test/integration/service_bus/subscriptions_test.rb in azure-0.5.0 vs test/integration/service_bus/subscriptions_test.rb in azure-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,211 +1,211 @@
-# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-require "integration/test_helper"
-describe "ServiceBus Subscriptions" do
- subject { Azure::ServiceBus::ServiceBusService.new }
- after { ServiceBusTopicNameHelper.clean }
- let(:topic){ ServiceBusTopicNameHelper.name }
- let(:subscription) { "mySubscription" }
- let(:subscription_alternative) { "mySubscription" }
- let(:description_alternative) {{
- :lock_duration => 'PT30S',
- :requires_session => true,
- :default_message_time_to_live => 'PT30M',
- :dead_lettering_on_message_expiration => true,
- :dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_exceptions => true,
- :max_delivery_count => 20,
- :enable_batched_operations => true
- }}
- before { subject.create_topic topic }
- it "should be able to set description values to false" do
- s = Azure::ServiceBus::Subscription.new(subscription, {
- :requires_session => false
- })
- s.requires_session.must_equal false
- end
- it "should be able to create a new subscription" do
- result = subject.create_subscription topic, subscription
- result.must_be :kind_of?, Azure::ServiceBus::Subscription
- result.name.must_equal subscription
- end
- it "should be able to create a new subscription from a string and description Hash" do
- result = subject.create_subscription topic, subscription_alternative, description_alternative
- result.must_be :kind_of?, Azure::ServiceBus::Subscription
- result.name.must_equal subscription_alternative
- result.lock_duration.must_equal 30.0
- result.requires_session.must_equal description_alternative[:requires_session]
- result.default_message_time_to_live.must_equal 1800.0
- result.dead_lettering_on_message_expiration.must_equal description_alternative[:dead_lettering_on_message_expiration]
- result.dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_exceptions.must_equal description_alternative[:dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_exceptions]
- result.max_delivery_count.must_equal description_alternative[:max_delivery_count]
- result.enable_batched_operations.must_equal description_alternative[:enable_batched_operations]
- end
- it "should be able to create a new subscription with objects" do
- subscriptionObject = Azure::ServiceBus::Subscription.new "my_other_sub"
- subscriptionObject.topic = topic
- subscriptionObject.max_delivery_count = 3
- result = subject.create_subscription subscriptionObject
- result.must_be :kind_of?, Azure::ServiceBus::Subscription
- result.name.must_equal subscriptionObject.name
- result.max_delivery_count.must_equal subscriptionObject.max_delivery_count
- subject.delete_subscription result
- end
- describe "when a subscription exists" do
- before { subject.create_subscription topic, subscription }
- it "should be able to delete the subscription" do
- subject.delete_subscription topic, subscription
- end
- it "should be able to get the subscription" do
- result = subject.get_subscription topic, subscription
- result.must_be :kind_of?, Azure::ServiceBus::Subscription
- result.name.must_equal subscription
- end
- it "should be able to list subscriptions" do
- result = subject.list_subscriptions topic
- subscription_found = false
- result.each { |s|
- subscription_found = true if s.name == subscription
- }
- assert subscription_found, "list_subscriptions didn't include the expected subscription"
- end
- describe "when there are messages" do
- let(:msg) {
- m = Azure::ServiceBus::BrokeredMessage.new("some message body", {:prop1 => "val1"})
- m.to = "me"
- m.label = "my_label"
- m
- }
- before {
- subject.send_topic_message topic, msg
- }
- it "should be able to peek lock a message" do
- retrieved = subject.peek_lock_subscription_message topic, subscription
- retrieved.to.must_equal msg.to
- retrieved.body.must_equal msg.body
- retrieved.label.must_equal msg.label
- retrieved = subject.read_delete_subscription_message topic, subscription, { :timeout => 1 }
- retrieved.must_be_nil
- end
- it "should be able to read delete a message" do
- retrieved = subject.read_delete_subscription_message topic, subscription
- retrieved.must_be :kind_of?, Azure::ServiceBus::BrokeredMessage
- retrieved.body.must_equal msg.body
- retrieved.to.must_equal msg.to
- # it should be deleted
- retrieved = subject.read_delete_subscription_message topic, subscription, { :timeout => 1 }
- retrieved.must_be_nil
- end
- it "should be able to unlock a message" do
- retrieved = subject.peek_lock_subscription_message topic, subscription, { :timeout => 1 }
- retrieved.body.must_equal msg.body
- # There shouldn't be an available message in the queue
- retrieved2 = subject.peek_lock_subscription_message topic, subscription, { :timeout => 1 }
- retrieved2.must_be_nil
- # Unlock the message
- res = subject.unlock_subscription_message retrieved
- res.must_be_nil
- # The message should be available once again
- retrieved = subject.peek_lock_subscription_message topic, subscription, { :timeout => 1 }
- retrieved.body.must_equal msg.body
- end
- it "should be able to read a message from a subscription" do
- subject.send_topic_message topic, msg
- retrieved = subject.receive_subscription_message topic, subscription
- retrieved.to.must_equal msg.to
- retrieved.body.must_equal msg.body
- retrieved.label.must_equal msg.label
- end
- end
- describe 'when there are multiple subscriptions' do
- let(:subscription1) { ServiceBusTopicNameHelper.name }
- let(:subscription2) { ServiceBusTopicNameHelper.name }
- before {
- subject.create_subscription topic, subscription1
- subject.create_subscription topic, subscription2
- }
- it "should be able to list subscriptions" do
- result = subject.list_subscriptions topic
- subscription_found = false
- subscription1_found = false
- subscription2_found = false
- result.each { |s|
- subscription_found = true if s.name == subscription
- subscription1_found = true if s.name == subscription1
- subscription2_found = true if s.name == subscription2
- }
- assert (subscription_found and subscription1_found and subscription2_found), "list_subscriptions didn't include the expected subscriptions"
- end
- it "should be able to use $skip token" do
- result = subject.list_subscriptions topic
- result2 = subject.list_subscriptions topic, { :skip => 1 }
- result2.length.must_equal result.length - 1
- result2.continuation_token.must_be_nil
- result2[0].id.must_equal result[1].id
- end
- it "should be able to use $top token" do
- result = subject.list_subscriptions topic
- result.length.wont_equal 1
- result.continuation_token.must_be_nil
- result2 = subject.list_subscriptions topic, { :top => 1 }
- result2.continuation_token.wont_be_nil
- result2.continuation_token[:skip].wont_be_nil
- result2.continuation_token[:top].wont_be_nil
- result2.length.must_equal 1
- end
- it "should be able to use $skip and $top token together" do
- result = subject.list_subscriptions topic
- result2 = subject.list_subscriptions topic, { :skip => 1, :top => 1 }
- result2.length.must_equal 1
- result2[0].id.must_equal result[1].id
- end
- end
- end
+# # Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require "integration/test_helper"
+describe "ServiceBus Subscriptions" do
+ subject { Azure::ServiceBus::ServiceBusService.new }
+ after { ServiceBusTopicNameHelper.clean }
+ let(:topic){ ServiceBusTopicNameHelper.name }
+ let(:subscription) { "mySubscription" }
+ let(:subscription_alternative) { "mySubscription" }
+ let(:description_alternative) {{
+ :lock_duration => 'PT30S',
+ :requires_session => true,
+ :default_message_time_to_live => 'PT30M',
+ :dead_lettering_on_message_expiration => true,
+ :dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_exceptions => true,
+ :max_delivery_count => 20,
+ :enable_batched_operations => true
+ }}
+ before { subject.create_topic topic }
+ it "should be able to set description values to false" do
+ s = Azure::ServiceBus::Subscription.new(subscription, {
+ :requires_session => false
+ })
+ s.requires_session.must_equal false
+ end
+ it "should be able to create a new subscription" do
+ result = subject.create_subscription topic, subscription
+ result.must_be :kind_of?, Azure::ServiceBus::Subscription
+ result.name.must_equal subscription
+ end
+ it "should be able to create a new subscription from a string and description Hash" do
+ result = subject.create_subscription topic, subscription_alternative, description_alternative
+ result.must_be :kind_of?, Azure::ServiceBus::Subscription
+ result.name.must_equal subscription_alternative
+ result.lock_duration.must_equal 30.0
+ result.requires_session.must_equal description_alternative[:requires_session]
+ result.default_message_time_to_live.must_equal 1800.0
+ result.dead_lettering_on_message_expiration.must_equal description_alternative[:dead_lettering_on_message_expiration]
+ result.dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_exceptions.must_equal description_alternative[:dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_exceptions]
+ result.max_delivery_count.must_equal description_alternative[:max_delivery_count]
+ result.enable_batched_operations.must_equal description_alternative[:enable_batched_operations]
+ end
+ it "should be able to create a new subscription with objects" do
+ subscriptionObject = Azure::ServiceBus::Subscription.new "my_other_sub"
+ subscriptionObject.topic = topic
+ subscriptionObject.max_delivery_count = 3
+ result = subject.create_subscription subscriptionObject
+ result.must_be :kind_of?, Azure::ServiceBus::Subscription
+ result.name.must_equal subscriptionObject.name
+ result.max_delivery_count.must_equal subscriptionObject.max_delivery_count
+ subject.delete_subscription result
+ end
+ describe "when a subscription exists" do
+ before { subject.create_subscription topic, subscription }
+ it "should be able to delete the subscription" do
+ subject.delete_subscription topic, subscription
+ end
+ it "should be able to get the subscription" do
+ result = subject.get_subscription topic, subscription
+ result.must_be :kind_of?, Azure::ServiceBus::Subscription
+ result.name.must_equal subscription
+ end
+ it "should be able to list subscriptions" do
+ result = subject.list_subscriptions topic
+ subscription_found = false
+ result.each { |s|
+ subscription_found = true if s.name == subscription
+ }
+ assert subscription_found, "list_subscriptions didn't include the expected subscription"
+ end
+ describe "when there are messages" do
+ let(:msg) {
+ m = Azure::ServiceBus::BrokeredMessage.new("some message body", {:prop1 => "val1"})
+ m.to = "me"
+ m.label = "my_label"
+ m
+ }
+ before {
+ subject.send_topic_message topic, msg
+ }
+ it "should be able to peek lock a message" do
+ retrieved = subject.peek_lock_subscription_message topic, subscription
+ retrieved.to.must_equal msg.to
+ retrieved.body.must_equal msg.body
+ retrieved.label.must_equal msg.label
+ retrieved = subject.read_delete_subscription_message topic, subscription, { :timeout => 1 }
+ retrieved.must_be_nil
+ end
+ it "should be able to read delete a message" do
+ retrieved = subject.read_delete_subscription_message topic, subscription
+ retrieved.must_be :kind_of?, Azure::ServiceBus::BrokeredMessage
+ retrieved.body.must_equal msg.body
+ retrieved.to.must_equal msg.to
+ # it should be deleted
+ retrieved = subject.read_delete_subscription_message topic, subscription, { :timeout => 1 }
+ retrieved.must_be_nil
+ end
+ it "should be able to unlock a message" do
+ retrieved = subject.peek_lock_subscription_message topic, subscription, { :timeout => 1 }
+ retrieved.body.must_equal msg.body
+ # There shouldn't be an available message in the queue
+ retrieved2 = subject.peek_lock_subscription_message topic, subscription, { :timeout => 1 }
+ retrieved2.must_be_nil
+ # Unlock the message
+ res = subject.unlock_subscription_message retrieved
+ res.must_be_nil
+ # The message should be available once again
+ retrieved = subject.peek_lock_subscription_message topic, subscription, { :timeout => 1 }
+ retrieved.body.must_equal msg.body
+ end
+ it "should be able to read a message from a subscription" do
+ subject.send_topic_message topic, msg
+ retrieved = subject.receive_subscription_message topic, subscription
+ retrieved.to.must_equal msg.to
+ retrieved.body.must_equal msg.body
+ retrieved.label.must_equal msg.label
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'when there are multiple subscriptions' do
+ let(:subscription1) { ServiceBusTopicNameHelper.name }
+ let(:subscription2) { ServiceBusTopicNameHelper.name }
+ before {
+ subject.create_subscription topic, subscription1
+ subject.create_subscription topic, subscription2
+ }
+ it "should be able to list subscriptions" do
+ result = subject.list_subscriptions topic
+ subscription_found = false
+ subscription1_found = false
+ subscription2_found = false
+ result.each { |s|
+ subscription_found = true if s.name == subscription
+ subscription1_found = true if s.name == subscription1
+ subscription2_found = true if s.name == subscription2
+ }
+ assert (subscription_found and subscription1_found and subscription2_found), "list_subscriptions didn't include the expected subscriptions"
+ end
+ it "should be able to use $skip token" do
+ result = subject.list_subscriptions topic
+ result2 = subject.list_subscriptions topic, { :skip => 1 }
+ result2.length.must_equal result.length - 1
+ result2.continuation_token.must_be_nil
+ result2[0].id.must_equal result[1].id
+ end
+ it "should be able to use $top token" do
+ result = subject.list_subscriptions topic
+ result.length.wont_equal 1
+ result.continuation_token.must_be_nil
+ result2 = subject.list_subscriptions topic, { :top => 1 }
+ result2.continuation_token.wont_be_nil
+ result2.continuation_token[:skip].wont_be_nil
+ result2.continuation_token[:top].wont_be_nil
+ result2.length.must_equal 1
+ end
+ it "should be able to use $skip and $top token together" do
+ result = subject.list_subscriptions topic
+ result2 = subject.list_subscriptions topic, { :skip => 1, :top => 1 }
+ result2.length.must_equal 1
+ result2[0].id.must_equal result[1].id
+ end
+ end
+ end