lib/azure/armrest/virtual_machine_service.rb in azure-armrest-0.3.11 vs lib/azure/armrest/virtual_machine_service.rb in azure-armrest-0.3.12
- old
+ new
@@ -119,22 +119,192 @@
def stop(vmname, group = configuration.resource_group)
vm_operate('powerOff', vmname, group)
+ # Delete the VM and associated resources. By default, this will
+ # delete the VM, its NIC, the associated IP address, and the
+ # image files (.vhd and .status) for the VM.
+ #
+ # If you want to delete other associated resources, such as any
+ # attached disks, the VM's underlying storage account, or associated
+ # network security groups you must explicitly specify them as an option.
+ #
+ # An attempt to delete a resource that cannot be deleted because it's
+ # still associated with some other resource will be logged and skipped.
+ #
+ # If the :verbose option is set to true, then additional messages are
+ # sent to your configuration log, or stdout if no log was specified.
+ #
+ # Note that if all of your related resources are in a self-contained
+ # resource group, you do not necessarily need this method. You could
+ # just delete the resource group itself, which would automatically
+ # delete all of its resources.
+ #
+ def delete_associated_resources(vmname, vmgroup, options = {})
+ options = {
+ :network_interfaces => true,
+ :ip_addresses => true,
+ :os_disk => true,
+ :network_security_groups => false,
+ :storage_account => false,
+ :verbose => false
+ }.merge(options)
+ Azure::Armrest::Configuration.log ||= STDOUT if options[:verbose]
+ vm = get(vmname, vmgroup)
+ delete_and_wait(self, vmname, vmgroup, options)
+ # Must delete network interfaces first if you want to delete
+ # IP addresses or network security groups.
+ if options[:network_interfaces] || options[:ip_addresses] || options[:network_security_groups]
+ delete_associated_nics(vm, options)
+ end
+ if options[:os_disk] || options[:storage_account]
+ delete_associated_disk(vm, options)
+ end
+ end
def model_class
+ # Deletes any NIC's associated with the VM, and optionally any public IP addresses
+ # and network security groups.
+ #
+ def delete_associated_nics(vm, options)
+ nis =
+ nics =
+ if options[:ip_addresses]
+ ips =
+ end
+ if options[:network_security_groups]
+ nsgs =
+ end
+ nics.each do |nic_id_string|
+ nic = get_associated_resource(nic_id_string)
+ delete_and_wait(nis,, nic.resource_group, options)
+ if options[:ip_addresses]
+ do |ip|
+ ip = get_associated_resource(
+ delete_and_wait(ips,, ip.resource_group, options)
+ end
+ end
+ if options[:network_security_groups]
+ nsg = get_associated_resource(
+ delete_and_wait(nsgs,, nsg.resource_group, options)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # This deletes the OS disk from the storage account that's backing the
+ # virtual machine, along with the .status file. This does NOT delete
+ # copies of the disk.
+ #
+ # If the option to delete the entire storage account was selected, then
+ # it will not bother with deleting invidual files from the storage
+ # account first.
+ #
+ def delete_associated_disk(vm, options)
+ sas =
+ storage_account = sas.get_from_vm(vm)
+ # Deleting the storage account does not require deleting the disks
+ # first, so skip that if deletion of the storage account was requested.
+ if options[:storage_account]
+ delete_and_wait(sas,, storage_account.resource_group, options)
+ else
+ keys = sas.list_account_keys(, storage_account.resource_group)
+ key = keys['key1'] || keys['key2']
+ disk = sas.get_os_disk(vm)
+ # There's a short delay between deleting the VM and unlocking the underlying
+ # .vhd file by Azure. Therefore we sleep up to two minutes while checking.
+ if disk.x_ms_lease_status.casecmp('unlocked') != 0
+ sleep_time = 0
+ while sleep_time < 120
+ sleep 10
+ sleep_time += 10
+ disk = sas.get_os_disk(vm)
+ break if disk.x_ms_lease_status.casecmp('unlocked') != 0
+ end
+ # In the unlikely event it did not unlock, just log and skip.
+ if disk.x_ms_lease_status.casecmp('unlocked') != 0
+ log_message("Unable to delete disk #{disk.container}/#{}", 'warn')
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ storage_account.delete_blob(disk.container,, key)
+ log_message("Deleted blob #{disk.container}/#{}") if options[:verbose]
+ begin
+ status_file = File.basename(, '.vhd') + '.status'
+ storage_account.delete_blob(disk.container, status_file, key)
+ rescue Azure::Armrest::NotFoundException
+ # Ignore, does not always exist.
+ else
+ log_message("Deleted blob #{disk.container}/#{status_file}") if options[:verbose]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Delete a +service+ type resource using its name and resource group,
+ # and wait for the operation to complete before returning.
+ #
+ # If the operation fails because a dependent resource is still attached,
+ # then the error is logged (in verbose mode) and ignored.
+ #
+ def delete_and_wait(service, name, group, options)
+ resource_type = service.class.to_s.sub('Service', '').split('::').last
+ log_message("Deleting #{resource_type} #{name}/#{group}") if options[:verbose]
+ headers = service.delete(name, group)
+ loop do
+ status = wait(headers)
+ break if status.downcase.start_with?('succ') # Succeeded, Success, etc.
+ end
+ log_message("Deleted #{resource_type} #{name}/#{group}") if options[:verbose]
+ rescue Azure::Armrest::BadRequestException, Azure::Armrest::PreconditionFailedException => err
+ if options[:verbose]
+ msg = "Unable to delete #{resource_type} #{name}/#{group}, skipping. Message: #{err.message}"
+ log_message(msg, 'warn')
+ end
+ end
def vm_operate(action, vmname, group, options = {})
raise ArgumentError, "must specify resource group" unless group
raise ArgumentError, "must specify name of the vm" unless vmname
url = build_url(group, vmname, action)
+ end
+ # Simple log messager. Use the Configuration.log if defined.
+ def log_message(msg, level = 'info')
+ if Azure::Armrest::Configuration.log
+ Azure::Armrest::Configuration.log.send(level.to_sym, msg)
+ else
+ warn msg
+ end