lib/azure/storage/blob/block.rb in azure-storage-blob-1.1.0 vs lib/azure/storage/blob/block.rb in azure-storage-blob-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,530 +1,530 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-# # Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved.
-# The MIT License(MIT)
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions :
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-require "base64"
-module Azure::Storage
- module Blob
- # Represents a Block as part of a BlockList
- # The type should be one of :uncommitted, :committed or :latest
- class Block
- def initialize
- @type = :latest
- yield self if block_given?
- end
- attr_accessor :name
- attr_accessor :size
- attr_accessor :type
- end
- # Public: Creates a new block blob or updates the content of an existing block blob.
- #
- # Updating an existing block blob overwrites any existing metadata on the blob
- # Partial updates are not supported with create_block_blob the content of the
- # existing blob is overwritten with the content of the new blob. To perform a
- # partial update of the content of a block blob, use the create_block_list
- # method.
- #
- # Note that the default content type is application/octet-stream.
- #
- # ==== Attributes
- #
- # * +container+ - String. The container name.
- # * +blob+ - String. The blob name.
- # * +content+ - IO or String. The content of the blob.
- # * +options+ - Hash. Optional parameters.
- #
- # ==== Options
- #
- # Accepted key/value pairs in options parameter are:
- # * +:transactional_md5+ - String. An MD5 hash of the blob content. This hash is used to verify the integrity of the blob during transport.
- # When this header is specified, the storage service checks the hash that has arrived with the one that was sent.
- # If the two hashes do not match, the operation will fail with error code 400 (Bad Request).
- # * +:single_upload_threshold+ - Integer. Threshold in bytes for single upload, must be lower than 256MB or 256MB will be used.
- # * +:content_length+ - Integer. Length of the content to upload, must be specified if 'content' does not implement 'size'.
- # * +:content_type+ - String. Content type for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_encoding+ - String. Content encoding for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_language+ - String. Content language for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_md5+ - String. Content MD5 for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:cache_control+ - String. Cache control for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_disposition+ - String. Conveys additional information about how to process the response payload,
- # and also can be used to attach additional metadata
- # * +:metadata+ - Hash. Custom metadata values to store with the blob.
- # * +:timeout+ - Integer. A timeout in seconds.
- # * +:request_id+ - String. Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded
- # in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled.
- # * +:if_modified_since+ - String. A DateTime value. Specify this conditional header to create a new blob
- # only if the blob has been modified since the specified date/time. If the blob has not been modified,
- # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
- # * +:if_unmodified_since+ - String. A DateTime value. Specify this conditional header to create a new blob
- # only if the blob has not been modified since the specified date/time. If the blob has been modified,
- # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
- # * +:if_match+ - String. An ETag value. Specify an ETag value for this conditional header to create a new blob
- # only if the blob's ETag value matches the value specified. If the values do not match,
- # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
- # * +:if_none_match+ - String. An ETag value. Specify an ETag value for this conditional header to create a new blob
- # only if the blob's ETag value does not match the value specified. If the values are identical,
- # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
- # * +:lease_id+ - String. Required if the blob has an active lease. To perform this operation on a blob with an active lease,
- # specify the valid lease ID for this header.
- #
- # See
- #
- # Returns a Blob
- def create_block_blob(container, blob, content, options = {})
- size = if content.respond_to? :size
- content.size
- elsif options[:content_length]
- options[:content_length]
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Either optional parameter 'content_length' should be set or 'content' should implement 'size' method to get payload's size."
- end
- threshold = get_single_upload_threshold(options[:single_upload_threshold])
- if size > threshold
- create_block_blob_multiple_put(container, blob, content, size, options)
- else
- create_block_blob_single_put(container, blob, content, options)
- end
- end
- # Public: Creates a new block to be committed as part of a block blob.
- #
- # ==== Attributes
- #
- # * +container+ - String. The container name.
- # * +blob+ - String. The blob name.
- # * +block_id+ - String. The block id. Note: this should be the raw block id, not Base64 encoded.
- # * +content+ - IO or String. The content of the blob.
- # * +options+ - Hash. Optional parameters.
- #
- # ==== Options
- #
- # Accepted key/value pairs in options parameter are:
- # * +:content_md5+ - String. Content MD5 for the request contents.
- # * +:timeout+ - Integer. A timeout in seconds.
- # * +:request_id+ - String. Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded
- # in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled.
- # * +:lease_id+ - String. Required if the blob has an active lease. To perform this operation on a blob with an
- # active lease, specify the valid lease ID for this header.
- #
- # See
- #
- # Returns response of the operation
- def put_blob_block(container, blob, block_id, content, options = {})
- query = { "comp" => "block" }
- StorageService.with_query query, "blockid", Base64.strict_encode64(block_id)
- StorageService.with_query query, "timeout", options[:timeout].to_s if options[:timeout]
- uri = blob_uri(container, blob, query)
- headers = {}
- StorageService.with_header headers, "Content-MD5", options[:content_md5]
- headers["x-ms-lease-id"] = options[:lease_id] if options[:lease_id]
- response = call(:put, uri, content, headers, options)
- response.headers["Content-MD5"]
- end
- # Public: Commits existing blob blocks to a blob.
- #
- # This method writes a blob by specifying the list of block IDs that make up the
- # blob. In order to be written as part of a blob, a block must have been
- # successfully written to the server in a prior put_blob_block method.
- #
- # You can call Put Block List to update a blob by uploading only those blocks
- # that have changed, then committing the new and existing blocks together.
- # You can do this by specifying whether to commit a block from the committed
- # block list or from the uncommitted block list, or to commit the most recently
- # uploaded version of the block, whichever list it may belong to.
- #
- # ==== Attributes
- #
- # * +container+ - String. The container name.
- # * +blob+ - String. The blob name.
- # * +block_list+ - Array. A ordered list of lists in the following format:
- # [ ["block_id1", :committed], ["block_id2", :uncommitted], ["block_id3"], ["block_id4", :committed]... ]
- # The first element of the inner list is the block_id, the second is optional
- # and can be either :committed or :uncommitted to indicate in which group of blocks
- # the id should be looked for. If it is omitted, the latest of either group will be used.
- # * +options+ - Hash. Optional parameters.
- #
- # ==== Options
- #
- # Accepted key/value pairs in options parameter are:
- # * +:transactional_md5+ - String. Content MD5 for the request contents (not the blob contents!)
- # * +:content_type+ - String. Content type for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_encoding+ - String. Content encoding for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_language+ - String. Content language for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_md5+ - String. Content MD5 for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:cache_control+ - String. Cache control for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_disposition+ - String. Conveys additional information about how to process the response payload,
- # and also can be used to attach additional metadata
- # * +:metadata+ - Hash. Custom metadata values to store with the blob.
- # * +:timeout+ - Integer. A timeout in seconds.
- # * +:request_id+ - String. Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded
- # in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled.
- # * +:lease_id+ - String. Required if the blob has an active lease. To perform this operation on a blob with an
- # active lease, specify the valid lease ID for this header.
- #
- # This operation also supports the use of conditional headers to commit the block list if a specified condition is met.
- # For more information, see
- #
- # See
- #
- # Returns nil on success
- def commit_blob_blocks(container, blob, block_list, options = {})
- query = { "comp" => "blocklist" }
- StorageService.with_query query, "timeout", options[:timeout].to_s if options[:timeout]
- uri = blob_uri(container, blob, query)
- headers = {}
- unless options.empty?
- StorageService.with_header headers, "Content-MD5", options[:transactional_md5]
- StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-content-type", options[:content_type]
- StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-content-encoding", options[:content_encoding]
- StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-content-language", options[:content_language]
- StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-content-md5", options[:content_md5]
- StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-cache-control", options[:cache_control]
- StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-content-disposition", options[:content_disposition]
- StorageService.add_metadata_to_headers(options[:metadata], headers)
- add_blob_conditional_headers(options, headers)
- headers["x-ms-lease-id"] = options[:lease_id] if options[:lease_id]
- end
- headers["x-ms-blob-content-type"] = Default::CONTENT_TYPE_VALUE unless headers["x-ms-blob-content-type"]
- body = Serialization.block_list_to_xml(block_list)
- call(:put, uri, body, headers, options)
- nil
- end
- # Public: Retrieves the list of blocks that have been uploaded as part of a block blob.
- #
- # There are two block lists maintained for a blob:
- # 1) Committed Block List: The list of blocks that have been successfully
- # committed to a given blob with commitBlobBlocks.
- # 2) Uncommitted Block List: The list of blocks that have been uploaded for a
- # blob using Put Block (REST API), but that have not yet been committed.
- # These blocks are stored in Microsoft Azure in association with a blob, but do
- # not yet form part of the blob.
- #
- # ==== Attributes
- #
- # * +container+ - String. The container name.
- # * +blob+ - String. The blob name.
- # * +options+ - Hash. Optional parameters.
- #
- # ==== Options
- #
- # Accepted key/value pairs in options parameter are:
- # * +:blocklist_type+ - Symbol. One of :all, :committed, :uncommitted. Defaults to :all (optional)
- # * +:snapshot+ - String. An opaque DateTime value that specifies the blob snapshot to
- # retrieve information from. (optional)
- # * +:timeout+ - Integer. A timeout in seconds.
- # * +:request_id+ - String. Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded
- # in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled.
- # * +:location_mode+ - LocationMode. Specifies the location mode used to decide
- # which location the request should be sent to.
- # * +:lease_id+ - String. If this header is specified, the operation will be performed only if both of the
- # following conditions are met:
- # - The blob's lease is currently active.
- # - The lease ID specified in the request matches that of the blob.
- # If this header is specified and both of these conditions are not met, the request will fail
- # and the operation will fail with status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
- #
- # See
- #
- # Returns a list of Azure::Storage::Entity::Blob::Block instances
- def list_blob_blocks(container, blob, options = {})
- options[:blocklist_type] = options[:blocklist_type] || :all
- query = { "comp" => "blocklist" }
- StorageService.with_query query, "snapshot", options[:snapshot]
- StorageService.with_query query, "blocklisttype", options[:blocklist_type].to_s if options[:blocklist_type]
- StorageService.with_query query, "timeout", options[:timeout].to_s if options[:timeout]
- headers = options[:lease_id] ? { "x-ms-lease-id" => options[:lease_id] } : {}
- options[:request_location_mode] = Azure::Storage::Common::RequestLocationMode::PRIMARY_OR_SECONDARY
- uri = blob_uri(container, blob, query, options)
- response = call(:get, uri, nil, headers, options)
- Serialization.block_list_from_xml(response.body)
- end
- # Public: Creates a new block blob or updates the content of an existing block blob.
- #
- # Updating an existing block blob overwrites any existing metadata on the blob
- # Partial updates are not supported with create_block_blob the content of the
- # existing blob is overwritten with the content of the new blob. To perform a
- # partial update of the content of a block blob, use the create_block_list
- # method.
- #
- # Note that the default content type is application/octet-stream.
- #
- # ==== Attributes
- #
- # * +container+ - String. The container name.
- # * +blob+ - String. The blob name.
- # * +content+ - IO or String. The content of the blob.
- # * +options+ - Hash. Optional parameters.
- #
- # ==== Options
- #
- # Accepted key/value pairs in options parameter are:
- # * +:transactional_md5+ - String. An MD5 hash of the blob content. This hash is used to verify the integrity of the blob during transport.
- # When this header is specified, the storage service checks the hash that has arrived with the one that was sent.
- # If the two hashes do not match, the operation will fail with error code 400 (Bad Request).
- # * +:single_upload_threshold+ - Integer. Threshold in bytes for single upload, must be lower than 256MB or 256MB will be used.
- # * +:content_length+ - Integer. Length of the content to upload, must be specified if 'content' does not implement 'size'.
- # * +:content_type+ - String. Content type for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_encoding+ - String. Content encoding for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_language+ - String. Content language for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_md5+ - String. Content MD5 for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:cache_control+ - String. Cache control for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_disposition+ - String. Conveys additional information about how to process the response payload,
- # and also can be used to attach additional metadata
- # * +:metadata+ - Hash. Custom metadata values to store with the blob.
- # * +:timeout+ - Integer. A timeout in seconds.
- # * +:request_id+ - String. Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded
- # in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled.
- # * +:if_modified_since+ - String. A DateTime value. Specify this conditional header to create a new blob
- # only if the blob has been modified since the specified date/time. If the blob has not been modified,
- # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
- # * +:if_unmodified_since+ - String. A DateTime value. Specify this conditional header to create a new blob
- # only if the blob has not been modified since the specified date/time. If the blob has been modified,
- # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
- # * +:if_match+ - String. An ETag value. Specify an ETag value for this conditional header to create a new blob
- # only if the blob's ETag value matches the value specified. If the values do not match,
- # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
- # * +:if_none_match+ - String. An ETag value. Specify an ETag value for this conditional header to create a new blob
- # only if the blob's ETag value does not match the value specified. If the values are identical,
- # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
- # * +:lease_id+ - String. Required if the blob has an active lease. To perform this operation on a blob with an active lease,
- # specify the valid lease ID for this header.
- #
- # See
- #
- # Returns a Blob
- alias create_block_blob_from_content create_block_blob
- # Protected: Creates a new block blob or updates the content of an existing block blob with single API call
- #
- # Updating an existing block blob overwrites any existing metadata on the blob
- # Partial updates are not supported with create_block_blob the content of the
- # existing blob is overwritten with the content of the new blob. To perform a
- # partial update of the content of a block blob, use the create_block_list
- # method.
- #
- # Note that the default content type is application/octet-stream.
- #
- # ==== Attributes
- #
- # * +container+ - String. The container name.
- # * +blob+ - String. The blob name.
- # * +content+ - IO or String. The content of the blob.
- # * +options+ - Hash. Optional parameters.
- #
- # ==== Options
- #
- # Accepted key/value pairs in options parameter are:
- # * +:transactional_md5+ - String. An MD5 hash of the blob content. This hash is used to verify the integrity of the blob during transport.
- # When this header is specified, the storage service checks the hash that has arrived with the one that was sent.
- # If the two hashes do not match, the operation will fail with error code 400 (Bad Request).
- # * +:content_length+ - Integer. Length of the content to upload, must be specified if 'content' does not implement 'size'.
- # * +:content_type+ - String. Content type for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_encoding+ - String. Content encoding for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_language+ - String. Content language for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_md5+ - String. Content MD5 for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:cache_control+ - String. Cache control for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_disposition+ - String. Conveys additional information about how to process the response payload,
- # and also can be used to attach additional metadata
- # * +:metadata+ - Hash. Custom metadata values to store with the blob.
- # * +:timeout+ - Integer. A timeout in seconds.
- # * +:request_id+ - String. Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded
- # in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled.
- # * +:if_modified_since+ - String. A DateTime value. Specify this conditional header to create a new blob
- # only if the blob has been modified since the specified date/time. If the blob has not been modified,
- # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
- # * +:if_unmodified_since+ - String. A DateTime value. Specify this conditional header to create a new blob
- # only if the blob has not been modified since the specified date/time. If the blob has been modified,
- # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
- # * +:if_match+ - String. An ETag value. Specify an ETag value for this conditional header to create a new blob
- # only if the blob's ETag value matches the value specified. If the values do not match,
- # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
- # * +:if_none_match+ - String. An ETag value. Specify an ETag value for this conditional header to create a new blob
- # only if the blob's ETag value does not match the value specified. If the values are identical,
- # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
- # * +:lease_id+ - String. Required if the blob has an active lease. To perform this operation on a blob with an active lease,
- # specify the valid lease ID for this header.
- #
- # See
- #
- # Returns a Blob
- protected
- def create_block_blob_single_put(container, blob, content, options = {})
- query = {}
- StorageService.with_query query, "timeout", options[:timeout].to_s if options[:timeout]
- uri = blob_uri(container, blob, query)
- headers = {}
- # set x-ms-blob-type to BlockBlob
- StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-type", "BlockBlob"
- # set the rest of the optional headers
- StorageService.with_header headers, "Content-MD5", options[:transactional_md5]
- StorageService.with_header headers, "Content-Length", options[:content_length]
- StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-content-encoding", options[:content_encoding]
- StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-content-language", options[:content_language]
- StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-content-md5", options[:content_md5]
- StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-cache-control", options[:cache_control]
- StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-content-disposition", options[:content_disposition]
- StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-lease-id", options[:lease_id]
- StorageService.add_metadata_to_headers options[:metadata], headers
- add_blob_conditional_headers options, headers
- headers["x-ms-blob-content-type"] = get_or_apply_content_type(content, options[:content_type])
- # call PutBlob
- response = call(:put, uri, content, headers, options)
- result = Serialization.blob_from_headers(response.headers)
- = blob
- result.metadata = options[:metadata] if options[:metadata]
- result
- end
- # Protected: Creates a new block blob or updates the content of an existing block blob with multiple upload
- #
- # Updating an existing block blob overwrites any existing metadata on the blob
- # Partial updates are not supported with create_block_blob the content of the
- # existing blob is overwritten with the content of the new blob. To perform a
- # partial update of the content of a block blob, use the create_block_list
- # method.
- #
- # Note that the default content type is application/octet-stream.
- #
- # ==== Attributes
- #
- # * +container+ - String. The container name.
- # * +blob+ - String. The blob name.
- # * +content+ - IO or String. The content of the blob.
- # * +size+ - Integer. The size of the content.
- # * +options+ - Hash. Optional parameters.
- #
- # ==== Options
- #
- # Accepted key/value pairs in options parameter are:
- # * +:content_type+ - String. Content type for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_encoding+ - String. Content encoding for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_language+ - String. Content language for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_md5+ - String. Content MD5 for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:cache_control+ - String. Cache control for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
- # * +:content_disposition+ - String. Conveys additional information about how to process the response payload,
- # and also can be used to attach additional metadata
- # * +:metadata+ - Hash. Custom metadata values to store with the blob.
- # * +:timeout+ - Integer. A timeout in seconds.
- # * +:request_id+ - String. Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded
- # in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled.
- # * +:lease_id+ - String. Required if the blob has an active lease. To perform this operation on a blob with an active lease,
- # specify the valid lease ID for this header.
- #
- # See
- #
- # Returns a Blob
- protected
- def create_block_blob_multiple_put(container, blob, content, size, options = {})
- content_type = get_or_apply_content_type(content, options[:content_type])
- content = if content.is_a? String
- block_size = get_block_size(size)
- # Get the number of blocks
- block_count = (Float(size) / Float(block_size)).ceil
- block_list = []
- for block_id in 0...block_count
- id = block_id.to_s.rjust(6, "0")
- put_blob_block(container, blob, id,, timeout: options[:timeout], lease_id: options[:lease_id])
- block_list.push([id])
- end
- # Commit the blocks put
- commit_options = {}
- commit_options[:content_type] = content_type
- commit_options[:content_encoding] = options[:content_encoding] if options[:content_encoding]
- commit_options[:content_language] = options[:content_language] if options[:content_language]
- commit_options[:content_md5] = options[:content_md5] if options[:content_md5]
- commit_options[:cache_control] = options[:cache_control] if options[:cache_control]
- commit_options[:content_disposition] = options[:content_disposition] if options[:content_disposition]
- commit_options[:metadata] = options[:metadata] if options[:metadata]
- commit_options[:timeout] = options[:timeout] if options[:timeout]
- commit_options[:request_id] = options[:request_id] if options[:request_id]
- commit_options[:lease_id] = options[:lease_id] if options[:lease_id]
- commit_blob_blocks(container, blob, block_list, commit_options)
- get_properties_options = {}
- get_properties_options[:lease_id] = options[:lease_id] if options[:lease_id]
- # Get the blob properties
- get_blob_properties(container, blob, get_properties_options)
- end
- # Protected: Gets the single upload threshold according to user's preference
- #
- # ==== Attributes
- #
- # * +container+ - String. The container name.
- #
- # Returns an Integer
- protected
- def get_single_upload_threshold(userThreshold)
- if userThreshold.nil?
- elsif userThreshold <= 0
- raise ArgumentError, "Single Upload Threshold should be positive number"
- elsif userThreshold < BlobConstants::MAX_SINGLE_UPLOAD_BLOB_SIZE_IN_BYTES
- userThreshold
- else
- end
- end
- protected
- def get_block_size(size)
- if size > BlobConstants::MAX_BLOCK_BLOB_SIZE
- raise ArgumentError, "Block blob size should be less than #{BlobConstants::MAX_BLOCK_BLOB_SIZE} bytes in size"
- elsif (size / BlobConstants::MAX_BLOCK_COUNT) < BlobConstants::DEFAULT_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES
- else
- BlobConstants::MAX_BLOCK_SIZE
- end
- end
- end
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# # Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved.
+# The MIT License(MIT)
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions :
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+require "base64"
+module Azure::Storage
+ module Blob
+ # Represents a Block as part of a BlockList
+ # The type should be one of :uncommitted, :committed or :latest
+ class Block
+ def initialize
+ @type = :latest
+ yield self if block_given?
+ end
+ attr_accessor :name
+ attr_accessor :size
+ attr_accessor :type
+ end
+ # Public: Creates a new block blob or updates the content of an existing block blob.
+ #
+ # Updating an existing block blob overwrites any existing metadata on the blob
+ # Partial updates are not supported with create_block_blob the content of the
+ # existing blob is overwritten with the content of the new blob. To perform a
+ # partial update of the content of a block blob, use the create_block_list
+ # method.
+ #
+ # Note that the default content type is application/octet-stream.
+ #
+ # ==== Attributes
+ #
+ # * +container+ - String. The container name.
+ # * +blob+ - String. The blob name.
+ # * +content+ - IO or String. The content of the blob.
+ # * +options+ - Hash. Optional parameters.
+ #
+ # ==== Options
+ #
+ # Accepted key/value pairs in options parameter are:
+ # * +:transactional_md5+ - String. An MD5 hash of the blob content. This hash is used to verify the integrity of the blob during transport.
+ # When this header is specified, the storage service checks the hash that has arrived with the one that was sent.
+ # If the two hashes do not match, the operation will fail with error code 400 (Bad Request).
+ # * +:single_upload_threshold+ - Integer. Threshold in bytes for single upload, must be lower than 256MB or 256MB will be used.
+ # * +:content_length+ - Integer. Length of the content to upload, must be specified if 'content' does not implement 'size'.
+ # * +:content_type+ - String. Content type for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_encoding+ - String. Content encoding for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_language+ - String. Content language for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_md5+ - String. Content MD5 for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:cache_control+ - String. Cache control for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_disposition+ - String. Conveys additional information about how to process the response payload,
+ # and also can be used to attach additional metadata
+ # * +:metadata+ - Hash. Custom metadata values to store with the blob.
+ # * +:timeout+ - Integer. A timeout in seconds.
+ # * +:request_id+ - String. Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded
+ # in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled.
+ # * +:if_modified_since+ - String. A DateTime value. Specify this conditional header to create a new blob
+ # only if the blob has been modified since the specified date/time. If the blob has not been modified,
+ # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
+ # * +:if_unmodified_since+ - String. A DateTime value. Specify this conditional header to create a new blob
+ # only if the blob has not been modified since the specified date/time. If the blob has been modified,
+ # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
+ # * +:if_match+ - String. An ETag value. Specify an ETag value for this conditional header to create a new blob
+ # only if the blob's ETag value matches the value specified. If the values do not match,
+ # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
+ # * +:if_none_match+ - String. An ETag value. Specify an ETag value for this conditional header to create a new blob
+ # only if the blob's ETag value does not match the value specified. If the values are identical,
+ # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
+ # * +:lease_id+ - String. Required if the blob has an active lease. To perform this operation on a blob with an active lease,
+ # specify the valid lease ID for this header.
+ #
+ # See
+ #
+ # Returns a Blob
+ def create_block_blob(container, blob, content, options = {})
+ size = if content.respond_to? :size
+ content.size
+ elsif options[:content_length]
+ options[:content_length]
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "Either optional parameter 'content_length' should be set or 'content' should implement 'size' method to get payload's size."
+ end
+ threshold = get_single_upload_threshold(options[:single_upload_threshold])
+ if size > threshold
+ create_block_blob_multiple_put(container, blob, content, size, options)
+ else
+ create_block_blob_single_put(container, blob, content, options)
+ end
+ end
+ # Public: Creates a new block to be committed as part of a block blob.
+ #
+ # ==== Attributes
+ #
+ # * +container+ - String. The container name.
+ # * +blob+ - String. The blob name.
+ # * +block_id+ - String. The block id. Note: this should be the raw block id, not Base64 encoded.
+ # * +content+ - IO or String. The content of the blob.
+ # * +options+ - Hash. Optional parameters.
+ #
+ # ==== Options
+ #
+ # Accepted key/value pairs in options parameter are:
+ # * +:content_md5+ - String. Content MD5 for the request contents.
+ # * +:timeout+ - Integer. A timeout in seconds.
+ # * +:request_id+ - String. Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded
+ # in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled.
+ # * +:lease_id+ - String. Required if the blob has an active lease. To perform this operation on a blob with an
+ # active lease, specify the valid lease ID for this header.
+ #
+ # See
+ #
+ # Returns response of the operation
+ def put_blob_block(container, blob, block_id, content, options = {})
+ query = { "comp" => "block" }
+ StorageService.with_query query, "blockid", Base64.strict_encode64(block_id)
+ StorageService.with_query query, "timeout", options[:timeout].to_s if options[:timeout]
+ uri = blob_uri(container, blob, query)
+ headers = {}
+ StorageService.with_header headers, "Content-MD5", options[:content_md5]
+ headers["x-ms-lease-id"] = options[:lease_id] if options[:lease_id]
+ response = call(:put, uri, content, headers, options)
+ response.headers["Content-MD5"]
+ end
+ # Public: Commits existing blob blocks to a blob.
+ #
+ # This method writes a blob by specifying the list of block IDs that make up the
+ # blob. In order to be written as part of a blob, a block must have been
+ # successfully written to the server in a prior put_blob_block method.
+ #
+ # You can call Put Block List to update a blob by uploading only those blocks
+ # that have changed, then committing the new and existing blocks together.
+ # You can do this by specifying whether to commit a block from the committed
+ # block list or from the uncommitted block list, or to commit the most recently
+ # uploaded version of the block, whichever list it may belong to.
+ #
+ # ==== Attributes
+ #
+ # * +container+ - String. The container name.
+ # * +blob+ - String. The blob name.
+ # * +block_list+ - Array. A ordered list of lists in the following format:
+ # [ ["block_id1", :committed], ["block_id2", :uncommitted], ["block_id3"], ["block_id4", :committed]... ]
+ # The first element of the inner list is the block_id, the second is optional
+ # and can be either :committed or :uncommitted to indicate in which group of blocks
+ # the id should be looked for. If it is omitted, the latest of either group will be used.
+ # * +options+ - Hash. Optional parameters.
+ #
+ # ==== Options
+ #
+ # Accepted key/value pairs in options parameter are:
+ # * +:transactional_md5+ - String. Content MD5 for the request contents (not the blob contents!)
+ # * +:content_type+ - String. Content type for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_encoding+ - String. Content encoding for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_language+ - String. Content language for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_md5+ - String. Content MD5 for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:cache_control+ - String. Cache control for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_disposition+ - String. Conveys additional information about how to process the response payload,
+ # and also can be used to attach additional metadata
+ # * +:metadata+ - Hash. Custom metadata values to store with the blob.
+ # * +:timeout+ - Integer. A timeout in seconds.
+ # * +:request_id+ - String. Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded
+ # in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled.
+ # * +:lease_id+ - String. Required if the blob has an active lease. To perform this operation on a blob with an
+ # active lease, specify the valid lease ID for this header.
+ #
+ # This operation also supports the use of conditional headers to commit the block list if a specified condition is met.
+ # For more information, see
+ #
+ # See
+ #
+ # Returns nil on success
+ def commit_blob_blocks(container, blob, block_list, options = {})
+ query = { "comp" => "blocklist" }
+ StorageService.with_query query, "timeout", options[:timeout].to_s if options[:timeout]
+ uri = blob_uri(container, blob, query)
+ headers = {}
+ unless options.empty?
+ StorageService.with_header headers, "Content-MD5", options[:transactional_md5]
+ StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-content-type", options[:content_type]
+ StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-content-encoding", options[:content_encoding]
+ StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-content-language", options[:content_language]
+ StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-content-md5", options[:content_md5]
+ StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-cache-control", options[:cache_control]
+ StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-content-disposition", options[:content_disposition]
+ StorageService.add_metadata_to_headers(options[:metadata], headers)
+ add_blob_conditional_headers(options, headers)
+ headers["x-ms-lease-id"] = options[:lease_id] if options[:lease_id]
+ end
+ headers["x-ms-blob-content-type"] = Default::CONTENT_TYPE_VALUE unless headers["x-ms-blob-content-type"]
+ body = Serialization.block_list_to_xml(block_list)
+ call(:put, uri, body, headers, options)
+ nil
+ end
+ # Public: Retrieves the list of blocks that have been uploaded as part of a block blob.
+ #
+ # There are two block lists maintained for a blob:
+ # 1) Committed Block List: The list of blocks that have been successfully
+ # committed to a given blob with commitBlobBlocks.
+ # 2) Uncommitted Block List: The list of blocks that have been uploaded for a
+ # blob using Put Block (REST API), but that have not yet been committed.
+ # These blocks are stored in Microsoft Azure in association with a blob, but do
+ # not yet form part of the blob.
+ #
+ # ==== Attributes
+ #
+ # * +container+ - String. The container name.
+ # * +blob+ - String. The blob name.
+ # * +options+ - Hash. Optional parameters.
+ #
+ # ==== Options
+ #
+ # Accepted key/value pairs in options parameter are:
+ # * +:blocklist_type+ - Symbol. One of :all, :committed, :uncommitted. Defaults to :all (optional)
+ # * +:snapshot+ - String. An opaque DateTime value that specifies the blob snapshot to
+ # retrieve information from. (optional)
+ # * +:timeout+ - Integer. A timeout in seconds.
+ # * +:request_id+ - String. Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded
+ # in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled.
+ # * +:location_mode+ - LocationMode. Specifies the location mode used to decide
+ # which location the request should be sent to.
+ # * +:lease_id+ - String. If this header is specified, the operation will be performed only if both of the
+ # following conditions are met:
+ # - The blob's lease is currently active.
+ # - The lease ID specified in the request matches that of the blob.
+ # If this header is specified and both of these conditions are not met, the request will fail
+ # and the operation will fail with status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
+ #
+ # See
+ #
+ # Returns a list of Azure::Storage::Entity::Blob::Block instances
+ def list_blob_blocks(container, blob, options = {})
+ options[:blocklist_type] = options[:blocklist_type] || :all
+ query = { "comp" => "blocklist" }
+ StorageService.with_query query, "snapshot", options[:snapshot]
+ StorageService.with_query query, "blocklisttype", options[:blocklist_type].to_s if options[:blocklist_type]
+ StorageService.with_query query, "timeout", options[:timeout].to_s if options[:timeout]
+ headers = options[:lease_id] ? { "x-ms-lease-id" => options[:lease_id] } : {}
+ options[:request_location_mode] = Azure::Storage::Common::RequestLocationMode::PRIMARY_OR_SECONDARY
+ uri = blob_uri(container, blob, query, options)
+ response = call(:get, uri, nil, headers, options)
+ Serialization.block_list_from_xml(response.body)
+ end
+ # Public: Creates a new block blob or updates the content of an existing block blob.
+ #
+ # Updating an existing block blob overwrites any existing metadata on the blob
+ # Partial updates are not supported with create_block_blob the content of the
+ # existing blob is overwritten with the content of the new blob. To perform a
+ # partial update of the content of a block blob, use the create_block_list
+ # method.
+ #
+ # Note that the default content type is application/octet-stream.
+ #
+ # ==== Attributes
+ #
+ # * +container+ - String. The container name.
+ # * +blob+ - String. The blob name.
+ # * +content+ - IO or String. The content of the blob.
+ # * +options+ - Hash. Optional parameters.
+ #
+ # ==== Options
+ #
+ # Accepted key/value pairs in options parameter are:
+ # * +:transactional_md5+ - String. An MD5 hash of the blob content. This hash is used to verify the integrity of the blob during transport.
+ # When this header is specified, the storage service checks the hash that has arrived with the one that was sent.
+ # If the two hashes do not match, the operation will fail with error code 400 (Bad Request).
+ # * +:single_upload_threshold+ - Integer. Threshold in bytes for single upload, must be lower than 256MB or 256MB will be used.
+ # * +:content_length+ - Integer. Length of the content to upload, must be specified if 'content' does not implement 'size'.
+ # * +:content_type+ - String. Content type for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_encoding+ - String. Content encoding for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_language+ - String. Content language for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_md5+ - String. Content MD5 for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:cache_control+ - String. Cache control for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_disposition+ - String. Conveys additional information about how to process the response payload,
+ # and also can be used to attach additional metadata
+ # * +:metadata+ - Hash. Custom metadata values to store with the blob.
+ # * +:timeout+ - Integer. A timeout in seconds.
+ # * +:request_id+ - String. Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded
+ # in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled.
+ # * +:if_modified_since+ - String. A DateTime value. Specify this conditional header to create a new blob
+ # only if the blob has been modified since the specified date/time. If the blob has not been modified,
+ # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
+ # * +:if_unmodified_since+ - String. A DateTime value. Specify this conditional header to create a new blob
+ # only if the blob has not been modified since the specified date/time. If the blob has been modified,
+ # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
+ # * +:if_match+ - String. An ETag value. Specify an ETag value for this conditional header to create a new blob
+ # only if the blob's ETag value matches the value specified. If the values do not match,
+ # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
+ # * +:if_none_match+ - String. An ETag value. Specify an ETag value for this conditional header to create a new blob
+ # only if the blob's ETag value does not match the value specified. If the values are identical,
+ # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
+ # * +:lease_id+ - String. Required if the blob has an active lease. To perform this operation on a blob with an active lease,
+ # specify the valid lease ID for this header.
+ #
+ # See
+ #
+ # Returns a Blob
+ alias create_block_blob_from_content create_block_blob
+ # Protected: Creates a new block blob or updates the content of an existing block blob with single API call
+ #
+ # Updating an existing block blob overwrites any existing metadata on the blob
+ # Partial updates are not supported with create_block_blob the content of the
+ # existing blob is overwritten with the content of the new blob. To perform a
+ # partial update of the content of a block blob, use the create_block_list
+ # method.
+ #
+ # Note that the default content type is application/octet-stream.
+ #
+ # ==== Attributes
+ #
+ # * +container+ - String. The container name.
+ # * +blob+ - String. The blob name.
+ # * +content+ - IO or String. The content of the blob.
+ # * +options+ - Hash. Optional parameters.
+ #
+ # ==== Options
+ #
+ # Accepted key/value pairs in options parameter are:
+ # * +:transactional_md5+ - String. An MD5 hash of the blob content. This hash is used to verify the integrity of the blob during transport.
+ # When this header is specified, the storage service checks the hash that has arrived with the one that was sent.
+ # If the two hashes do not match, the operation will fail with error code 400 (Bad Request).
+ # * +:content_length+ - Integer. Length of the content to upload, must be specified if 'content' does not implement 'size'.
+ # * +:content_type+ - String. Content type for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_encoding+ - String. Content encoding for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_language+ - String. Content language for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_md5+ - String. Content MD5 for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:cache_control+ - String. Cache control for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_disposition+ - String. Conveys additional information about how to process the response payload,
+ # and also can be used to attach additional metadata
+ # * +:metadata+ - Hash. Custom metadata values to store with the blob.
+ # * +:timeout+ - Integer. A timeout in seconds.
+ # * +:request_id+ - String. Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded
+ # in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled.
+ # * +:if_modified_since+ - String. A DateTime value. Specify this conditional header to create a new blob
+ # only if the blob has been modified since the specified date/time. If the blob has not been modified,
+ # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
+ # * +:if_unmodified_since+ - String. A DateTime value. Specify this conditional header to create a new blob
+ # only if the blob has not been modified since the specified date/time. If the blob has been modified,
+ # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
+ # * +:if_match+ - String. An ETag value. Specify an ETag value for this conditional header to create a new blob
+ # only if the blob's ETag value matches the value specified. If the values do not match,
+ # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
+ # * +:if_none_match+ - String. An ETag value. Specify an ETag value for this conditional header to create a new blob
+ # only if the blob's ETag value does not match the value specified. If the values are identical,
+ # the Blob service returns status code 412 (Precondition Failed).
+ # * +:lease_id+ - String. Required if the blob has an active lease. To perform this operation on a blob with an active lease,
+ # specify the valid lease ID for this header.
+ #
+ # See
+ #
+ # Returns a Blob
+ protected
+ def create_block_blob_single_put(container, blob, content, options = {})
+ query = {}
+ StorageService.with_query query, "timeout", options[:timeout].to_s if options[:timeout]
+ uri = blob_uri(container, blob, query)
+ headers = {}
+ # set x-ms-blob-type to BlockBlob
+ StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-type", "BlockBlob"
+ # set the rest of the optional headers
+ StorageService.with_header headers, "Content-MD5", options[:transactional_md5]
+ StorageService.with_header headers, "Content-Length", options[:content_length]
+ StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-content-encoding", options[:content_encoding]
+ StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-content-language", options[:content_language]
+ StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-content-md5", options[:content_md5]
+ StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-cache-control", options[:cache_control]
+ StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-blob-content-disposition", options[:content_disposition]
+ StorageService.with_header headers, "x-ms-lease-id", options[:lease_id]
+ StorageService.add_metadata_to_headers options[:metadata], headers
+ add_blob_conditional_headers options, headers
+ headers["x-ms-blob-content-type"] = get_or_apply_content_type(content, options[:content_type])
+ # call PutBlob
+ response = call(:put, uri, content, headers, options)
+ result = Serialization.blob_from_headers(response.headers)
+ = blob
+ result.metadata = options[:metadata] if options[:metadata]
+ result
+ end
+ # Protected: Creates a new block blob or updates the content of an existing block blob with multiple upload
+ #
+ # Updating an existing block blob overwrites any existing metadata on the blob
+ # Partial updates are not supported with create_block_blob the content of the
+ # existing blob is overwritten with the content of the new blob. To perform a
+ # partial update of the content of a block blob, use the create_block_list
+ # method.
+ #
+ # Note that the default content type is application/octet-stream.
+ #
+ # ==== Attributes
+ #
+ # * +container+ - String. The container name.
+ # * +blob+ - String. The blob name.
+ # * +content+ - IO or String. The content of the blob.
+ # * +size+ - Integer. The size of the content.
+ # * +options+ - Hash. Optional parameters.
+ #
+ # ==== Options
+ #
+ # Accepted key/value pairs in options parameter are:
+ # * +:content_type+ - String. Content type for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_encoding+ - String. Content encoding for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_language+ - String. Content language for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_md5+ - String. Content MD5 for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:cache_control+ - String. Cache control for the blob. Will be saved with blob.
+ # * +:content_disposition+ - String. Conveys additional information about how to process the response payload,
+ # and also can be used to attach additional metadata
+ # * +:metadata+ - Hash. Custom metadata values to store with the blob.
+ # * +:timeout+ - Integer. A timeout in seconds.
+ # * +:request_id+ - String. Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded
+ # in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled.
+ # * +:lease_id+ - String. Required if the blob has an active lease. To perform this operation on a blob with an active lease,
+ # specify the valid lease ID for this header.
+ #
+ # See
+ #
+ # Returns a Blob
+ protected
+ def create_block_blob_multiple_put(container, blob, content, size, options = {})
+ content_type = get_or_apply_content_type(content, options[:content_type])
+ content = if content.is_a? String
+ block_size = get_block_size(size)
+ # Get the number of blocks
+ block_count = (Float(size) / Float(block_size)).ceil
+ block_list = []
+ for block_id in 0...block_count
+ id = block_id.to_s.rjust(6, "0")
+ put_blob_block(container, blob, id,, timeout: options[:timeout], lease_id: options[:lease_id])
+ block_list.push([id])
+ end
+ # Commit the blocks put
+ commit_options = {}
+ commit_options[:content_type] = content_type
+ commit_options[:content_encoding] = options[:content_encoding] if options[:content_encoding]
+ commit_options[:content_language] = options[:content_language] if options[:content_language]
+ commit_options[:content_md5] = options[:content_md5] if options[:content_md5]
+ commit_options[:cache_control] = options[:cache_control] if options[:cache_control]
+ commit_options[:content_disposition] = options[:content_disposition] if options[:content_disposition]
+ commit_options[:metadata] = options[:metadata] if options[:metadata]
+ commit_options[:timeout] = options[:timeout] if options[:timeout]
+ commit_options[:request_id] = options[:request_id] if options[:request_id]
+ commit_options[:lease_id] = options[:lease_id] if options[:lease_id]
+ commit_blob_blocks(container, blob, block_list, commit_options)
+ get_properties_options = {}
+ get_properties_options[:lease_id] = options[:lease_id] if options[:lease_id]
+ # Get the blob properties
+ get_blob_properties(container, blob, get_properties_options)
+ end
+ # Protected: Gets the single upload threshold according to user's preference
+ #
+ # ==== Attributes
+ #
+ # * +container+ - String. The container name.
+ #
+ # Returns an Integer
+ protected
+ def get_single_upload_threshold(userThreshold)
+ if userThreshold.nil?
+ elsif userThreshold <= 0
+ raise ArgumentError, "Single Upload Threshold should be positive number"
+ elsif userThreshold < BlobConstants::MAX_SINGLE_UPLOAD_BLOB_SIZE_IN_BYTES
+ userThreshold
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ protected
+ def get_block_size(size)
+ if size > BlobConstants::MAX_BLOCK_BLOB_SIZE
+ raise ArgumentError, "Block blob size should be less than #{BlobConstants::MAX_BLOCK_BLOB_SIZE} bytes in size"
+ elsif (size / BlobConstants::MAX_BLOCK_COUNT) < BlobConstants::DEFAULT_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES
+ else
+ BlobConstants::MAX_BLOCK_SIZE
+ end
+ end
+ end