lib/ayadn/authorize.rb in ayadn-0.6.4 vs lib/ayadn/authorize.rb in ayadn-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,29 +1,128 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8
-class AyaDN
- def ayadnAuthorize(action)
- $files.makedir($tools.ayadn_configuration[:authorization_path])
- if action == "reset"
- $files.reset_credentials
- end
- auth_token = $files.auth_read
- if auth_token == nil
- url = @api.makeAuthorizeURL
- case $tools.ayadn_configuration[:platform]
- when $tools.winplatforms
- puts $status.launchAuthorization("win")
- when /linux/
- puts $status.launchAuthorization("linux")
- else
- puts $status.launchAuthorization("osx")
- $tools.startBrowser(url)
- end
- auth_token = STDIN.gets.chomp()
- $files.auth_write(auth_token)
- puts $status.authorized
- sleep 3
- puts $tools.helpScreen
- puts "Enjoy!\n".cyan
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+module Ayadn
+ class Authorize
+ def authorize
+ puts "\e[H\e[2J"
+ try_remove_old_ayadn
+ show_link
+ token = get_token
+ check_token(token)
+ puts "\n\nThanks! Contacting\n".color(:green)
+ user = create_user_data(token, Dir.home + "/ayadn")
+ prepare(user)
+ puts "Creating configuration...\n".color(:green)
+ Settings.load_config
+ Logs.create_logger
+ install
+ puts Status.done
+ "Done!"
+ puts "\nThank you for using Ayadn. Enjoy!\n\n".color(:yellow)
+ end
+ private
+ def prepare(user)
+ puts "Ok! Creating Ayadn folders...\n".color(:green)
+ create_config_folders(user)
+ puts "Saving user token...\n".color(:green)
+ create_token_file(user)
+ puts "Creating user account for #{user.handle}...\n".color(:green)
+ accounts_db ="#{user.home_path}/accounts.db")
+ create_account(user, accounts_db)
+ end
+ def install
+ puts "Creating api and config files...\n".color(:green)
+ "Creating api, version and config files..."
+ "Creating version file..."
+ Settings.init_config
+ end
+ def create_account(user, accounts_db)
+ accounts_db[user.username] = {username: user.username, id:, handle: user.handle, path: user.user_path}
+ accounts_db['ACTIVE'] = user.username
+ accounts_db.flush
+ accounts_db.close
+ end
+ def create_token_file(user)
+ File.write("#{user.user_path}/auth/token", user.token)
+ end
+ def create_config_folders(user)
+ begin
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(user.user_path)
+ %w{log db pagination config auth downloads backup posts messages lists}.each do |target|
+ Dir.mkdir("#{user.user_path}/#{target}")
+ end
+ rescue => e
+ puts "\nError creating Ayadn #{user.handle} account folders.\n\n"
+ puts "Error: #{e}"
+ exit
+ end
+ end
+ def show_link
+ puts "\nPlease click this URL, or open a browser then copy/paste it:\n".color(:cyan)
+ puts
+ puts "\n"
+ puts "On this page, log in with your account to authorize Ayadn.\n".color(:cyan)
+ puts "You will then be redirected to a page showing a 'user token' (your secret code).\n".color(:cyan)
+ puts "Copy it then paste it here:\n".color(:yellow)
+ print "> "
+ end
+ def get_user(token)
+ JSON.parse(RestClient.get("{token}", :verify_ssl => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE) {|response, request, result| response })
+ end
+ def get_token
+ begin
+ STDIN.gets.chomp()
+ rescue Interrupt
+ puts Status.canceled
+ exit
+ end
+ end
+ def check_token(token)
+ if token.empty? || token.nil?
+ puts "\n\nOops, something went wrong, I couldn't get the token. Please try again.\n\n".color(:red)
+ exit
+ end
+ end
+ def try_remove_old_ayadn
+ if FileOps.old_ayadn?
+ answer = ask_del_old_ayadn
+ unless answer.downcase == "y"
+ puts Status.canceled
+ exit
+ end
+ puts "\nDeleting old version...\n".color(:green)
+ begin
+ old_dir = Dir.home + "/ayadn"
+ FileUtils.remove_dir(old_dir)
+ rescue => e
+ puts "Unable to remove folder: #{old_dir}\n\n".color(:red)
+ raise e
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def ask_del_old_ayadn
+ puts "\nAn obsolete version of Ayadn has been detected and will be deleted. Install and authorize the new version? [y/N]\n".color(:red)
+ print "> "
+ STDIN.getch
+ end
+ def create_user_data(token, home_path)
+ resp = get_user(token)
+ model =, :username, :id, :handle, :home_path, :user_path, :token)
+ username = resp['data']['username']
+, username, resp['data']['id'], "@" + username, home_path, home_path + "/#{username}", token)
+ end
+ end