examples/example.rb in axlsx-2.0.1 vs examples/example.rb in axlsx-2.1.0.pre
- old
+ new
@@ -12,10 +12,11 @@
examples << :custom_borders
examples << :surrounding_border
examples << :deep_custom_borders
examples << :row_column_style
examples << :fixed_column_width
+examples << :height
examples << :outline_level
examples << :merge_cells
examples << :images
examples << :format_dates
examples << :mbcs
@@ -38,17 +39,20 @@
examples << :defined_name
examples << :printing
examples << :header_footer
examples << :comments
examples << :panes
+examples << :book_view
examples << :sheet_view
+examples << :hiding_sheets
examples << :conditional_formatting
examples << :streaming
examples << :shared_strings
examples << :no_autowidth
examples << :cached_formula
examples << :page_breaks
+examples << :rich_text
p = Axlsx::Package.new
wb = p.workbook
@@ -205,10 +209,11 @@
if examples.include? :row_column_style
wb.styles do |s|
head = s.add_style :bg_color => "00", :fg_color => "FF"
percent = s.add_style :num_fmt => 9
wb.add_worksheet(:name => "Columns and Rows") do |sheet|
+ # Note: you must add rows to the document *BEFORE* applying column styles to them
sheet.add_row ['col 1', 'col 2', 'col 3', 'col 4', 'col5']
sheet.add_row [1, 2, 0.3, 4, 5.0]
sheet.add_row [1, 2, 0.2, 4, 5.0]
sheet.add_row [1, 2, 0.1, 4, 5.0]
@@ -241,11 +246,26 @@
sheet.add_row ['abcdefg', 'This is a very long text and should flow into the right cell', nil, 'xxx' ]
sheet.column_widths nil, 3, 5, nil
+##Specifying Row height
+if examples.include? :height
+ wb.styles do |s|
+ head = s.add_style :bg_color => "00", :fg_color => "FF"
+ wb.add_worksheet(:name => "fixed row height") do |sheet|
+ sheet.add_row ["This row will have a fixed height", "It will overwite the default row height"], :height => 30
+ sheet.add_row ["This row can have a different height too"], :height => 10, :style => head
+ end
+ end
if examples.include? :outline_level
wb.add_worksheet(name: 'outline_level') do |sheet|
sheet.add_row [1, 2, 3, Time.now, 5, 149455.15]
sheet.add_row [1, 2, 5, 6, 5,14100.19]
sheet.add_row [9500002267, 1212, 1212, 5,14100.19]
@@ -277,17 +297,27 @@
if examples.include? :images
wb.add_worksheet(:name => "Image with Hyperlink") do |sheet|
img = File.expand_path('../image1.jpeg', __FILE__)
# specifying the :hyperlink option will add a hyper link to your image.
+ #
# @note - Numbers does not support this part of the specification.
sheet.add_image(:image_src => img, :noSelect => true, :noMove => true, :hyperlink=>"http://axlsx.blogspot.com") do |image|
image.hyperlink.tooltip = "Labeled Link"
- image.start_at 2, 2
+ image.start_at 0, 0
+ # position in block
+ sheet.add_image(:image_src => img, :noSelect => true, :noMove => true, :hyperlink=>"http://axlsx.blogspot.com") do |image|
+ image.start_at 22, 14
+ image.end_at 23, 17
+ end
+ # all in one go
+ sheet.add_image(:image_src => img, :start_at => [15, 33], :end_at => [20, 37], :noSelect => true, :noMove => true, :hyperlink=>"http://axlsx.blogspot.com")
##Using Custom Formatting and date1904
@@ -468,11 +498,11 @@
chart.valAxis.title = 'Y Axis'
sheet.add_chart(Axlsx::LineChart, :title => "Simple Line Chart", :rotX => 30, :rotY => 20) do |chart|
chart.start_at 0, 21
chart.end_at 10, 41
- chart.add_series :data => sheet["A3:A6"], :title => sheet["A2"], :color => "FF0000"
+ chart.add_series :data => sheet["A3:A6"], :title => sheet["A2"], :color => "FF0000", :show_marker => true, :smooth => true
chart.add_series :data => sheet["B3:B6"], :title => sheet["B2"], :color => "00FF00"
chart.catAxis.title = 'X Axis'
chart.valAxis.title = 'Y Axis'
@@ -642,11 +672,31 @@
pane.y_split = 4
+## Book Views
+## Book views let you specify which sheet the show as active when the user opens the work book as well as a bunch of other
+## tuning values for the UI @see Axlsx::WorkbookView
+## ```ruby
+if examples.include? :book_view
+ # when you open example.xml the second sheet is selected, and the horizontal scroll bar is much smaller showing more sheets
+ wb.add_view tab_ratio: 800, active_tab: 1
+## Hiding Sheets
+## Sheets can be hidden with the state attribute
+if examples.include? :hiding_sheets
+ wb.add_worksheet name: 'hidden', state: :hidden do |sheet|
+ sheet.add_row ['you cant see me!']
+ end
+ wb.add_worksheet name: 'very hidden', state: :very_hidden do |sheet|
+ sheet.add_row ['you really cant see me!']
+ end
# conditional formatting
if examples.include? :conditional_formatting
percent = wb.styles.add_style(:format_code => "0.00%", :border => Axlsx::STYLE_THIN_BORDER)
money = wb.styles.add_style(:format_code => '0,000', :border => Axlsx::STYLE_THIN_BORDER)
@@ -761,17 +811,35 @@
if examples.include? :cached_formula
p = Axlsx::Package.new
p.use_shared_strings = true
wb = p.workbook
wb.add_worksheet(:name => "cached formula") do | sheet |
sheet.add_row [1, 2, '=A1+B1'], :formula_values => [nil, nil, 3]
p.serialize 'cached_formula.xlsx'
+if examples.include? :rich_text
+ p = Axlsx::Package.new
+ p.use_shared_strings = true
+ wb = p.workbook
+ wrap_text = wb.styles.add_style({:alignment => {:horizontal => :center, :vertical => :center, :wrap_text => true}} )
+ rt = Axlsx::RichText.new
+ rt.add_run('I\'m bold, ', :b => true)
+ rt.add_run('I\'m italic, ', :i => true)
+ rt.add_run('I\'m strike' + "\n", :strike => true)
+ rt.add_run('I\'m bold, italic and strike' + "\n", :b => true, :i => true, :strike => true)
+ rt.add_run('I\'m style-less :D')
+ wb.add_worksheet(:name => "RichText") do | sheet |
+ sheet.add_row [rt], :style => wrap_text
+ end
+ p.serialize 'rich_text.xlsx'