features/running.feature in awsssh-3.0.0 vs features/running.feature in awsssh-3.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -6,38 +6,5 @@
Scenario: User runs the program with version parameter
When I run `awsssh version`
Then the exit status should be 0
And the output should contain "version"
- Scenario: User runs the program with list_profiles parameter
- Given a file named "bla" with:
- """
- [testprofile]
- aws_access_key_id=ABC
- aws_secret_access_key=XYZ
- region=us-east-1
- """
- When I run `awsssh list_profiles`
- Then the output should contain "testprofile"
- Scenario: User runs the program with list_server parameter
- When I run `awsssh list_server`
- Then the exit status should be 0
- And the output should contain "ERROR"
- And the output should contain "Usage"
- Scenario: User runs the programm without `AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE`
- Given I set the environment variables to:
- | variable | value |
- When I run `awsssh list_profiles`
- Then the output should contain "$AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE not set"
- And the exit status should not be 0
- Scenario: User runs the programm woth wrong `AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE`
- Given I set the environment variables to:
- | variable | value |
- | AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE | ./test.txt |
- When I run `awsssh list_profiles`
- Then the output should contain "Credential File not found."
- And the exit status should not be 0