lib/ayadn/view.rb in ayadn-0.6.4 vs lib/ayadn/view.rb in ayadn-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,270 +1,507 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8
-class AyaDN
- class View
- def initialize(hash)
- @hash = hash
- end
- def getData(hash)
- hash['data'].reverse
- end
- def getDataNormal(hash)
- hash['data']
- end
- def showMessagesFromChannel
- buildMessages(getData(@hash))
- end
- def showStream
- $tools.config['timeline']['downside'] ? the_hash = getData(@hash) : the_hash = getDataNormal(@hash)
- buildStream(the_hash)
- end
- def showCompleteStream
- $tools.config['timeline']['downside'] ? the_hash = getData(@hash) : the_hash = getDataNormal(@hash)
- stream, pagination_array = buildCompleteStream(the_hash)
- end
- def show_pm_channels
- stream, pagination_array = build_pm_channels_infos
- end
- def show_channels
- stream, pagination_array = build_channels_infos
- end
- def showDebugStream
- begin
- puts "\n"
- jj getDataNormal(@hash)
- rescue => e
- puts "\n"
- jj @hash
- puts e.inspect
- end
- end
- def showUsersList
- buildUsersList(getDataNormal(@hash))
- end
- def showInteractions
- buildInteractions(getData(@hash))
- end
- def showUsers
- users = ""
- @hash = @hash.sort_by {|id, arr| arr[0]}
- @hash.each do |id, arr|
- users << "#{arr[0]} ".red.ljust(30) + "#{arr[1]}\n".green
- end
- return users, @hash.length
- end
- def showUsersInfos(name)
- buildUserInfos(name, getDataNormal(@hash))
- end
- def showPostInfos(post_id, is_mine)
- buildPostInfo(getDataNormal(@hash), is_mine)
- end
- def showFileInfo(with_url)
- buildFileInfo(getDataNormal(@hash), with_url)
- end
- def buildStream(post_hash)
- post_string = "\n"
- post_string << {|item| create_content_string(item, nil, false)}
- return post_string
- end
- def buildMessages(messages_stream)
- messages_string = "\n"
- for item in messages_stream do
- @source_name_and_link = objectSource(item)
- messages_string << create_content_string(item, checkins_annotations(item), false) # create_content_string(item, annotations, me_mentioned)
- end
- last_viewed = messages_stream.last
- last_id = last_viewed['pagination_id'] unless last_viewed == nil
- return messages_string, last_id
- end
- def buildCompleteStream(post_hash)
- post_string = ""
- pagination_array = []
- saved_tags = []
- if $tools.config['skipped']['hashtags'] != nil
- saved_tags = $tools.config['skipped']['hashtags'].map {|tag| tag.downcase}
- end
- for item in post_hash do
- pagination_array.push(item['pagination_id'])
- next if item['text'] == nil
- @source_name_and_link = objectSource(item)
- case @source_name_and_link[:name]
- when *$tools.config['skipped']['sources']
- next
- end
- next if skip_hashtags(item, saved_tags)
- postMentionsArray = []
- @skipped_mentions_encountered = false
- for mention in item['entities']['mentions'] do
- case mention['name']
- when *$tools.config['skipped']['mentions']
- @skipped_mentions_encountered = true
- next
- end
- postMentionsArray.push(mention['name'])
- end
- next if @skipped_mentions_encountered
- me_mentioned = false
- for name in postMentionsArray do
- if name == ($tools.config['identity']['prefix'] || $files.users_read("me"))
- me_mentioned = true
- end
- end
- post_string << create_content_string(item, checkins_annotations(item), me_mentioned)
- end
- return post_string, pagination_array
- end
- def buildSimplePost(post_hash)
- create_content_string(post_hash, nil, false)
- end
- def buildSimplePostInfo(post_hash)
- #the_post_id = post_hash['id']
- post_text = post_hash['text']
- post_URL = post_hash['canonical_url']
- post_details = "\nPost URL: ".cyan + post_URL.brown + "\n"
- is_reply = post_hash['reply_to']
- post_details << ("This post is a reply to post ".cyan + is_reply.brown + "\n") if is_reply != nil
- if post_text != nil
- without_braces = $tools.withoutSquareBraces($tools.getMarkdownText(post_text.dup))
- post_details << "\nLength: ".cyan + without_braces.length.to_s.reddish
- end
- return post_details + "\n\n"
- end
- def buildPostInfo(post_hash, is_mine)
- post_text = post_hash['text']
- post_text != nil ? (colored_post = $tools.colorize(post_text)) : (puts "\n--Post deleted--\n\n".red; exit)
- params = objectNames(post_hash['user'])
- created_day, created_hour = objectDate(post_hash)
- post_details = "\n" + created_day.cyan + ' ' + created_hour.cyan + ' ' + params[:user_handle].green
- post_details << (" [#{params[:user_real_name]}]".reddish) if !params[:user_real_name].empty?
- post_details << " (follows you)".blue if post_hash['user']['follows_you']
- post_details << " (you follow)".blue if post_hash['user']['you_follow']
- unless post_hash['user']['follows_you'] || post_hash['user']['you_follow']
- post_details << " (you don't follow, doesn't follow you)".blue unless params[:user_name] == $tools.config['identity']['prefix']
- end
- post_details << "\n"
- post_details << "\n" + colored_post + "\n\n"
- post_details << "ID: ".cyan + post_hash['id'] + "\n"
- post_details << objectLinks(post_hash)
- post_details << "Post URL: ".cyan + post_hash['canonical_url'].brown
- is_reply = post_hash['reply_to']
- repost_of = post_hash['repost_of']
- post_details << ("\nThis post is a reply to post ".cyan + is_reply.brown) if is_reply != nil
- if is_mine == false
- if repost_of != nil
- post_details << "\nThis post is a repost of post ".cyan + repost_of['id'].brown
- else
- post_details << "\nReplies: ".cyan + post_hash['num_replies'].to_s.reddish
- post_details << " Reposts: ".cyan + post_hash['num_reposts'].to_s.reddish
- post_details << " Stars: ".cyan + post_hash['num_stars'].to_s.reddish
- end
- post_details << ("\nYou reposted this post.".cyan) if post_hash['you_reposted']
- post_details << ("\nYou starred this post.".cyan) if post_hash['you_starred']
- post_details << "\nPosted with: ".cyan + post_hash['source']['name'].reddish
- post_details << " Locale: ".cyan + post_hash['user']['locale'].reddish
- post_details << " Timezone: ".cyan + post_hash['user']['timezone'].reddish
- else
- without_braces = $tools.withoutSquareBraces($tools.getMarkdownText(post_text.dup))
- post_details << "\nLength: ".cyan + without_braces.length.to_s.reddish
- end
- post_details << "\n\n\n"
- end
- def buildUsersList(users_hash)
- users_string = "\n"
- users_hash.each do |item|
- param = objectNames(item)
- users_string << param[:user_real_name].green + " #{param[:user_handle]}\n".cyan
- end
- users_string << "\n\n"
- end
- def buildFollowList
- users_hash = {}
- @hash['data'].each do |item|
- user_handle = "@" + item['username']
- users_hash[item['id']] = [user_handle, item['name']]
- end
- return users_hash, @hash['meta']['min_id']
- end
- def buildFileInfo(resp_hash, with_url)
- files_details_hash = filesDetails(resp_hash)
- #file_url_expires = resp_hash['url_expires']
- #derived_files = resp_hash['derived_files']
- list_string = file_view(files_details_hash)
- if files_details_hash[:file_is_public]
- list_string << "\nThis file is ".cyan + "public".blue
- file_url = files_details_hash[:file_url]
- else
- list_string << "\nThis file is ".cyan + "private".red
- file_url = resp_hash['url']
- end
- if with_url
- list_string << "\nURL: ".cyan + file_url
- #list_string << derivedFilesDetails(derived_files)
- end
- list_string << "\n\n"
- return list_string, file_url, files_details_hash[:name]
- end
- def showFilesList(with_url, reverse)
- reverse ? resp_hash = getDataNormal(@hash) : resp_hash = getData(@hash)
- list_string = ""
- file_url = nil
- pagination_array = []
- resp_hash.each do |item|
- pagination_array.push(item['pagination_id'])
- files_details_hash = filesDetails(item)
- #file_url_expires = item['url_expires']
- #derived_files = item['derived_files']
- list_string << "\nID: ".cyan + files_details_hash[:id].brown
- list_string << file_view(files_details_hash)
- if files_details_hash[:file_is_public]
- list_string << "\nThis file is ".cyan + "public".blue
- list_string << "\nLink: ".cyan + item['url_permanent'].magenta
- else
- list_string << "\nThis file is ".cyan + "private".red
- if with_url
- file_url = item['url']
- list_string << "\nURL: ".cyan + file_url.brown
- #list_string << derivedFilesDetails(derived_files)
- end
- end
- list_string << "\n"
- end
- list_string << "\n"
- return list_string, file_url, pagination_array
- end
- def buildUserInfos(name, adn_data)
- name_params = objectNames(adn_data)
- $files.users_write("me", name_params[:user_name]) if name == "me"
- $files.users_write(adn_data['id'], name_params[:user_name]) if $files.users_read(adn_data['id']) == nil
- created_at = adn_data['created_at']
- user_show = "\nID: ".cyan.ljust(22) + adn_data['id'].green + "\n"
- user_show << ("Name: ".cyan.ljust(21) + name_params[:user_real_name].green + "\n") if name_params[:user_real_name] != nil
- adn_data['description'] != nil ? user_descr = adn_data['description']['text'] : user_descr = "No description available.".cyan
- user_timezone = adn_data['timezone']
- user_show << ("Timezone: ".cyan.ljust(21) + + "\n") if user_timezone != nil
- locale = adn_data['locale']
- user_show << ("Locale: ".cyan.ljust(21) + + "\n") if locale != nil
- user_show << "Posts: ".cyan.ljust(21) + adn_data['counts']['posts'] + "\n" + "Followers: ".cyan.ljust(21) + adn_data['counts']['followers'] + "\n" + "Following: ".cyan.ljust(21) + adn_data['counts']['following'] + "\n"
- user_show << "Web: ".cyan.ljust(21) + "http://".green + adn_data['verified_domain'].green + "\n" if adn_data['verified_domain'] != nil
- user_show << "Joined: ".cyan.ljust(21) + created_at[0...10].green + " " + created_at[11...19].green + "\n"
- user_show << "\n"
- user_show << name_params[:user_handle].brown
- if name != "me"
- if adn_data['follows_you']
- user_show << " follows you\n".green
- else
- user_show << " doesn't follow you\n".reddish
- end
- if adn_data['you_follow']
- user_show << "You follow ".green + name_params[:user_handle].brown + "\n"
- else
- user_show << "You don't follow ".reddish + name_params[:user_handle].brown + "\n"
- end
- user_show << ("You muted ".reddish + name_params[:user_handle].brown + "\n") if adn_data['you_muted']
- else
- user_show << " => " + "yourself!".brown + "\n"
- end
- user_show << "\n"
- user_show << "Bio: \n\n".cyan + user_descr + "\n\n"
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+module Ayadn
+ class View
+ def initialize
+ @workers =
+ end
+ def show_posts_with_index(data, options)
+ posts, view = build_stream_with_index(data, options)
+ puts view
+ Databases.save_indexed_posts(posts)
+ end
+ def show_posts(data, options)
+ puts build_stream_without_index(data, options)
+ end
+ def show_raw(stream)
+ #puts stream.to_json
+ jj stream
+ end
+ def show_simple_post(post, options)
+ view = build_stream_without_index(post, options)
+ puts view
+ end
+ def show_posted(resp)
+ show_simple_post([resp['data']], {})
+ end
+ def show_simple_stream(stream)
+ puts stream
+ end
+ def show_list_reposted(list, target)
+ users_list, table = @workers.build_reposted_list(list, target)
+ puts @workers.build_users_list(users_list, table)
+ puts "\n"
+ end
+ def show_list_starred(list, target)
+ users_list, table = @workers.build_starred_list(list, target)
+ puts @workers.build_users_list(users_list, table)
+ puts "\n"
+ end
+ def show_list_followings(list, target)
+ puts @workers.build_followings_list(list, target)
+ puts "\n"
+ end
+ def show_list_followers(list, target)
+ puts @workers.build_followers_list(list, target)
+ puts "\n"
+ end
+ def show_list_muted(list)
+ puts @workers.build_muted_list(list)
+ puts "\n"
+ end
+ def show_list_blocked(list)
+ puts @workers.build_blocked_list(list)
+ puts "\n"
+ end
+ def show_interactions(stream)
+ #puts "\n"
+ puts build_interactions_stream(stream)
+ end
+ def show_files_list(list)
+ puts build_files_list(list)
+ end
+ def show_settings
+ table = do |t|
+ = { :width => Settings.options[:formats][:table][:width] }
+ t.title = "Current Ayadn settings".color(:cyan)
+ t.headings = [ "Category".color(:red), "Parameter".color(:red), "Value(s)".color(:red) ]
+ @iter = 0
+ Settings.options.each do |k,v|
+ v.each do |x,y|
+ t << :separator if @iter >= 1
+ unless y.is_a?(Hash)
+ t << [ k.to_s.color(:cyan), x.to_s.color(:yellow), y.to_s.color(:green) ]
+ else
+ y.each do |c|
+ t << [ k.to_s.color(:cyan), x.to_s.color(:yellow), "#{c[0]} = #{c[1]}".color(:green) ]
+ end
+ end
+ @iter += 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ puts table
+ end
+ def show_userinfos(content, token)
+ if content['name']
+ view = "Name\t\t\t".color(:cyan) + content['name'].color(Settings.options[:colors][:name])
+ else
+ view = "Name\t\t\t".color(:cyan) + "(no name)".color(:red)
+ end
+ view << "\n\nUsername\t\t".color(:cyan) + "@#{content['username']}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:id])
+ view << "\n\nID\t\t\t".color(:cyan) + content['id'].color(Settings.options[:colors][:username])
+ view << "\n\nURL\t\t\t".color(:cyan) + content['canonical_url'].color(Settings.options[:colors][:link])
+ unless content['verified_domain'].nil?
+ if content['verified_domain'] =~ (/http/ || /https/)
+ domain = content['verified_domain']
+ else
+ domain = "http://#{content['verified_domain']}"
+ end
+ view << "\nVerified domain\t\t".color(:cyan) + domain.color(Settings.options[:colors][:link])
+ end
+ view << "\n\nAccount creation\t".color(:cyan) + @workers.parsed_time(content['created_at']).color(:green)
+ view << "\n\nTimeZone\t\t".color(:cyan) + content['timezone'].color(:green)
+ view << "\nLocale\t\t\t".color(:cyan) + content['locale'].color(:green)
+ view << "\n\nPosts\t\t\t".color(:cyan) + content['counts']['posts'].to_s.color(:green)
+ view << "\n\nFollowing\t\t".color(:cyan) + content['counts']['following'].to_s.color(:green)
+ view << "\nFollowers\t\t".color(:cyan) + content['counts']['followers'].to_s.color(:green)
+ if content['username'] == Settings.config[:identity][:username]
+ view << "\n\nStorage used\t\t".color(:cyan) + "#{token['storage']['used'].to_filesize}".color(:red)
+ view << "\nStorage available\t".color(:cyan) + "#{token['storage']['available'].to_filesize}".color(:green)
+ end
+ #view << "\nStars\t\t\t".color(:cyan) + content['counts']['stars'].to_s.color(:yellow)
+ unless content['username'] == Settings.config[:identity][:username]
+ if content['you_follow']
+ view << "\n\nYou follow ".color(:cyan) + "@#{content['username']}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:username])
+ else
+ view << "\n\nYou don't follow ".color(:cyan) + "@#{content['username']}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:username])
+ end
+ if content['follows_you']
+ view << "\n" + "@#{content['username']}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:username]) + " follows you".color(:cyan)
+ else
+ view << "\n" + "@#{content['username']}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:username]) + " doesn't follow you".color(:cyan)
+ end
+ if content['you_muted']
+ view << "\nYou muted " + "@#{content['username']}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:username])
+ end
+ if content['you_blocked']
+ view << "\nYou blocked " + "@#{content['username']}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:username])
+ end
+ end
+ unless content['annotations'].empty?
+ view << "\n"
+ end
+ content['annotations'].each do |anno|
+ case anno['type']
+ when ""
+ view << "\nBlog\t\t\t".color(:cyan) + "#{anno['value']['url']}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:link])
+ when ""
+ view << "\nTwitter\t\t\t".color(:cyan) + "#{anno['value']['username']}".color(:green)
+ when "com.appnetizens.userinput.birthday"
+ view << "\nBirthday\t\t".color(:cyan) + "#{anno['value']['birthday']}".color(:green)
+ end
+ end
+ #view << "\n\nAvatar URL\t\t".color(:cyan) + content['avatar_image']['url']
+ if content['description']
+ view << "\n\n#{content['description']['text']}\n".color(:magenta) + "\n\n"
+ end
+ puts view
+ end
+ def show_channels(resp)
+ view = ""
+ bucket = @workers.build_channels(resp['data'])
+ bucket.reverse.each do |ch|
+ view << "\n"
+ ch_alias = false
+ Databases.aliases.each do |k,v|
+ if v == "#{}"
+ ch_alias = k
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ view << "ID: ".color(:cyan)
+ view << "#{}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:id])
+ view << "\n"
+ if ch_alias
+ view << "Alias: ".color(:cyan)
+ view << "#{ch_alias}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:username])
+ view << "\n"
+ end
+ view << "Messages: ".color(:cyan)
+ view << "#{ch.num_messages}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:symbols])
+ view << "\n"
+ if ch.owner
+ view << "Owner: ".color(:cyan)
+ view << "@#{ch.owner['username']}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:username])
+ # + (#{ch.owner['name']}) if ch.owner['name']
+ view << "\n"
+ end
+ view << "Writers: ".color(:cyan)
+ view << "#{ch.writers}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:name])
+ view << "\n"
+ view << "Type: ".color(:cyan)
+ view << "#{ch.type}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:id])
+ view << "\n"
+ if ch.type == ""
+ ann = {|a| a['type'] == "net.patter-app.settings"}
+ view << "Name: ".color(:cyan)
+ view << "#{ann[0]['value']['name']}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:link])
+ view << "\n"
+ view << "Description: ".color(:cyan)
+ view << "#{ann[0]['value']['blurb']}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:username])
+ view << "\n"
+ ann = {|a| a['type'] == ""}
+ view << "URL: ".color(:cyan)
+ view << "#{ann[0]['value']['url']}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:link])
+ view << "\n"
+ end
+ if ch.type == ""
+ ann = {|a| a['type'] == ""}
+ view << "Title: ".color(:cyan)
+ view << "#{ann[0]['value']['title']}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:link])
+ view << "\n"
+ view << "Description: ".color(:cyan)
+ view << "#{ann[0]['value']['description']}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:username])
+ view << "\n"
+ ann = {|a| a['type'] == ""}
+ view << "URL: ".color(:cyan)
+ view << "#{ann[0]['value']['url']}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:link])
+ view << "\n"
+ end
+ unless ch.recent_message.nil?
+ unless ch.recent_message['text'].nil?
+ view << "Most recent message (#{['created_at'])}): ".color(:cyan)
+ view << "\n"
+ view << "---\n#{ch.recent_message['text']}\n---"
+ end
+ end
+ if ch.type == "net.paste-app.clips"
+ ann = ch.recent_message['annotations'].select {|a| a['type'] == "net.paste-app.clip"}
+ view << "\n\n"
+ view << ann[0]['value']['content']
+ view << "\n"
+ end
+ view << "\n\n"
+ end
+ view << "\nYour account is currently linked to #{bucket.length} channels.\n\n".color(:green)
+ puts view
+ end
+ def clear_screen
+ puts "\e[H\e[2J"
+ end
+ private
+ def get_broadcast_alias_from_id(event_id)
+ al = Databases.get_alias_from_id(event_id)
+ unless al.nil?
+ al
+ else
+ event_id
+ end
+ end
+ def build_stream_with_index(data, options) #expects an array
+ @view = ""
+ posts = @workers.build_posts(data.reverse)
+ posts.each do |id,content|
+ count = "%03d" % content[:count]
+ if content[:username] == Settings.config[:identity][:username]
+ @view << count.color(Settings.options[:colors][:index]).inverse
+ elsif content[:mentions].include?(Settings.config[:identity][:username]) && options[:in_mentions].nil?
+ @view << count.color(Settings.options[:colors][:mentions]).inverse
+ else
+ @view << count.color(Settings.options[:colors][:index])
+ end
+ @view << ": ".color(Settings.options[:colors][:index])
+ @view << build_content(content)
+ end
+ return posts, @view
+ end
+ def build_stream_without_index(data, options) #expects an array
+ @view = ""
+ posts = @workers.build_posts(data.reverse)
+ posts.each do |id,content|
+ if content[:username] == Settings.config[:identity][:username]
+ @view << content[:id].to_s.color(Settings.options[:colors][:id]).inverse + " "
+ elsif content[:mentions].include?(Settings.config[:identity][:username]) && options[:in_mentions].nil?
+ @view << content[:id].to_s.color(Settings.options[:colors][:mentions]).inverse + " "
+ else
+ @view << content[:id].to_s.color(Settings.options[:colors][:id]) + " "
+ end
+ @view << build_content(content)
+ end
+ @view
+ end
+ def build_interactions_stream(data)
+ inter = ""
+ data.reverse.each do |event|
+ users_array = []
+ inter << "#{@workers.parsed_time(event['event_date'])}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:date])
+ inter << " => "
+ event['users'].each do |u|
+ users_array << "@" + u['username']
+ end
+ case event['action']
+ when "broadcast_subscribe"
+ broadcast = get_broadcast_alias_from_id(event['objects'][0]['id'])
+ inter << "#{users_array.join(", ")} ".color(:magenta)
+ inter << "subscribed to your broadcast ".color(:green)
+ inter << "#{broadcast}".color(:red)
+ when "broadcast_unsubscribe"
+ broadcast = get_broadcast_alias_from_id(event['objects'][0]['id'])
+ inter << "#{users_array.join(", ")} ".color(:magenta)
+ inter << "unsubscribed from your broadcast ".color(:green)
+ inter << "#{broadcast}".color(:red)
+ when "follow", "unfollow"
+ inter << "#{users_array.join(", ")} ".color(:magenta)
+ inter << "#{event['action']}ed you".color(:green)
+ when "mute", "unmute"
+ inter << "#{users_array.join(", ")} ".color(:magenta)
+ inter << "#{event['action']}d you".color(:green)
+ when "star", "unstar"
+ inter << "#{users_array.join(", ")} ".color(:magenta)
+ inter << "#{event['action']}red post ".color(:green)
+ inter << "#{event['objects'][0]['id']}".color(:red)
+ when "repost", "unrepost"
+ inter << "#{users_array.join(", ")} ".color(:magenta)
+ inter << "#{event['action']}ed post ".color(:green)
+ inter << "#{event['objects'][0]['id']}".color(:red)
+ when "reply"
+ inter << "#{users_array.join(", ")} ".color(:magenta)
+ inter << "replied to post ".color(:green)
+ inter << "#{event['objects'][0]['id']}".color(:red)
+ when "welcome"
+ inter << " ".color(:cyan)
+ inter << "welcomed ".color(:green)
+ inter << "you!".color(:yellow)
+ end
+ inter << "\n\n"
+ end
+ inter
+ end
+ def build_files_list(list)
+ data = list.reverse
+ view = "\n"
+ data.each do |file|
+ view << "ID\t\t".color(:cyan)
+ view << file['id'].color(Settings.options[:colors][:id])
+ view << "\n"
+ view << "Name\t\t".color(:cyan)
+ view << file['name'].color(Settings.options[:colors][:name])
+ view << "\n"
+ view << "Kind\t\t".color(:cyan)
+ view << file['kind'].color(Settings.options[:colors][:username])
+ view << " (#{file['mime_type']})".color(Settings.options[:colors][:username]) if file['mime_type']
+ if file['image_info']
+ view << "\n"
+ view << "Dimensions\t".color(:cyan)
+ view << "#{file['image_info']['width']} x #{file['image_info']['height']}".color(Settings.options[:colors][:username])
+ end
+ view << "\n"
+ view << "Size\t\t".color(:cyan)
+ view << file['size'].to_filesize.color(:yellow)
+ view << "\n"
+ view << "Date\t\t".color(:cyan)
+ view << @workers.parsed_time(file['created_at']).color(:green)
+ view << "\n"
+ view << "Source\t\t".color(:cyan)
+ view << file['source']['name'].color(Settings.options[:colors][:source])
+ view << "\n"
+ view << "State\t\t".color(:cyan)
+ if file['public']
+ view << "Public".color(Settings.options[:colors][:id])
+ view << "\n"
+ view << "Link\t\t".color(:cyan)
+ view << file['url_short'].color(Settings.options[:colors][:link])
+ else
+ view << "Private".color(Settings.options[:colors][:id])
+ end
+ view << "\n\n"
+ end
+ view
+ end
+ def build_content(content)
+ view = ""
+ view << build_header(content)
+ view << "\n"
+ view << content[:text]
+ view << "\n"
+ if content[:has_checkins]
+ view << build_checkins(content)
+ view << "\n"
+ end
+ unless content[:links].empty?
+ view << "\n"
+ content[:links].each do |link|
+ view << link.color(Settings.options[:colors][:link])
+ view << "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ view << "\n\n"
+ end
+ def build_header(content)
+ header = ""
+ header << content[:handle].color(Settings.options[:colors][:username])
+ if Settings.options[:timeline][:show_real_name]
+ header << " "
+ header << content[:name].color(Settings.options[:colors][:name])
+ end
+ if Settings.options[:timeline][:show_date]
+ header << " "
+ header << content[:date].color(Settings.options[:colors][:date])
+ end
+ if Settings.options[:timeline][:show_source]
+ header << " "
+ header << "[#{content[:source_name]}]".color(Settings.options[:colors][:source])
+ end
+ if Settings.options[:timeline][:show_symbols]
+ header << " <".color(Settings.options[:colors][:symbols]) if content[:is_reply]
+ header << " #{content[:num_stars]}*".color(Settings.options[:colors][:symbols]) if content[:is_starred]
+ header << " >".color(Settings.options[:colors][:symbols]) if content[:num_replies] > 0
+ header << " #{content[:num_reposts]}x".color(Settings.options[:colors][:symbols]) if content[:num_reposts] > 0
+ end
+ header << "\n"
+ end
+ def build_checkins(content)
+ unless content[:checkins][:name].nil?
+ num_dots = content[:checkins][:name].length
+ else
+ num_dots = 10
+ end
+ hd = (".".color(Settings.options[:colors][:dots])) * num_dots
+ hd << "\n"
+ formatted = { header: hd }
+ content[:checkins].each do |key, val|
+ formatted[key] = val unless (val.nil? || !val)
+ end
+ chk = formatted[:header]
+ unless formatted[:name].nil?
+ chk << formatted[:name].color(Settings.options[:colors][:dots])
+ chk << "\n"
+ end
+ unless formatted[:address].nil?
+ chk << formatted[:address]
+ chk << "\n"
+ end
+ unless formatted[:address_extended].nil?
+ chk << formatted[:address_extended]
+ chk << "\n"
+ end
+ unless formatted[:country_code].nil?
+ cc = "(#{formatted[:country_code]})".upcase
+ else
+ cc = ""
+ end
+ unless formatted[:postcode].nil?
+ unless formatted[:locality].nil?
+ chk << "#{formatted[:postcode]}, #{formatted[:locality]} #{cc}"
+ chk << "\n"
+ end
+ else
+ unless formatted[:locality].nil?
+ chk << "#{formatted[:locality]} #{cc}"
+ chk << "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ unless formatted[:website].nil?
+ chk << formatted[:website]
+ chk << "\n"
+ end
+ unless formatted[:telephone].nil?
+ chk << formatted[:telephone]
+ chk << "\n"
+ end
+ unless formatted[:categories].nil?
+ chk << formatted[:categories]
+ chk << "\n"
+ end
+ chk.chomp
+ end
+ end