokogiri::XML::Element
+ end
+ it "returns the root of the parsed Document" do
+ result = subject.slopify(xml_data)
+ result.name.must_equal root_node.name
+ end
+ it "enables Nokogiri 'Slop' mode on the returned Element" do
+ result = subject.slopify(xml_data)
+ result.must_respond_to :method_missing
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when passed a Nokogiri::XML::Document" do
+ it "returns a Nokogiri::XML::Element node" do
+ result = subject.slopify(document)
+ result.must_be_kind_of Nokogiri::XML::Element
+ end
+ it "returns the root of the Document" do
+ result = subject.slopify(document)
+ result.name.must_equal root_node.name
+ end
+ it "enables Nokogiri 'Slop' mode on the returned Element" do
+ result = subject.slopify(xml_data)
+ result.must_respond_to :method_missing
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when passed a Nokogiri::XML::Element" do
+ it "returns the Element unchanged" do
+ result = subject.slopify(root_node)
+ result.must_equal root_node
+ end
+ it "does not enable Nokogiri 'Slop' mode on the returned Element if it didn't already have it" do
+ result = subject.slopify(root_node)
+ result.respond_to?(:method_missing).must_equal root_node.respond_to?(:method_missing)
+ result = subject.slopify(non_slop_node)
+ result.respond_to?(:method_missing).must_equal non_slop_node.respond_to?(:method_missing)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#expect_node" do
+ let(:node) { mock() }
+ it "throws an error if the xml node doesn't match the passed element name" do
+ node.expects(:name).returns("NotFoo")
+ assert_raises RuntimeError do
+ subject.expect_node("Foo", node)
+ end
+ end
+ end
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