lib/axlsx/workbook/worksheet/cell.rb in axlsx-1.0.10 vs lib/axlsx/workbook/worksheet/cell.rb in axlsx-1.0.11
- old
+ new
@@ -51,31 +51,141 @@
self.value = @value
# The value of this cell.
- # @return casted value based on cell's type attribute.
+ # @return [String, Integer, Float, Time] casted value based on cell's type attribute.
attr_reader :value
# @see value
def value=(v)
#TODO: consider doing value based type determination first?
@value = cast_value(v)
+ # The inline font_name property for the cell
+ # @return [String]
+ attr_reader :font_name
+ # @see font_name
+ def font_name=(v) Axlsx::validate_string(v); @font_name = v; end
+ # The inline charset property for the cell
+ # @return [String]
+ attr_reader :charset
+ # @see charset
+ def charset=(v) Axlsx::validate_unsigned_int(v); @charset = v; end
+ # The inline family property for the cell
+ # @return [String]
+ attr_reader :family
+ # @see family
+ def family=(v) Axlsx::validate_string(v); @family = v; end
+ # The inline bold property for the cell
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ attr_reader :b
+ # @see b
+ def b=(v) Axlsx::validate_boolean(v); @b = v; end
+ # The inline italic property for the cell
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ attr_reader :i
+ # @see i
+ def i=(v) Axlsx::validate_boolean(v); @i = v; end
+ # The inline strike property for the cell
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ attr_reader :strike
+ # @see strike
+ def strike=(v) Axlsx::validate_boolean(v); @strike = v; end
+ # The inline outline property for the cell
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ attr_reader :outline
+ # @see outline
+ def outline=(v) Axlsx::validate_boolean(v); @outline = v; end
+ # The inline shadow property for the cell
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ attr_reader :shadow
+ # @see shadow
+ def shadow=(v) Axlsx::validate_boolean(v); @shadow = v; end
+ # The inline condense property for the cell
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ attr_reader :condense
+ # @see condense
+ def condense=(v) Axlsx::validate_boolean(v); @condense = v; end
+ # The inline extend property for the cell
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ attr_reader :extend
+ # @see extend
+ def extend=(v) Axlsx::validate_boolean(v); @extend = v; end
+ # The inline underline property for the cell
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ attr_reader :u
+ # @see u
+ def u=(v) Axlsx::validate_boolean(v); @u = v; end
+ # The inline color property for the cell
+ # @return [Color]
+ attr_reader :color
+ # @param [String] The 8 character representation for an rgb color #FFFFFFFF"
+ def color=(v)
+ @color = v.is_a?(Color) ? v :>v)
+ end
+ # The inline sz property for the cell
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ attr_reader :sz
+ # @see sz
+ def sz=(v) Axlsx::validate_unsigned_int(v); @sz = v; end
+ # The inline vertical alignment property for the cell
+ # this must be one of [:baseline, :subscript, :superscript]
+ # @return [Symbol]
+ attr_reader :vertAlign
+ # @see vertAlign
+ def vertAlign=(v) RestrictionValidator.validate "Cell.vertAlign", [:baseline, :subscript, :superscript], v; @vertAlign = v; end
+ # The inline scheme property for the cell
+ # this must be one of [:none, major, minor]
+ # @return [Symbol]
+ attr_reader :scheme
+ # @see scheme
+ def scheme=(v) RestrictionValidator.validate "Cell.schema", [:none, :major, :minor], v; @scheme = v; end
# @param [Row] row The row this cell belongs to.
# @param [Any] value The value associated with this cell.
# @option options [Symbol] type The intended data type for this cell. If not specified the data type will be determined internally based on the vlue provided.
# @option options [Integer] style The index of the cellXfs item to be applied to this cell. If not specified, the default style (0) will be applied.
+ # @option options [String] font_name
+ # @option options [Integer] charset
+ # @option options [String] family
+ # @option options [Boolean] b
+ # @option options [Boolean] i
+ # @option options [Boolean] strike
+ # @option options [Boolean] outline
+ # @option options [Boolean] shadow
+ # @option options [Boolean] condense
+ # @option options [Boolean] extend
+ # @option options [Boolean] u
+ # @option options [Symbol] vertAlign must be one of :baseline, :subscript, :superscript
+ # @option options [Integer] sz
+ # @option options [String] color an 8 letter rgb specification
+ # @option options [Symbol] scheme must be one of :none, major, :minor
def initialize(row, value="", options={})
- #reference for validation
@styles = row.worksheet.workbook.styles
- @type= options[:type] || cell_type_from_value(value)
- = options[:style] || 0
+ @style = 0
+ @type = cell_type_from_value(value)
+ @row.cells << self
+ options.each do |o|
+ self.send("#{o[0]}=", o[1]) if self.respond_to? "#{o[0]}="
+ end
@value = cast_value(value)
- @row.cells << self
# @return [Integer] The index of the cell in the containing row.
def index
@@ -102,12 +212,15 @@
count = @styles.cellXfs.size
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid cellXfs id" unless v < count
@style = v
+ # @return [Array] of x/y coordinates in the cheet for this cell.
+ def pos
+ [index, row.index]
+ end
# Serializes the cell
# @param [Nokogiri::XML::Builder] xml The document builder instance this objects xml will be added to.
# @return [String] xml text for the cell
# @note
# Shared Strings are not used in this library. All values are set directly in the each sheet.
@@ -116,11 +229,49 @@
# ニホンゴ
# ニホンゴ
# however nokogiri does a nice 'force_encoding' which we shall remove!
if @type == :string
- xml.c(:r => r, :t=>:inlineStr, :s=>style) { { xml.t @value.to_s } }
+ #parse formula
+ if @value.start_with?('=')
+ xml.c(:r => r, :s=>style) {
+ xml.f @value.to_s.gsub('=', '')
+ }
+ else
+ #parse standard string
+ #xml.c(:r => r, :t=>:inlineStr, :s=>style) {
+ # { xml.t @value.to_s }
+ #}
+ #parse styled string
+ xml.c(:r => r, :s=>style) {
+ {
+ xml.r {
+ xml.rPr {
+ xml.rFont(:val=>@font_name) if @font_name
+ xml.charset(:val=>@charset) if @charset
+>@family) if @family
+ xml.b(:val=>@b) if @b
+ xml.i(:val=>@i) if @i
+ xml.strike(:val=>@strike) if @strike
+ xml.outline(:val=>@outline) if @outline
+ xml.shadow(:val=>@shadow) if @shadow
+ xml.condense(:val=>@condense) if @condense
+ xml.extend(:val=>@extend) if @extend
+ @color.to_xml(xml) if @color
+>@sz) if @sz
+ xml.u(:val=>@u) if @u
+ # :baseline, :subscript, :superscript
+ xml.vertAlign(:val=>@vertAlign) if @verAlign
+ # :none, major, :minor
+ xml.scheme(:val=>@scheme) if @scheme
+ }
+ xml.t @value.to_s
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end
xml.c(:r => r, :s => style) { xml.v value }
@@ -167,9 +318,10 @@
# About Time - Time in OOXML is *different* from what you might expect. The history as to why is interesting, but you can safely assume that if you are generating docs on a mac, you will want to specify Workbook.1904 as true when using time typed values.
# @see Axlsx#date1904
def cast_value(v)
if (@type == :time && v.is_a?(Time)) || (@type == :time && v.respond_to?(:to_time))
v = v.respond_to?(:to_time) ? v.to_time : v
+ = STYLE_DATE if == 0
# Using hardcoded offsets here as some operating systems will not except a 'negative' offset from the ruby epoc.
# (1970)
epoc1900 = -2209021200 #Time.local(1900, 1, 1)
epoc1904 = -2082877200 #Time.local(1904, 1, 1)
epoc = Workbook.date1904 ? epoc1904 : epoc1900