lib/axlsx/workbook/worksheet/cell.rb in axlsx-1.3.1 vs lib/axlsx/workbook/worksheet/cell.rb in axlsx-1.3.2
- old
+ new
@@ -6,21 +6,53 @@
# @note The recommended way to generate cells is via Worksheet#add_row
# @see Worksheet#add_row
class Cell
+ include Axlsx::OptionsParser
+ # @param [Row] row The row this cell belongs to.
+ # @param [Any] value The value associated with this cell.
+ # @option options [Symbol] type The intended data type for this cell. If not specified the data type will be determined internally based on the vlue provided.
+ # @option options [Integer] style The index of the cellXfs item to be applied to this cell. If not specified, the default style (0) will be applied.
+ # @option options [String] font_name
+ # @option options [Integer] charset
+ # @option options [String] family
+ # @option options [Boolean] b
+ # @option options [Boolean] i
+ # @option options [Boolean] strike
+ # @option options [Boolean] outline
+ # @option options [Boolean] shadow
+ # @option options [Boolean] condense
+ # @option options [Boolean] extend
+ # @option options [Boolean] u
+ # @option options [Symbol] vertAlign must be one of :baseline, :subscript, :superscript
+ # @option options [Integer] sz
+ # @option options [String] color an 8 letter rgb specification
+ # @option options [Symbol] scheme must be one of :none, major, :minor
+ def initialize(row, value="", options={})
+ self.row=row
+ @value = @font_name = @charset = @family = @b = @i = @strike = @outline = @shadow = nil
+ @condense = @u = @vertAlign = @sz = @color = @scheme = @extend = @ssti = nil
+ @styles = row.worksheet.workbook.styles
+ @row.cells << self
+ parse_options options
+ @style ||= 0
+ @type ||= cell_type_from_value(value)
+ @value = cast_value(value)
+ end
# An array of available inline styes.
# TODO change this to a hash where each key defines attr name and validator (and any info the validator requires)
# then move it out to a module so we can re-use in in other classes.
# needs to define bla=(v) and bla methods on the class that hook into a
# set_attr method that kicks the suplied validator and updates the instance_variable
# for the key
INLINE_STYLES = ['value', 'type', 'font_name', 'charset',
- 'family', 'b', 'i', 'strike','outline',
- 'shadow', 'condense', 'extend', 'u',
- 'vertAlign', 'sz', 'color', 'scheme']
+ 'family', 'b', 'i', 'strike','outline',
+ 'shadow', 'condense', 'extend', 'u',
+ 'vertAlign', 'sz', 'color', 'scheme']
# The index of the cellXfs item to be applied to this cell.
# @return [Integer]
# @see Axlsx::Styles
attr_reader :style
@@ -172,43 +204,10 @@
def scheme=(v)
RestrictionValidator.validate "Cell.schema", [:none, :major, :minor], v
set_run_style nil, :scheme, v
- # @param [Row] row The row this cell belongs to.
- # @param [Any] value The value associated with this cell.
- # @option options [Symbol] type The intended data type for this cell. If not specified the data type will be determined internally based on the vlue provided.
- # @option options [Integer] style The index of the cellXfs item to be applied to this cell. If not specified, the default style (0) will be applied.
- # @option options [String] font_name
- # @option options [Integer] charset
- # @option options [String] family
- # @option options [Boolean] b
- # @option options [Boolean] i
- # @option options [Boolean] strike
- # @option options [Boolean] outline
- # @option options [Boolean] shadow
- # @option options [Boolean] condense
- # @option options [Boolean] extend
- # @option options [Boolean] u
- # @option options [Symbol] vertAlign must be one of :baseline, :subscript, :superscript
- # @option options [Integer] sz
- # @option options [String] color an 8 letter rgb specification
- # @option options [Symbol] scheme must be one of :none, major, :minor
- def initialize(row, value="", options={})
- self.row=row
- @value = @font_name = @charset = @family = @b = @i = @strike = @outline = @shadow = nil
- @condense = @u = @vertAlign = @sz = @color = @scheme = @extend = @ssti = nil
- @styles = row.worksheet.workbook.styles
- @row.cells << self
- options.each do |o|
- self.send("#{o[0]}=", o[1]) if self.respond_to? "#{o[0]}="
- end
- @style ||= 0
- @type ||= cell_type_from_value(value)
- @value = cast_value(value)
- end
# The Shared Strings Table index for this cell
# @return [Integer]
attr_reader :ssti
# @return [Integer] The index of the cell in the containing row.
@@ -344,12 +343,12 @@
# we scale the font size if bold style is applied to either the style font or
# the cell itself. Yes, it is a bit of a hack, but it is much better than using
# imagemagick and loading metrics for every character.
def font_size
- font = @styles.fonts[@styles.cellXfs[style].fontId] || @styles.fonts[0]
- size_from_styles = (font.b || b) ? * 1.5 :
- sz || size_from_styles
+ font = @styles.fonts[@styles.cellXfs[style].fontId] || @styles.fonts[0]
+ size_from_styles = (font.b || b) ? * 1.5 :
+ sz || size_from_styles
# Utility method for setting inline style attributes
def set_run_style( validator, attr, value)
return unless INLINE_STYLES.include?(attr.to_s)