lib/ayadn/status.rb in ayadn-0.6.4 vs lib/ayadn/status.rb in ayadn-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,166 +1,227 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8
-class AyaDN
- class ClientStatus
- def canceled
- "\nCanceled.\n\n".red
- end
- def showList(list, name)
- if list == "muted"
- "Your list of muted users:\n".green
- elsif list == "followings"
- "List of users ".green + "#{name} ".brown + "is following:\n".green
- elsif list == "followers"
- "List of ".green + "#{name}".brown + "'s followers:\n".green
- end
- end
- def getInteractions
- "\nLoading the ".green + "interactions ".brown + "informations.\n".green
- end
- def launchAuthorization(os)
- if os == "osx"
- "\nAyaDN opened a browser to authorize via very easily. Just login with your account, then copy the code it will give you, paste it here then press [ENTER].".pink + " Paste authorization code: \n\n".brown
- else
- s = "\nPlease open a browser and paste this URL: \n\n".brown
- s += " stream write_post follow public_messages messages&include_marker=1"
- s += "\n\nOn this page, login with your account, then copy the code it will give you, paste it here then press [ENTER].".pink + " Paste authorization code: \n\n".brown
- end
- end
- def authorized
- "\nThank you for authorizing AyaDN. You won't need to do this anymore.\n\n".green
- end
- def noNewPosts
- "\nNo new posts since your last visit.\n\n".red
- end
- def errorEmptyList
- "\nThe list is empty.\n\n".red
- end
- def errorSyntax
- "\nSyntax error.\n\n".red
- end
- def errorNotAuthorized
- "\nYou haven't authorized AyaDN yet.\n\n".red
- end
- def errorNobodyReposted
- "\nThis post hasn't been reposted by anyone.\n\n".red
- end
- def errorNobodyStarred
- "\nThis post hasn't been starred by anyone.\n\n".red
- end
- def errorNoID
- "\nError -> you must give a post ID to reply to.\n\n".red
- end
- def emptyPost
- "\nError -> there was no text to post.\n\n".red
- end
- def errorInfos(arg)
- "\nError -> ".red + "#{arg}".brown + " isn't a @username or a Post ID\n\n".red
- end
- def errorUserID(arg)
- "\nError -> ".red + "#{arg}".brown + " is not a @username\n\n".red
- end
- def errorPostID(arg)
- "\nError -> ".red + "#{arg}".brown + " is not a Post ID\n\n".red
- end
- def errorMessageNotSent
- "\n\nCanceled. Your message hasn't been sent.\n\n".red
- end
- def errorMessageTooLong(realLength, to_remove)
- "\nError: your message is ".red + "#{realLength} ".brown + "characters long, please remove ".red + "#{to_remove} ".brown + "characters.\n\n".red
- end
- def errorPostTooLong(realLength, to_remove)
- "\nError: your post is ".red + "#{realLength} ".brown + " characters long, please remove ".red + "#{to_remove} ".brown + "characters.\n\n".red
- end
- def errorPostNotSent
- "\n\nCanceled. Your post hasn't been sent.\n\n".red
- end
- def errorIsRepost(postID)
- "\n#{postID} ".brown + " is a repost.\n".red
- end
- def errorAlreadyDeleted
- "\nPost already deleted.\n\n".red
- end
- def redirectingToOriginal(postID)
- "Redirecting to the original post: ".cyan + "#{postID}\n".brown
- end
- def fetchingList(list)
- "\nFetching the \'#{list}\' list. Please wait\n".green
- end
- def getUnified
- "\nLoading the ".green + "unified ".brown + "Stream".green
- end
- def getExplore(explore)
- "\nLoading the ".green + "#{explore}".brown + " Stream".green
- end
- def getGlobal
- "\nLoading the ".green + "global ".brown + "Stream".green
- end
- def whoReposted(arg)
- s = "\nLoading informations on post ".green + "#{arg}".brown + "\n "
- s += "\nReposted by: \n".cyan
- end
- def whoStarred(arg)
- s = "\nLoading informations on post ".green + "#{arg}".brown + "\n"
- s += "\nStarred by: \n".cyan
- end
- def infosUser(arg)
- "\nLoading informations on ".green + "#{arg}".brown + "\n"
- end
- def infosPost(arg)
- "\nLoading informations on post ".green + "#{arg}".brown + "\n"
- end
- def postsUser(arg)
- "\nLoading posts of ".green + "#{arg}".brown + "\n"
- end
- def mentionsUser(arg)
- "\nLoading posts mentionning ".green + "#{arg}".brown + "\n"
- end
- def starsUser(arg)
- "\nLoading ".green + "#{arg}".reddish + "'s favorite posts\n".green
- end
- def starsPost(arg)
- "\nLoading users who starred post ".green + "#{arg}".reddish + "\n"
- end
- def getHashtags(arg)
- "\nLoading posts containing ".green + "##{arg}".pink + "\n".green
- end
- def sendPost
- "\nSending post\n".green
- end
- def sendMessage
- "\nSending private Message\n".green
- end
- def postSent
- "Successfully posted\n".green
- end
- def postDeleted
- "\nPost successfully deleted\n".green
- end
- def replyingToPost(postID)
- "\nReplying to post ".cyan + "#{postID}\n".brown
- end
- def deletePost(postID)
- "\nDeleting post ".green + "#{postID}".brown + "\n"
- end
- def getPostReplies(arg)
- "\nLoading the conversation around post ".green + "#{arg}".brown + "\n"
- end
- def writePost
- s = "\n#{$tools.ayadn_configuration[:post_max_length]} characters max, validate with [Enter] or cancel with [CTRL+C].\n".green
- s += "\nType your text: ".cyan
- end
- def writeMessage
- s = "\n#{$tools.ayadn_configuration[:message_max_length]} characters max, validate with [Enter] or cancel with [CTRL+C].\n".green
- s += "\nType your text: ".cyan + "\n\n"
- end
- def writeReply(arg)
- "\nLoading informations of post " + "#{arg}".brown + "\n"
- end
- def savingFile(name, path, file)
- "\nSaving ".green + "#{name} ".brown + "in ".green + "#{path}#{file}".magenta
- end
- def stopped
- "\n\nStopped.\n\n".red
- end
+module Ayadn
+ class Status
+ def self.done
+ "\nDone.\n".color(:green)
\ No newline at end of file
+ def self.downloaded(name)
+ "\nFile downloaded in #{Settings.config[:paths][:downloads]}/#{name}\n".color(:green)
+ end
+ def self.downloading
+ "Downloading from ADN...\n".inverse
+ end
+ def self.posting
+ "Posting to ADN...\n".inverse
+ end
+ def self.deleting_post(post_id)
+ "\nDeleting post #{post_id}\n".inverse
+ end
+ def self.unfollowing(username)
+ "\nUnfollowing #{username}\n".inverse
+ end
+ def self.following(username)
+ "\nFollowing #{username}\n".inverse
+ end
+ def self.unmuting(username)
+ "\nUnmuting #{username}\n".inverse
+ end
+ def self.muting(username)
+ "\nMuting #{username}\n".inverse
+ end
+ def self.unblocking(username)
+ "\nUnblocking #{username}\n".inverse
+ end
+ def self.blocking(username)
+ "\nBlocking #{username}\n".inverse
+ end
+ def self.unreposting(post_id)
+ "\nUnreposting #{post_id}\n".inverse
+ end
+ def self.reposting(post_id)
+ "\nReposting #{post_id}\n".inverse
+ end
+ def self.unstarring(post_id)
+ "\nUnstarring #{post_id}\n".inverse
+ end
+ def self.starring(post_id)
+ "\nStarring #{post_id}\n".inverse
+ end
+ def self.not_deleted(post_id)
+ "Could not delete post #{post_id} (post isn't yours, or is already deleted)\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.not_starred(post_id)
+ "Could not star post #{post_id} (post doesn't exist, or is already starred)\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.not_unreposted(post_id)
+ "Could not unrepost post #{post_id} (post isn't yours, isn't a repost, or has been deleted)\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.not_reposted(post_id)
+ "Could not repost post #{post_id} (post has been deleted?)\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.not_unstarred(post_id)
+ "Could not unstar post #{post_id} (post isn't yours, isn't starred, or has been deleted)\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.not_unfollowed(post_id)
+ "Could not unfollow user #{username} (doesn't exist, or wasn't already followed)\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.not_followed(post_id)
+ "Could not follow user #{username} (doesn't exist, or you already follow)\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.not_unmuted(post_id)
+ "Could not unmute user #{username} (doesn't exist, or wasn't already muted)\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.not_muted(post_id)
+ "Could not mute user #{username} (doesn't exist, or is already muted)\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.not_unblocked(post_id)
+ "Could not unblock user #{username} (doesn't exist, or wasn't already blocked)\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.not_blocked(post_id)
+ "Could not block user #{username} (doesn't exist, or is already blocked)\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.deleted(post_id)
+ "\nPost #{post_id} has been deleted.\n".color(:green)
+ end
+ def self.starred(post_id)
+ "\nPost #{post_id} has been starred.\n".color(:green)
+ end
+ def self.unreposted(post_id)
+ "\nPost #{post_id} has been unreposted.\n".color(:green)
+ end
+ def self.reposted(post_id)
+ "\nPost #{post_id} has been reposted.\n".color(:green)
+ end
+ def self.unstarred(post_id)
+ "\nPost #{post_id} has been unstarred.\n".color(:green)
+ end
+ def self.unfollowed(username)
+ "\nUser #{username} has been unfollowed.\n".color(:green)
+ end
+ def self.followed(username)
+ "\nUser #{username} has been followed.\n".color(:green)
+ end
+ def self.unmuted(username)
+ "\nUser #{username} has been unmuted.\n".color(:green)
+ end
+ def self.muted(username)
+ "\nUser #{username} has been muted.\n".color(:green)
+ end
+ def self.unblocked(username)
+ "\nUser #{username} has been unblocked.\n".color(:green)
+ end
+ def self.blocked(username)
+ "\nUser #{username} has been blocked.\n".color(:green)
+ end
+ def self.error_missing_username
+ "\nYou have to specify a username.\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.error_missing_post_id
+ "\nYou have to specify a post id.\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.error_missing_channel_id
+ "\nYou have to specify a channel id.\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.error_missing_hashtag
+ "\nYou have to specify one or more hashtag(s).\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.error_missing_parameters
+ "\nYou have to submit valid items. See 'ayadn -sg' for a list of valid parameters and values.\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.empty_list
+ "\n\nThe list is empty.\n\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.not_found
+ "\n\n404 NOT FOUND - Object does not exist or has been deleted\n\n"
+ end
+ def self.stopped
+ "\n\nStopped.".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.yourpost
+ "\nYour post:\n\n".color(:cyan)
+ end
+ def self.replying_to(post_id)
+ "\nReplying to post #{post_id}...\n".color(:green)
+ end
+ def self.readline
+ "\nType your text. ".color(:cyan) + "[CTRL+D] ".color(:green) + "to validate, ".color(:cyan) + "[CTRL+C] ".color(:red) + "to cancel.\n\n".color(:cyan)
+ end
+ def self.classic
+ "\nType your text. ".color(:cyan) + "[ENTER] ".color(:green) + "to validate, ".color(:cyan) + "[CTRL+C] ".color(:red) + "to cancel.\n\n".color(:cyan)
+ end
+ def self.reply
+ "\n#{Settings.config[:post_max_length]} ".color(:yellow) + "characters maximum. If the original post has mentions, you text will be inserted after the first one. Markdown links are supported.\n\n"
+ end
+ def
+ "\n#{Settings.config[:post_max_length]} ".color(:yellow) + "characters maximum. Markdown links are supported.\n\n"
+ end
+ def self.message
+ "\n#{Settings.config[:message_max_length]} ".color(:yellow) + "characters maximum. Markdown links are supported.\n\n"
+ end
+ # def self.method_missing(meth, args)
+ # "\nThe command '#{meth} #{args}' doesn't exist.\n".color(:red)
+ # end
+ def self.valid_colors(colors_list)
+ "\nThe valid colors are: #{colors_list}\n".color(:cyan)
+ end
+ def self.not_mutable
+ "\nThis parameter is not modifiable for the time being, sorry.\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.must_be_integer
+ "\nThis paramater must be an integer between 1 and 200.\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.no_new_posts
+ "\nNo new posts since your last visit.\n\n".color(:cyan)
+ end
+ def self.type_and_target_missing
+ "\nYou have to submit a TYPE (mention, hashtag, client name) and a TARGET (a @username, a hashtag, a client name)\n\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.wrong_arguments
+ "\nYou have to submit valid arguments.\n\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.no_pin_creds
+ "\nAyadn couldn't find your Pinboard credentials.\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.pin_creds_saved
+ "\n\nCredentials successfully encoded and saved in database.\n\n".color(:green)
+ end
+ def self.saving_pin
+ "\nSaving post text and links to Pinboard...\n\n".color(:yellow)
+ end
+ def self.error_only_osx
+ "\nThis feature only works with Mac OS X and iTunes, sorry.\n\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.empty_fields
+ "\nCanceled: couldn't get enough information (empty field).\n\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.canceled
+ "\n\nCanceled.\n\n".color(:cyan)
+ end
+ def self.not_authorized
+ "\nYou need to authorize Ayadn before using it.\n\nPlease run 'ayadn authorize' :)\n\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def
+ "\nSomething wrong happened. :(\n\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.redirecting
+ "\nPost is a repost. Redirecting...\n\n".color(:cyan)
+ end
+ def self.nobody_reposted
+ "\nNobody reposted this post.\n\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.nobody_starred
+ "\nNobody starred this post.\n\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.not_your_repost
+ "\nThis post isn't one of your reposts.\n\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def self.not_your_starred
+ "\nThis isn't one of your starred posts.\n\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ def
+ view = "\nEntering the auto posting mode.\n\n".color(:cyan)
+ view << "In this mode, each line you type (each time you hit ENTER!) is automatically posted to ADN.\n\n".color(:cyan)
+ view << "At any moment, starting now, hit CTRL+C to exit.\n\n".color(:yellow)
+ view << "\n\t--AUTO POSTING MODE ACTIVATED--\n\n".color(:red)
+ end
+ end